Wild Things
Shaenon: Ed Gedeon, who’s quickly shaping up into the most prolific SH artist, produced this disturbingly cute illustration of one of the disturbingly adorable cobras. Don’t you want to give it a big poisonous hug? Channing: Or possibly “venomous”. We[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Many thanks to Marleen de Kramer for this happy Tip. Marleen hastens to add, “Those are sheer nylons, not really hairy legs.” Tip only has fairly hairy legs. Also, I like Tip’s tattoo, possibly because it’s very similar to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Since Tip’s an Army man, I wanted to draw him in uniform, but it had to be a uniform with a skirt. The WAC uniforms and poses are shamelessly copied from WWII-era Gladys Parker “Mopsy” cartoons. Channing: I’ve long[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: More random doodles of Unity and Sweetheart. Of the central cast, Sweetheart is still the hardest to draw. I’m just not that good at drawing dogs. Probably should’ve thought of that when I was developing the strip, really… Channing:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Okay, okay, I like to draw Tip. Sue me. The doodle at top left is brainstoming for an illustration I’d like to do of Tip dressed in Barbie’s original 1959 swimsuit. Channing: I have to admit fondness for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Ed Gedeon sent this with the explanation, “So what would happen if someone tried to combine Sweetheart’s and Unity’s rampaging styles? Maybe something like this…” Is that the Transamerica pyramid? Crap, it’s a local rampage. Channing: Why can’t all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Oh, man, check this out! Laurie Jacobs embroidered Tip and all the basement species as a birthday present. Writes Laurie: “You may or may not remember, but I met you at the Stumptown Comics Festival this year and told[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Here’s Dave Van Domelen’s rendering of Unity as one of the Jaegers from Girl Genius. Dave also drew Unity in a lovely Jaeger hat: Thanks, Dave! Channing: Zo. Hyu t’inks hyu so schmott, puttink dese volks in kestumes from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Pencilears sent us these adorable drawings of Sweetheart and Unity. Note that Sweetheart has her squeaky octopus. And that Unity is, well, very much in character for Unity. Nicely done, Pencilears! Channing: EEE! Lovely expression on Sweetheart, here. And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: William Tracy created the above LOLTips. Because there was a LOLloin a while back, and people started making more of them, and…well, it seemed like a good idea at the time, is all. This one is by John Campbell:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Hey, some Moustachio art! Sleepy John sent us this rendering of Project Skin Horse’s steampunk receptionist encountering a young whippersnapper. Look how cute! Channing: You know, I had heard the word “Hottentot” before, but I am ashamed to say[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: William Tracy calls this “Unity’s Daydream.” Because what reanimated corpse doesn’t want a gun-toting Samoyed mix at her side? Sometimes I imagine the Sweetheart/Unity relationship as something like that Harlan Ellison story “A Boy and His Dog,” but, you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Shaenon: Sometimes you sketch something in the thumbnails and just know you won’t be able to capture it in the final strip. This was one of those times. There was no way I was going to reproduce that panda. Sigh.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…