OK, the waitress is not so much reality blind as just way-y-y too complacent about the weirdness of life. In other words she’s the opposite of reality blind. >_>
She’s working in the commissary of Anasigma. Between the chatter of ongoing projects, the deals being brokered over lunch, and whatever is chasing (or being chased) in the lobby outside, she’s probably become rather blasé about anything not immediately trying to extirpate her at that second. I agree, she’s not reality blind so much as seen it all, twice on Tuesdays.
Why do you assume that Anasigma is housed in the same building as Skin Horse? Not that it would matter to the rest of your theory – what with all of SH’s clients and Chris & Marcie’s experiments running loose. But I don’t recall anyone ever saying where A-Sig actually is, apart from their now-destroyed building in Carbondale.
I’m not sure if the lobster is so much mesmerized as confused, although that may be good enough, if Tip can figure out how to work the legs soon. OTOH, if it takes out the drone, no biggie. Sweetheart would be annoyed, but I’m sure Virginia could supply her with another one if this one gets broken.
Why are Sweetheart and Tip even trying to run? Don’t they realize that the critter is more of a threat to their date than the drone? They can score big reward points for helping her out with this situation.
In fairness, one of them urged her to “Just run!”. We’ll need to see the next cartoon but I presume (hope!) that she’s already followed their advice and that they themselves are just being the “rear guard”. >_>
Yeah, it does look like it almost feels sorry for “him”. Either that, or it’s completely confused by what is happening… or rather, what’s not happening.
So the Radioactive Duo _are_ reality blind at this point? I don’t recall them being quite so careless about other people as to leave potential atomic monsters in a public eatery, but then I don’t have the best memory.
(And if they are reality blind, they must be operating under Mr. Magoo rules to have survived so far).
They’ve always struck me as being more concerned (enthused, even) with the actual irradiation, and less worried about what happens to something after it’s been irradiated.
Tip is defusing the situation by confusing the creature so much it stops rampaging while trying to figure out what’s going on. So his usual method for dealing with things he can’t seduce.
The lobster is getting progressively more adorable…
As noted below, being adorable is one sign the lobster is soon to be a client.
“Doesn’t anyone want me?”
I thought that it was hedgehogs that nobody wanted to hug
Well, you’re treyf.
He’s sad because his new friends don’t want to play.
OK, the waitress is not so much reality blind as just way-y-y too complacent about the weirdness of life. In other words she’s the opposite of reality blind. >_>
She’s working in the commissary of Anasigma. Between the chatter of ongoing projects, the deals being brokered over lunch, and whatever is chasing (or being chased) in the lobby outside, she’s probably become rather blasé about anything not immediately trying to extirpate her at that second. I agree, she’s not reality blind so much as seen it all, twice on Tuesdays.
Why do you assume that Anasigma is housed in the same building as Skin Horse? Not that it would matter to the rest of your theory – what with all of SH’s clients and Chris & Marcie’s experiments running loose. But I don’t recall anyone ever saying where A-Sig actually is, apart from their now-destroyed building in Carbondale.
Tip saves the day again, with his ear wiggling which has clearly mesmerized the lobster.
I’m not sure if the lobster is so much mesmerized as confused, although that may be good enough, if Tip can figure out how to work the legs soon. OTOH, if it takes out the drone, no biggie. Sweetheart would be annoyed, but I’m sure Virginia could supply her with another one if this one gets broken.
It’s a mighty portion to consume for someone with the appetite of a bird.
What a wonderful bird is the pelican,
Its beak can hold more than its belly can…
… He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week,
But I’m damned if I know how the hell he can.
A pelican can bring down a B-1 Bomber
Note that many birds (especially the smaller ones) eat up to seven times their mass each day. Not at one sitting, of course….
Why are Sweetheart and Tip even trying to run? Don’t they realize that the critter is more of a threat to their date than the drone? They can score big reward points for helping her out with this situation.
In fairness, one of them urged her to “Just run!”. We’ll need to see the next cartoon but I presume (hope!) that she’s already followed their advice and that they themselves are just being the “rear guard”. >_>
Tip’s stubble is gone
Good catch.
As his self-respect improves, so does his appearance. Soon something appropriately fashionable will manifest.
I can’t wait for the moment he simply wills himself into a stunningly simple sleeveless black dress and pearls.
You know, all things considered, I think this date is turning out rather well
Even the giant radioactive lobster is feeling embarrassed for Tip/Sweetheart at this point.
Yeah, it does look like it almost feels sorry for “him”. Either that, or it’s completely confused by what is happening… or rather, what’s not happening.
The giant radioactive lobster is clearly just looking for government assistance in this time of crisis.
Look at those eyes. It is clearly going to be a client.
That is without doubt the saddest lobster I have ever seen.
So the Radioactive Duo _are_ reality blind at this point? I don’t recall them being quite so careless about other people as to leave potential atomic monsters in a public eatery, but then I don’t have the best memory.
(And if they are reality blind, they must be operating under Mr. Magoo rules to have survived so far).
Let’s be fair. Perhaps they’re finally having their Breakthrough into being full blown Sparks. ^_^
They’ve always struck me as being more concerned (enthused, even) with the actual irradiation, and less worried about what happens to something after it’s been irradiated.
And it’s not like they have infinite storage space for their experiments. Hence the numerous basement dwellers over at Annex One.
Heh heh, Sweetie is such a cutie in the last panel
Tip is defusing the situation by confusing the creature so much it stops rampaging while trying to figure out what’s going on. So his usual method for dealing with things he can’t seduce.
Wait, fresh lobster in a workplace cafeteria?
Man I am working at the wrong public sector job place.