Barf on a bird—well, haven’t you heard? My
Blood is a black nanite goo
I can make animals bend to my will
By barfing black nanite goo
They’ll make a dress for our new princess, once
I barf my black nanite goo
Tip will make-over that hot android mess
And I’ll say that I helped, too!
Now Ginny Lee put in me
Some sludge that cannot decay
And it’s more than enough, this viscous stuff,
To make all the fauna obey
It’s all for Nick, but Sweetheart goes squick, when
I barf my black nanite goo
We will save Whimsy the Skin Horse way
Unlike Cinderella,
They’ll crave cerebella
When I barf my black nanite goo
Oops, forgot to paste the first part of my comment. Yesterday, jdreyfuss said I should filk “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” (Al Hoffman, Mack David & Jerry Livingston, Cinderella, 1950), so here it is.
My mind immediately went to Kansas and Dust in the Wind. Unfortunately I have a doctor appt in a little over an hour and have to get ready, so I can’t play with it. Maybe later.
Is anyone else thinking ‘Shrek’ here? I think this is more ‘Snow White in Shrek 3’ than ‘Fiona in Shrek 1’ myself. In fact, I’m hearing Led Zeppelin as I type…
It’s peculiar that Unity can catch birds that way – normal birds don’t land on your finger while you’re dashing through the woods singing. Are these robot birds? If so, it’s even more peculiar that the black nanite goo reprograms them into temporary zombies.
Don’t forget this isn’t just a forest, it’s a Whimsy Corp Forrest(tm).
In all likely hood the birds (and other cute woodland critters) are either trained or (more likely) genetically programmed to go to anyone (any female?) who frolics through the woods while singing a delightful/cheerful song.
No, Unity! You barf into the birdies’ mouths, not just all over their feathers! Worst. Mama bird. Ever.
Random film time! (To the tune of Bad Horse, from Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog):
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
You drive across the nation,
A public-sector bunch.
You always have to help those
Who would make you lunch.
You give evaluations
To nonhumans in need.
The WhimsyCorp, a zombie force
(The Osprey Nick joined up of course).
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
You’re rad!
The evil Anasigma
Is watching, so beware.
The slip-up you will make
Will be your last; we swear!
So make your hive-boss gleeful,
Or she’ll give you that stare
(You know the one,
It’s made of bees,
It’s got no eyes
But makes you freeze).
You made me blow Dr. Pepper out me nose….

Dr. Pepper has been described as Black Nannite Goo. I’m just sayin’…
Is truly best storyline yet.
I wondered how they were gonna do the “Sing little animals to the pretty princess” bit. Too……FUNNY! Yeah, that’s what I was gonna say.
This storyline would make possibly the best movie of all time.
PETA on line 1…PETA on line 1.
Somehow I don’t think putting PETA people in the same room with a hoard of zombiefied brains eating forest critters is going to end well.
Call it a hunch…
That depends entirely on your opinion of PETA.
It doesn’t matter what you say, all I hear is “Boom, baby, Boom!”
Yeah, those poor critters will starve before they find any brains. ;-]
Barf on a bird—well, haven’t you heard? My
Blood is a black nanite goo
I can make animals bend to my will
By barfing black nanite goo
They’ll make a dress for our new princess, once
I barf my black nanite goo
Tip will make-over that hot android mess
And I’ll say that I helped, too!
Now Ginny Lee put in me
Some sludge that cannot decay
And it’s more than enough, this viscous stuff,
To make all the fauna obey
It’s all for Nick, but Sweetheart goes squick, when
I barf my black nanite goo
We will save Whimsy the Skin Horse way
Unlike Cinderella,
They’ll crave cerebella
When I barf my black nanite goo
Oops, forgot to paste the first part of my comment. Yesterday, jdreyfuss said I should filk “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” (Al Hoffman, Mack David & Jerry Livingston, Cinderella, 1950), so here it is.
My mind immediately went to Kansas and Dust in the Wind. Unfortunately I have a doctor appt in a little over an hour and have to get ready, so I can’t play with it. Maybe later.
Much appreciated.
Not. Fair.
i was munching on some smoked almonds just as i read the update.
Nearly choked.
Is anyone else thinking ‘Shrek’ here? I think this is more ‘Snow White in Shrek 3’ than ‘Fiona in Shrek 1’ myself. In fact, I’m hearing Led Zeppelin as I type…
In the decades of rebuilding that follow, survivors will remember Unity as Patient Zero of the Godmother Apocalypse.
It’s peculiar that Unity can catch birds that way – normal birds don’t land on your finger while you’re dashing through the woods singing. Are these robot birds? If so, it’s even more peculiar that the black nanite goo reprograms them into temporary zombies.
Don’t forget this isn’t just a forest, it’s a Whimsy Corp Forrest(tm).
In all likely hood the birds (and other cute woodland critters) are either trained or (more likely) genetically programmed to go to anyone (any female?) who frolics through the woods while singing a delightful/cheerful song.
I absolutely love that logic. Of course, that would leave them susceptible to evil musicians, but that still fits.
Call it “artist’s prerogative”. Didn’t necessarily happen exactly that way, but in 4 panels, that’s how Shaenon chose to portray it.
UNITY is barfing all over my childhood…
… I’m good widdat.
Spew and a half!
Dragons watch Disney movies?
Wonder what he thinks of “Mulan.”
I think that there is no culture that Disney won’t pillage for fun & profit.
Also, I remember when Eddie Murphy was funny.
Hey; a dragon lives forever…
Now that I actually have more time here at work for a comment more than laughing….
In my mind, this strip goes perfect with Nick’s comment from Yesterday of “So this is how the magic works”. :p
I’m hearing the song in the first two panels as the Banana Splits theme song. There must be something wrong with me.
It’s not just you. I first read it as the Smurfs’ theme song.
The saccharine fairytale (grey) goo in this storyline is unbearable. MOAR GRITTINESS PLZ
No, Unity! You barf into the birdies’ mouths, not just all over their feathers! Worst. Mama bird. Ever.
Random film time! (To the tune of Bad Horse, from Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog):
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
You drive across the nation,
A public-sector bunch.
You always have to help those
Who would make you lunch.
You give evaluations
To nonhumans in need.
The WhimsyCorp, a zombie force
(The Osprey Nick joined up of course).
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
Skin Horse!
You’re rad!
The evil Anasigma
Is watching, so beware.
The slip-up you will make
Will be your last; we swear!
So make your hive-boss gleeful,
Or she’ll give you that stare
(You know the one,
It’s made of bees,
It’s got no eyes
But makes you freeze).
Rereading this strip for at least the third time, and panel 3 still cracks me up.
And again!