Sure, he could pull off the date and save the evening. He did it with the guy at Whimsy as the Violet drone. But it would kinda defeat the purpose of the whole exercise. And Sweetheart’s ego wouldn’t allow it anyway.
Besides, Nick doesn’t need a drone to fit in. He’s an unmanned military aircraft. If anyone hears him talking, they’d simply interpret it as the remote operator talking over the intercom.
Not to mention that Nick is having way too much fun watching both Sweetheart and Nick make complete asses of themselves.
Nick may find a drone useful for dealing with the various people he needs to keep his body running properly. Most of them will find it easier to deal with something human-shaped than with a disembodied voice.
I wonder if the maitre d’ is still watching this. And, if so, what it would take for her to actually do something.
You gotta admire Niue’s persistence. The average girl — considering that’s their first date — would have just left him lying there and went home and had dinner with the rude woman in the mirror.
You know, given that being able to recognize oneself in the mirror is broadly considered a proof of self-aware consciousness, I wonder if Niue is really a sapient being or just a person-shaped parrot with an efficient set of weak AI mechanisms mediating between her and our reality.
Well, she’s self-aware enough to know that she is part macaw, and that she looks human enough to blend in. And her prior conversations are evidence enough that she is definitely sapient.
However, given her intense likes and dislikes, her immediate attachment to Sweetheart’s drone, and her inability to recognize the bird-woman in the mirror, I’d say that the macaw is a pretty big part.
Well, to be fair, I actually did keep reading for another three hours or so before I fell asleep in front of the screen. Time to pick up where I left off, cuz I only made it up to number 500 before I fell asleep.
Well, it only took me three nights, but I made it all the way from strip number 1 all the way through the current installation. Not surprisingly, the quality of art has mad a dramatic improvement. Just as any comic that has run for that many years. Bill Watterson, Berkeley Breathed, Brooke McEldowney, and even our own Shaenon all made marked improvements in their artistry over the space of ten or more years of drawing the same characters.
And just like the others I mentioned, QC has a wonderful mix of outright ROFL strips and also real tear-jerkers.
So, is Sweetheart getting more of a rush using her lines (judging by the sheer volume, she’s been saving these up for a while), or from one-upping Tip in the drone? Either way, she appears to be having the most fun of anyone else in this date.
Perhaps the rude bird-woman and the drone will hit it off better.
As long as the drone doesn’t try to hog the cuttlebone.
Ok, now I’m gonna say they should send Nick in. I doubt it could be worse.
Sure, he could pull off the date and save the evening. He did it with the guy at Whimsy as the Violet drone. But it would kinda defeat the purpose of the whole exercise. And Sweetheart’s ego wouldn’t allow it anyway.
Besides, Nick doesn’t need a drone to fit in. He’s an unmanned military aircraft. If anyone hears him talking, they’d simply interpret it as the remote operator talking over the intercom.
Not to mention that Nick is having way too much fun watching both Sweetheart and Nick make complete asses of themselves.
Nick may find a drone useful for dealing with the various people he needs to keep his body running properly. Most of them will find it easier to deal with something human-shaped than with a disembodied voice.
I wonder if the maitre d’ is still watching this. And, if so, what it would take for her to actually do something.
Nick could do his own maintenance work with a drone.
You gotta admire Niue’s persistence. The average girl — considering that’s their first date — would have just left him lying there and went home and had dinner with the rude woman in the mirror.
But the rude woman is now wearing a kind of hat, so that’s right out.
You know, given that being able to recognize oneself in the mirror is broadly considered a proof of self-aware consciousness, I wonder if Niue is really a sapient being or just a person-shaped parrot with an efficient set of weak AI mechanisms mediating between her and our reality.
A valid question.
Well, she’s self-aware enough to know that she is part macaw, and that she looks human enough to blend in. And her prior conversations are evidence enough that she is definitely sapient.
However, given her intense likes and dislikes, her immediate attachment to Sweetheart’s drone, and her inability to recognize the bird-woman in the mirror, I’d say that the macaw is a pretty big part.
I think it says a lot that Niue knows that it is a mirror, but does not know what a mirror does.
At least she didn’t get toast shot at her body:
Thanks to you, I have been binge-reading that comic for the past four hours. I really must get some sleep.
Sleep is for when you have finished
Well, to be fair, I actually did keep reading for another three hours or so before I fell asleep in front of the screen. Time to pick up where I left off, cuz I only made it up to number 500 before I fell asleep.
As someone who has been reading that for years, it gets better
Well, it only took me three nights, but I made it all the way from strip number 1 all the way through the current installation. Not surprisingly, the quality of art has mad a dramatic improvement. Just as any comic that has run for that many years. Bill Watterson, Berkeley Breathed, Brooke McEldowney, and even our own Shaenon all made marked improvements in their artistry over the space of ten or more years of drawing the same characters.
And just like the others I mentioned, QC has a wonderful mix of outright ROFL strips and also real tear-jerkers.
And I must be tired, because I misspelled “made”. :/
I discovered QC here, too, and binge-read 12 years to catch up. Totally worth it.
I read QC for years, but had to cut a few daily comics so I could get some of that sleep some people don’t need.
This comic and the last make an interesting sentence: “I can see you Dr Wilkin”
Interesting juxtaposition!
Her date is such a drag.
She didn’t even need to get him drunk, or dose him.
Well, half a drag and half a dog.
So, is Sweetheart getting more of a rush using her lines (judging by the sheer volume, she’s been saving these up for a while), or from one-upping Tip in the drone? Either way, she appears to be having the most fun of anyone else in this date.
Can the drone one-up anybody?