Miss Vivaldi and Mister Yu, what a clever two!
They call for peace between humans and non-humans, too …
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net!
Try to give folks a clue,
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net!
They tell America what to do, to avoid a coup!
They tell the Feds “Project Skin Horse you’ve got to renew!”
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net …
And deep within his fortress, and deep within his lair,
There’s a man who watches over all …
He pulls the strings of Congress, he never leaves his chair!
They do what he tells them,
He buys them and sells them!
Mister Green’s no one’s fool!
He’s somewhat cruel,
But makes the government run …
He does it just for fun!
He’s the villainous one
Who runs our lives for fun!
You know how it is with modern-day government project funding…they never want to keep the ones that are (1) needed, (2) required, or (3) popular. This one probably falls into Category 3, though there’s a certain amount of overlap with all of them.
That chair with the arm has HEARTS as wallpaper! That, and the use of the word “Scamp”, makes me guess Dave hasn’t been keeping her busy enough! Helen Beta Narbon is my guess.
“Hello, I’d like to speak to the government”
“Would you like the number of the White House?”
“No, I’d like to speak to the government!”
“I can get you the President pro tempore of the Senate”
“No! I’d like to speak with the government!”
“I understand. I’ll transfer you to Man Behind The Curtain”
“Thank you!!!”
Sarcasm, or he wants to bring back Skin Horse under his control. What’s more interesting is that he apparently reads their blog. He must have had his eye on them ever since they snuck into Anasigma. Looks like they didn’t get away completely unnoticed after all.
Oh, hey, it’s their grandma. Maybe.
Cancer man, is that you?
We can only hope. Or, at least, hope for a reasonable substitute or imitation.
If that is Claw, then where is the cat?
Is that a BeOS system?
Was just wondering about the cat myself.
Cold be Haiku, the open source child of OpenBeOS
My god, it’s some sort of villainous chair that’s grown a human arm!
Of course, if it isn’t my old nemesis, the mad Doctor Rapacity von Armchair
Scamp? Who’d use that word, the guy who was Lee’s boss at first?
That’s what I’m thinking too.
(TUNE: “Billie Jean”, Michael Jackson)
Miss Vivaldi and Mister Yu, what a clever two!
They call for peace between humans and non-humans, too …
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net!
Try to give folks a clue,
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net!
They tell America what to do, to avoid a coup!
They tell the Feds “Project Skin Horse you’ve got to renew!”
In their blog, on the Web, on the ‘Net …
And deep within his fortress, and deep within his lair,
There’s a man who watches over all …
He pulls the strings of Congress, he never leaves his chair!
They do what he tells them,
He buys them and sells them!
Mister Green’s no one’s fool!
He’s somewhat cruel,
But makes the government run …
He does it just for fun!
He’s the villainous one
Who runs our lives for fun!
And after that, he’ll get Gadget next time. NEXT TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!
Ladies and gentlemen, the system works.
Well, I wouldn’t go that far . . .
This is not the system you’re looking for…
I see the Eye on the Pyramid, but what’s that yellow head?
Looks like Bert from Sesame Street.
Don’t you just wish you could “Call up the Government, and tell them to get on that”? I can’t even find their number.
Blue pages are government services. Haven’t you ever seen Three Days of the Condor?
You know how it is with modern-day government project funding…they never want to keep the ones that are (1) needed, (2) required, or (3) popular. This one probably falls into Category 3, though there’s a certain amount of overlap with all of them.
If you’re talking about the right edge of the first panel, I think that’s a lava lamp on the bookshelf behind Nera.
That chair with the arm has HEARTS as wallpaper! That, and the use of the word “Scamp”, makes me guess Dave hasn’t been keeping her busy enough! Helen Beta Narbon is my guess.
My bet is on Goldbug.
“Hello, I’d like to speak to the government”
“Would you like the number of the White House?”
“No, I’d like to speak to the government!”
“I can get you the President pro tempore of the Senate”
“No! I’d like to speak with the government!”
“I understand. I’ll transfer you to Man Behind The Curtain”
“Thank you!!!”
maybe it’s dave
It’s Mr. Claw on casual Friday.
Charles Townsend?
As the cover of GURPS Illuminati once more or less noted: “The world is run by a small, evil group to which, unfortunately, nobody we know belongs.”
Huh. I wasn’t expecting him of all people to want Skin Horse back.
Sarcasm, or he wants to bring back Skin Horse under his control. What’s more interesting is that he apparently reads their blog. He must have had his eye on them ever since they snuck into Anasigma. Looks like they didn’t get away completely unnoticed after all.
Moe Lane, I now want Steve Jackson Games to make an “INWO: Skin Horse” card game!
In a comic about the absurd, here we find the most unbelievable event: a petition on an obscure blog actually works.