Now I understand all his supporters aren’t like that, because you can’t pick your allies, but still, in light of this, Trump’s non-nazi supporters maybe have to ask themselves the question made popular by the Mitchell and Webb sketch…”Are we the baddies?”
Considering just how flip-floppy he is, it’s a wonder he has supporters at all.
Now if only all of the people who regularly don’t vote (but legally can) would vote 3rd party, we could be rid of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Well, some people who disagree with me are evil. Take Donald Trump. And then once you’ve taken him, bury him under twenty-three miles of titanium-reinforced cement beneath the wastes of Siberia where he can do no harm.
I have no idea either. But as someone who has a nasty habit of getting drawn into political arguments, I’m glad to not see them here, and I’m glad for the tone that results, so I will stay out. (I usually end up arguing against my own side of the fence. I talk to them more, and I have a traitorous habit of disputing false claims regardless of their tactical value. An amazing number of people believe that if you dispute a claim meant to help The Cause, it must be because you’re the enemy, not just because the claim is false. Of course, that attitude goes a long way to explaining why nonsense proliferates so easily in the first place.)
Now, now, remember the Sliders episode with a mention of “President Ed Wood”? At first you guffaw, then think, “maybe that’s what he was good at!”… The thought of Trump as President is disquieting; the thought of any other available Big Two candidate winning, gives me a cold chill… Good election for third parties, anyway. I won’t hold my nose to vote for a Big Two candidate, and I won’t be alone.
Have you forgotten the lesson of Nader 2000? Any votes for a third-party candidate are taken away from whichever major party is closer to the third-party candidate.
IN my “fantasy election 2016” Trump breaks ranks and splits the republican vote while Sanders breaks ranks to split the democratic vote and we have a rollicking four-way contest.
A) Why would a decent candidate run?, B) Maybe there are decent candidates, but the media makes them look like Machiavellian criminals, C) Maybe the voters are getting what they deserve.
1) To try and help.
2) Of all the candidates, which has employed the most people, and clearly understands the economy and capitalism the best? The one the media is priming us to hate. See above- it’s working. Solved problems generate no news- so you’re right.
3) By definition, this is always true. Everyone gripes at politicians who take big money; no one, much, votes for underfunded third parties.
“Look at that Apocalypse! Best one ever – it’s true. I’ve heard people saying I’m the greatest destroyer of societies ever. Everyone’s saying it, my friend.” -Trumpocalypse-
You’ve got me thinking about super battle-dog naming conventions. Her full name is given as “Captain’s Fancy Valentine Sweetheart” but she goes by “Sweetheart.” Is this formal (‘cos Sweetheart is the surname) or informal (because the family name comes first, Japanese style)?
Is the name given last the surname in these cases? ‘Cause the Spanish and Latin American traditions add some names after. I don’t know the rules of naming in dog breeding…only that they’re often given what they call a “family and fireside” name…
Of course, I suspect someone from the future is going to come along and laugh at when people still believed such trivialities as “Criminal Misconduct” might actually be enough for Trump to be convicted of anything…
Y’know, in all the alternate universe stories I see, a lot of ’em don’t have the natural disasters that would happen whatever the shaved apes are doing on the surface of the planet. Earthquakes would still happen when they do, hurricanes too. Floods, well, maybe, depending on where the damn dams are put…
Resources, too. If the Confederates won the Civil War, there would still be big oil under the ground in Texas.
Earthquakes, sure. Not much we’re doing affects that except on a small local scale (fracking may, at least one injected water hydrothermal plant apparently did). Tsunamis are mostly earthquake related, so those probably stay roughly the same, although the damage is going to be based on development patterns, building codes, and shoreline conditions.
Most of the others are weather related, and that’s a chaotic enough system that you can’t map one to one. Yeah, there would still be hurricanes, tornados and floods, but they’re not going to map.
And there may still be oil in Texas, but if west Texas is sitting under the border between the USA and CSA, it might never be discovered, or at least developed.
Well if the almost daily Oklahoma earthquakes aren’t from fracking, then there is something wrong in the middle of the North American Plate and we are probably in for some of that “2012” apocalyptic kind of mess as the plate cracks open to provide vast amounts of ocean front property along the Mississippi.
I like to put it this way. I’ve lived and observed the same stretch of Florida coastline for more than thirty years, going closer to forty now, particularly one stretch of tidal-effected seawall. At times the water’s been high, over the wall…at times it’s been low, enough to go out into the canal and stand on the sandbars…but it’s always come back to close to the same position, a foot or two below the top of the wall.
If you believe the global warming bit, the water should be and should have stayed at a much higher level. So who am I to believe, my own eyes or Al Gore?
**shudders** I hope like *crazy* that the me that lives in this reality did the intelligent thing and moved to Canada as soon as the election results were in. Canada has lots of good things: hot Mounties, scientists who take the global warming “scam” (hah) seriously, a really nice Prime Minister who looks like a Byronic poet, beautiful lands, good healthcare, far better treatment of the indigenous peoples, and probably werewolves (made the old-fashioned way!)
I suspect that if Trump is the Republican candidate then Canada will close their borders. Polite mounties will turn us away, saying “sorry folks, you need to clean up your mess.” Besides, what do you think will happen if most of the reasonable Americans abandon ship? We don’t want World War III to happen.
Robert Nowall: Good grief. The sea level rise around Florida over the last thirty years has been about three inches. The IPCC ( puts the rate at about 3 mm/yr recently, and rising, with local variations. On the basis of your ultra-precise measurements in one location (‘a foot or two below the top of the wall’) you conclude that there has been no sea level rise and therefore 99.9% of climate scientists, every major scientific organization in the world, and all the world’s leaders are engaged in a massive scam to raise your taxes.
This particular strip just keeps getting worse as it ages.
What’s something that’s the opposite of fine wine, in that it actually keeps getting measurably worse, no matter how much time goes by?
Oh my gosh, people commenting on future predicting and unfortunate right things…less than a week ago California had a couple huge earthquakes. All of this is too right, I had to come back and write this.
Dang, you’ve been busy. Do you have any idea how many comments you’ve left on Skin Horse strips just today? I opened my email tonight and was amazed by how many new Skin Horse comments there were. They weren’t all yours, but most of them were.
Ooh someone remind me about the rules for political discussion here, I think we’ll need them.
I have no idea, but expect that they can be summarized by “try not to be a jerk” and “remember that people who disagree with you are not evil”.
Alternatively: Read your post aloud to yourself and see if your mother would approve :p
Oh, Trump hating doesn’t count as political opinion. It’s just human decency.
True, but that doesn’t mean his supporters are evil. Insane, maybe…
Well, as far as supporters go, Trump gets ringing endorsements from neo-Nazis groups. Really.
Now I understand all his supporters aren’t like that, because you can’t pick your allies, but still, in light of this, Trump’s non-nazi supporters maybe have to ask themselves the question made popular by the Mitchell and Webb sketch…”Are we the baddies?”
As an evil and insane person, I am hurt that you’d compare me to a Trump supporter. The word you’re looking for is “stupid”.
Of course you guys are all models of sanity and behavior, aren’t you?
All these Trump comments and not one “SCHLONG ” reference. Is that a good sign, or a bad one?
Too bad Nick Zerhakker doesn’t post here.
Considering just how flip-floppy he is, it’s a wonder he has supporters at all.
Now if only all of the people who regularly don’t vote (but legally can) would vote 3rd party, we could be rid of both the Republican and Democratic parties.
Well, some people who disagree with me are evil. Take Donald Trump. And then once you’ve taken him, bury him under twenty-three miles of titanium-reinforced cement beneath the wastes of Siberia where he can do no harm.
I have no idea either. But as someone who has a nasty habit of getting drawn into political arguments, I’m glad to not see them here, and I’m glad for the tone that results, so I will stay out. (I usually end up arguing against my own side of the fence. I talk to them more, and I have a traitorous habit of disputing false claims regardless of their tactical value. An amazing number of people believe that if you dispute a claim meant to help The Cause, it must be because you’re the enemy, not just because the claim is false. Of course, that attitude goes a long way to explaining why nonsense proliferates so easily in the first place.)
It’s like Candide, but backwards.
I don’t know, wouldn’t that be finding out that despite this being the ‘worst possible world’ it’s impossible not to see good things in it?
Actually, that has been born out in the story a little hasn’t it. Hmm, worth thinking in.
So… it’s edidnaC?
…. in which young Candide’s travels around the world are guided by Dr Kierkegaard?
Trump became president? Well that explains pretty much everything.
I do so hope Sweetheart dealt with the respected former president in the same manner as her respected creator.
I like the way you think.
Was the Trump presidency the cause or the result of the situation?
Guess what.
You don’t even want to know.
This strip is going to look so quaint in three years when [REDACTED]
(Cue ominous music.)
Guess what.
*External screaming*
I had forgotten about this strip…
did you REALLY have to jinx us like that…?
Now, now, remember the Sliders episode with a mention of “President Ed Wood”? At first you guffaw, then think, “maybe that’s what he was good at!”… The thought of Trump as President is disquieting; the thought of any other available Big Two candidate winning, gives me a cold chill… Good election for third parties, anyway. I won’t hold my nose to vote for a Big Two candidate, and I won’t be alone.
Have you forgotten the lesson of Nader 2000? Any votes for a third-party candidate are taken away from whichever major party is closer to the third-party candidate.
IN my “fantasy election 2016” Trump breaks ranks and splits the republican vote while Sanders breaks ranks to split the democratic vote and we have a rollicking four-way contest.
Does your fantasy also include Bernie Sanders running as an independent and siphoning off the radical votes from the liberals?
What candidate is “closer” to? (That is something I don’t want to think about. Can’t hear you! La La La)
“Closer to” Trump. (Stupid little easy to make error…….)
No, I haven’t. Sometimes the only thing your vote can express is “start running decent candidates!”
A) Why would a decent candidate run?, B) Maybe there are decent candidates, but the media makes them look like Machiavellian criminals, C) Maybe the voters are getting what they deserve.
1) To try and help.
2) Of all the candidates, which has employed the most people, and clearly understands the economy and capitalism the best? The one the media is priming us to hate. See above- it’s working. Solved problems generate no news- so you’re right.
3) By definition, this is always true. Everyone gripes at politicians who take big money; no one, much, votes for underfunded third parties.
See, there’s your first mistake. Machiavellian criminals are clever and intelligent.
I hope you hold yourself personally responsible.
Well, we know at least *one* webcomic that will be censored when The Donald gets into the White House.
“Look at that Apocalypse! Best one ever – it’s true. I’ve heard people saying I’m the greatest destroyer of societies ever. Everyone’s saying it, my friend.” -Trumpocalypse-
How do we know President Trump was Donald? It might hae been Ivana… or some other, lesser known Trump.
Or President Fancy could have the last name “Trump”…
Her last name is Captain’s Fancy, actually.
You’ve got me thinking about super battle-dog naming conventions. Her full name is given as “Captain’s Fancy Valentine Sweetheart” but she goes by “Sweetheart.” Is this formal (‘cos Sweetheart is the surname) or informal (because the family name comes first, Japanese style)?
AKC rules, breeding kennel name (surname) goes first. But does that apply in Canada?
Is the name given last the surname in these cases? ‘Cause the Spanish and Latin American traditions add some names after. I don’t know the rules of naming in dog breeding…only that they’re often given what they call a “family and fireside” name…
Just “Sweetheart” is informal. In more formal situations, we’ve heard her addressed as “Officer Fancy”. I’m really not sure how that works.
Curse you, 19th century mountaineer P.B. Van Trump!
Curse you, 17th-century chemist Robert B- wait, wrong comic.
“President Trump”: the most gut-wrenchingly terrifying phrase this comic has ever, ever said. **hides under bed**
Oh dear.
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet… unfortunately.
… neither have you. And I shudder to imagine what *I* haven’t seen yet
Trump getting charged with multiple felonies?
Of course, I suspect someone from the future is going to come along and laugh at when people still believed such trivialities as “Criminal Misconduct” might actually be enough for Trump to be convicted of anything…
We laugh at people who are too stupid to recognise a politically motivated sham trial when they see one.
Y’know, in all the alternate universe stories I see, a lot of ’em don’t have the natural disasters that would happen whatever the shaved apes are doing on the surface of the planet. Earthquakes would still happen when they do, hurricanes too. Floods, well, maybe, depending on where the damn dams are put…
Resources, too. If the Confederates won the Civil War, there would still be big oil under the ground in Texas.
Earthquakes, sure. Not much we’re doing affects that except on a small local scale (fracking may, at least one injected water hydrothermal plant apparently did). Tsunamis are mostly earthquake related, so those probably stay roughly the same, although the damage is going to be based on development patterns, building codes, and shoreline conditions.
Most of the others are weather related, and that’s a chaotic enough system that you can’t map one to one. Yeah, there would still be hurricanes, tornados and floods, but they’re not going to map.
And there may still be oil in Texas, but if west Texas is sitting under the border between the USA and CSA, it might never be discovered, or at least developed.
Depends on how far the Industrial Revolution drives it.
Fracking causes many earthquakes, especially in Oklahoma
The science in that is less settled than the global warming scam.
Scam? Can I interest you in some Florida coastline suffering from “nuisance flooding,” sir? Polar bear hunting trips aboard ice breakers perhaps?
Well if the almost daily Oklahoma earthquakes aren’t from fracking, then there is something wrong in the middle of the North American Plate and we are probably in for some of that “2012” apocalyptic kind of mess as the plate cracks open to provide vast amounts of ocean front property along the Mississippi.
Perhaps he meant AGW, not GW. The media works *so* hard to push the idea they are synonymous…
I like to put it this way. I’ve lived and observed the same stretch of Florida coastline for more than thirty years, going closer to forty now, particularly one stretch of tidal-effected seawall. At times the water’s been high, over the wall…at times it’s been low, enough to go out into the canal and stand on the sandbars…but it’s always come back to close to the same position, a foot or two below the top of the wall.
If you believe the global warming bit, the water should be and should have stayed at a much higher level. So who am I to believe, my own eyes or Al Gore?
@Robert Newell – Relevant XKCD:
And by “relevant XKCD” you mean “completely irrelevant”? Consistent observations over decades are not remotely comparable to one singular outlier.
So, here, Trump ousted President Palin?
He was the Veep at the time, so yes, he did.
**shudders** I hope like *crazy* that the me that lives in this reality did the intelligent thing and moved to Canada as soon as the election results were in. Canada has lots of good things: hot Mounties, scientists who take the global warming “scam” (hah) seriously, a really nice Prime Minister who looks like a Byronic poet, beautiful lands, good healthcare, far better treatment of the indigenous peoples, and probably werewolves (made the old-fashioned way!)
Some of us moved to Canada *Before* the election.
I suspect that if Trump is the Republican candidate then Canada will close their borders. Polite mounties will turn us away, saying “sorry folks, you need to clean up your mess.” Besides, what do you think will happen if most of the reasonable Americans abandon ship? We don’t want World War III to happen.
There’s already legislation in the works to ban him from entering the United Kingdom
I come from the future to tell you that Canada has, in fact, closed its US borders.
I wonder if you are enjoying Canada?
It’s the bridge! The Colorado Street Bridge!
Robert Nowall: Good grief. The sea level rise around Florida over the last thirty years has been about three inches. The IPCC ( puts the rate at about 3 mm/yr recently, and rising, with local variations. On the basis of your ultra-precise measurements in one location (‘a foot or two below the top of the wall’) you conclude that there has been no sea level rise and therefore 99.9% of climate scientists, every major scientific organization in the world, and all the world’s leaders are engaged in a massive scam to raise your taxes.
Trump ? You mean the guy who don’t want to bomb everybody ?
I understand how that can frighten PC webcomics authors (oops, oxymoron).
He seems pretty okay with bombing the Kurds. But do try to keep playing that card.
…you don’t actually know what an “oxymoron” is, do you regular moron?
I made a sound like I’d been punched in the stomach when I read the phrase “President Trump.”
This is so much funnier now than it was when I first read it and Trump wasn’t actually in the running. Also more terrifying.
Spoilers from the future: it doesn’t get better.
Spoilers from the further future; when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.
Well, this became much more funny as of last week.
Sad but true…
We’ve got one of those too!
Oh jeez this strip is a lot less funny and a lot more scary now.
Ugh. This strip has become darker for all the wrong reasons…
Can I get out of their reality?
It’s getting a little meta in here.
Dang. First a reference to the government shutdown, and now this. Can you guys predict the future?
2013 United States federal government shutdown.
This particular strip just keeps getting worse as it ages.
What’s something that’s the opposite of fine wine, in that it actually keeps getting measurably worse, no matter how much time goes by?
Cheese and bread tend to become pretty horrible as they age.
It’s not the strip that gets worse. It’s everything else.
Oh my gosh, people commenting on future predicting and unfortunate right things…less than a week ago California had a couple huge earthquakes. All of this is too right, I had to come back and write this.
On the other hand, gambling that there will be an earthquake in California in the near future is usually a pretty safe bet.
I guess Trump got into politics earlier in the other universe then? I wonder if he won in 2012, 2008, or an earlier election?
Dang, you’ve been busy. Do you have any idea how many comments you’ve left on Skin Horse strips just today? I opened my email tonight and was amazed by how many new Skin Horse comments there were. They weren’t all yours, but most of them were.
Truly this is a disturbing universe.
Ahah hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahaha we even have plagues 🙂
When you realize that you’re in the bad reality.
This one has aged well…
With the luxury of hindsight, the phrase “President Trump” did not make my blood run any less cold.