Looks like it has to be Nick after all, since he has the luck to be tongueless. Although I’m not sure the Violet Bee part of him could pass the “kissing with tongues” test. I don’t think Unity could, either, and of course that’s the only way Sweetheart can kiss.
And it does seem that Tip is wearing a helmet. He looks so gorgeous in his princess hazmat outfit: I don’t think Nick could pull that off.
Or,…It may simply be that sentient robots occasionally get bored and don’t mind hazing the newbie a little by pulling his leg with what they make him think they expect. Somehow I just would not be surprised. >_>
Judging by that first question, not only do they have an old-fashion definition, but I suspect some of Unca’ Walt’s princesses might not make the cut due to short shirts and low necklines.
(TUNE: “Young Girl”, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap)
Tongue kiss! We’ve got to be sure
That you are truly pure and demure!
As a young miss,
Did you once tongue kiss?
To be a true Whimsy Princess,
There are some things that just aren’t done!
Now we must certify that you’re, indeed,
So pure in deed!
Let us being with Question One …
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
While swapping spit with your partner,
Was contact made below the face?
Did you allow them to caress your hair,
Or shoulders bare?
Did someone get to second base?
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
It seems Tip won’t be accepted,
Once his past his-to-ry they’ve heard …
They’ll say that he is too depraved and sick!
So call for Nick!
It’s time to fetch the virgin nerd!
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
Drat it … “BEGIN with Question One”, not “being”. Why don’t I see these things even when I double-check before posting, and why can we not edit these mulder-filing comments?
Oooh, this should be fun.
I’m remebering what Momoko says in Shangri-la when the militars question them:
“I’m not “part” anything. I’m completely… (beat) transexual!”
1. As +Tamar noted it’s possible that they have a different standard of purity than humans have (The fact that they have no problem with a guy being a princess certainly points to some offbeat standards already!) in which case Tip has no way of knowing what the right answer is. Anticipating what another human might mean by that would have been tricky enough even without that complication.
2. I’m pretty sure that being caught in a lie qualifies as a failure of the purity test and Tip has no way of being sure just what sort of lie detection equipment they may have had set up or even built in.
3. This is a training situation meant to prepare him for The Real Thing. BSing his way past this might put him into a life or death situation he wouldn’t be prepared for and might get him killed when admitting his weakness so that he can be drilled out of it might help him carry the day.
1. While entirely possible, with the setup we’ve been given thus far, not likely.
3. Actually, he’s out of the training now. Convincing these robotic animals that he is a princess is the practical application of the training he received. ie, this is “The Real Thing”.
More so the the lying… while it probably would be best for him to at least try, he probably won’t. I don’t think we’ve seen any real examples of his lying yet, have we? It may just be against his character.
Or, you know, seems we’re getting the sense of a setup to getting Nick to become the Princess, Tip may just end up failing the test in some manor (he did make the “start a fresh pot of tea” comment which indicates being there for a while and I’d think that’d only be if he was going to be truthful). He could either outright fail, or his own conscious could get in the way make him think he couldn’t ever be a “true” Princess.
Particularly as Princess Tip, being both aristocratic and biologically male, is therefore a gentleman. The one thing a gentleman never does is kiss and tell, whether with tongues or not.
….several hours later, it occurs to me that come across a bit trans-phobic. Being both aristocratic and biologically male, Tip may, at his discretion, choose to self-identify as a gentleman for certain purposes, and be able to back it up with the appropriate genitalia. Which a gentleman would never do.
Rice used to use a school-produced purity test that was rather, uh, stranger than the most common ones. My sophomore year they switched to one of the online tests and everyone’s score dropped ten points. Except the guy that got an 8 on the original test; somehow his score stayed the same.
Rice uses a residential college system, where each dorm is a separate entity governed by its own students, essentially a fraternity. The students running the dorms administer the test to the incoming freshmen during orientation.
This would be Tip’s most ironic opportunity to try to exploit his superpower. Whether Tip passes or not, that rabbit does not hope to hear the word “no” repeated 100 times.
I’m thinking they might have to bring Nick in to handle the “purity” part of the job.
I’m thinking those robots are going to blow a gasket about halfway through the test.
I’m thinking this is going to be HILARIOUS.
No, this is already hilarious
Oh, poor Nick.
Well the curse no befall them now. Lets see how well they react or how fast they mob!
I’m thinking this interview is going to take three times as long as the Whimsies think it will.
I’m also thinking any-bot that hasn’t fainted dead away halfway through will be frantically taking notes on Tip’s answers.
“Erg?” Looks like Princess Boot Camp wasn’t as comprehensive as it needed to be.
Oh snap.
Looks like it has to be Nick after all, since he has the luck to be tongueless. Although I’m not sure the Violet Bee part of him could pass the “kissing with tongues” test. I don’t think Unity could, either, and of course that’s the only way Sweetheart can kiss.
And it does seem that Tip is wearing a helmet. He looks so gorgeous in his princess hazmat outfit: I don’t think Nick could pull that off.
Wait… if he is wearing a helmet… how is he drinking tea?
That appears to be some sort of high collar behind his head. I know, I had to look twice at that myself.
If so, it’s a semitransparent one. (You can see the chair through it, but Cute Animal On Left appears distorted when we get a close-up.)
“He looks so gorgeous in his princess hazmat outfit: I don’t think Nick could pull that off.”
Well, Nick’s wouldn’t need to be a hazmat outfit.
Well, tip isn’t much *less* pure in deed than he is in spirit. Kind of a neither/nor win for him.
Just because Tip may have had … intimate … moments in the past doesn’t mean he will fail this ‘purity test’.
I mean, how badly can the creatures take Tip’s answers?
Tip is totally pure.
“Pure WHAT?” is the question.
Or purely total.
Or,…It may simply be that sentient robots occasionally get bored and don’t mind hazing the newbie a little by pulling his leg with what they make him think they expect. Somehow I just would not be surprised. >_>
Possibly sentient robots have a different definition of purity, too.
Judging by that first question, not only do they have an old-fashion definition, but I suspect some of Unca’ Walt’s princesses might not make the cut due to short shirts and low necklines.
I’m thinking of some of the later questions. Like, “have you ever used the contents of a purity test as a source of ideas?”
I’m also wondering if Tip can answer no to _any_ of the questions… ;-]
He’s pure… But of the opposite polarity…
(TUNE: “Young Girl”, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap)
Tongue kiss! We’ve got to be sure
That you are truly pure and demure!
As a young miss,
Did you once tongue kiss?
To be a true Whimsy Princess,
There are some things that just aren’t done!
Now we must certify that you’re, indeed,
So pure in deed!
Let us being with Question One …
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
While swapping spit with your partner,
Was contact made below the face?
Did you allow them to caress your hair,
Or shoulders bare?
Did someone get to second base?
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
It seems Tip won’t be accepted,
Once his past his-to-ry they’ve heard …
They’ll say that he is too depraved and sick!
So call for Nick!
It’s time to fetch the virgin nerd!
Oh, [repeat CHORUS]
Drat it … “BEGIN with Question One”, not “being”. Why don’t I see these things even when I double-check before posting, and why can we not edit these mulder-filing comments?
Oooh, this should be fun.
I’m remebering what Momoko says in Shangri-la when the militars question them:
“I’m not “part” anything. I’m completely… (beat) transexual!”
Given how important this is, why doesn’t Captain Doctor Princess Wilkin just, y’know… [i]lie[/i]?
3 potential problems with that:
1. As +Tamar noted it’s possible that they have a different standard of purity than humans have (The fact that they have no problem with a guy being a princess certainly points to some offbeat standards already!) in which case Tip has no way of knowing what the right answer is. Anticipating what another human might mean by that would have been tricky enough even without that complication.
2. I’m pretty sure that being caught in a lie qualifies as a failure of the purity test and Tip has no way of being sure just what sort of lie detection equipment they may have had set up or even built in.
3. This is a training situation meant to prepare him for The Real Thing. BSing his way past this might put him into a life or death situation he wouldn’t be prepared for and might get him killed when admitting his weakness so that he can be drilled out of it might help him carry the day.
1. While entirely possible, with the setup we’ve been given thus far, not likely.
3. Actually, he’s out of the training now. Convincing these robotic animals that he is a princess is the practical application of the training he received. ie, this is “The Real Thing”.
More so the the lying… while it probably would be best for him to at least try, he probably won’t. I don’t think we’ve seen any real examples of his lying yet, have we? It may just be against his character.
Or, you know, seems we’re getting the sense of a setup to getting Nick to become the Princess, Tip may just end up failing the test in some manor (he did make the “start a fresh pot of tea” comment which indicates being there for a while and I’d think that’d only be if he was going to be truthful). He could either outright fail, or his own conscious could get in the way make him think he couldn’t ever be a “true” Princess.
Particularly as Princess Tip, being both aristocratic and biologically male, is therefore a gentleman. The one thing a gentleman never does is kiss and tell, whether with tongues or not.
….several hours later, it occurs to me that come across a bit trans-phobic. Being both aristocratic and biologically male, Tip may, at his discretion, choose to self-identify as a gentleman for certain purposes, and be able to back it up with the appropriate genitalia. Which a gentleman would never do.
Yeah, I was wondering when the other glass slipper would drop.
Rice used to use a school-produced purity test that was rather, uh, stranger than the most common ones. My sophomore year they switched to one of the online tests and everyone’s score dropped ten points. Except the guy that got an 8 on the original test; somehow his score stayed the same.
Wait, wait, your school administered these? Do tell…
Rice uses a residential college system, where each dorm is a separate entity governed by its own students, essentially a fraternity. The students running the dorms administer the test to the incoming freshmen during orientation.
…What happened if you didn’t want to take the test?
…Never mind, I looked it up. Voluntary. No worries, then.
It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to help fully calibrate these things.
“Nothing but lip on lip action will suffice with a true princess.” -The Enchiridion
This would be Tip’s most ironic opportunity to try to exploit his superpower. Whether Tip passes or not, that rabbit does not hope to hear the word “no” repeated 100 times.
I still think there is a chance that they are looking for a Rampling style “sleeping beauty”.
If so – Tip probably has it covered.
Tip’s most awkward game of “Never have I ever” to date.
Well, I guess, I hope it is.
This should be fun
I so want to see Tip’s answers to the Purity Test!
And he was doing so well until this point.