I think he really wants to be able to go around in a human form, he now has friends and he wants to be able to hang out with them, go to the movies, maybe a convention or two! Even if he identifies as a helicopter, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to go to a comic/game/fan convention.
Of course, either he has other plans as well or things goes wrong. most likely both!
So I meant to post this filk in a strip featuring the brainmaking machine, but now the train part of the plot seems to be over. Just post it here I suppose. I ended up rearranging the order of the verses a little.
To the tune of “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” by the Beatles
Down in Saint Charlie, our dear Miss Virginia Lee
Needs to make some brains
To feed all the rampaging zombies
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Her pal Sergio, says that he will have to go
Stop them getting through
And just maybe grab her a sandwich, too-oo-oo-oo
But as he opens up with Alice,
A noise comes from behind
plip, plip
Lots of fresh brain matter falls down onto the floor
plip, plip
Doc Lee’s brain machine makes more, more and more
Now the Skin Horse team fights their way past every scheme
GODOT can concoct
Crocs and radiooooactive poison
Oh, oh, oh, oh
And so Unity, shows just how smart she can be
By helping GODOT
Says “My acronym should be written so-oh-oh-oh”
But with some pencils jammed up her ears
She won’t hear lunch galore
(Repeat chorus)
All is quite again. Unity ate the client again
Sweetheart is annoyed
Wishing she’d avoid such unpleasantrie-ie-ie-ies
Unity has to say,
As Tip mourns for his beret,
That Sweetheart ought to know
It’s just how she respects her fallen fo-oh-oh-oh-oes
But as the crew prepares to dust off
A noise continues on
This filk was well worth waiting for, as it actually improves upon the original lyrics, which may have been the nadir of Paul McCartney’s creative oeuvre.
D’you mean the Nick Shaenon loves to draw, or the Nick with rotors? Because she already made a body for Nick that fits his current, helicoptery self-image ;p
Him identifying as an aircraft was as a result of him being turned into one though, it’s not like he always wanted to be a helicopter and they granted his wish. If anything, it just shows his body-image to be highly flexible. I doubt he’d have any trouble going back to being human.
You mean our dear little zombie is going to be all grown up soon? Awww…
Seriously, I’ve been wondering if her brain overdose might have long term effects. It could be interesting if she had flashbacks of smartness, or occasional outbursts of being erudite.
I think Nick is lonely, even by his geek gamer standards. He could have just watched the Star Trek episodes on Hulu, but the experience is different if you’re surrounded by other fans.
Nick makes good sense!
Unexpected good sense!
Nick makes good sense
To be inside the droid!
He gives reasons he should;
His reasons are good,
They’re reasons that Sweetheart can’t avoid, a-void!
With the field team he can de-fend!
And renegade machines he can be-friend!
And then he’ll go and spend the wee-eek-end
And watch a Star Trek marathon!
Marathon … marathon …
Kirk and Spock and McCoy, on and on, on, on, on!
Driving Violet Bee,
He’ll go out with Doctor Lee!
But will he try to get it on?
Not THAT obscure, was it? I mean, yes, it was really annoying to have to wait for all those books after the first but wasn’t that long ago was…oh, wow. Yes, it was.
Dr. Lee should change the appearance of the stolen avatar for her own protection from A-sig. It can’t look too much like Nick either since he is officially dead. Whether he might also have gender identity issues I can’t say as a fanatic gamer may not be too concerned about that and may see advantage to the disguise.
Since Nick identifies as a helicopter, there may be a quick fix to some of the more pronounced discomfort incurred by controlling a humanoid body again: Have the drone wear one of those cute caps with a small propeller on top! \o/
Even better, wire it with a small electric motor and hook it up to the drone so that Nick can control the propeller as well. It may not be ideal, but it should help him feel a bit more at home.
how about a pilots uniform with a hurmongous set of wings either on the front or on the hat. He can just set it at the controls with a pleasant blank expression like the auto pilot in Airplane
He identifies as a helicopter because that’s what body he was put in. That just shows he’s flexible. I don’t think he’ll have any trouble adapting to being human again.
Why does it feel like I’ve heard this plot before?
Oh yeah… Mass Effect 3.
Hostile gynoid chassis salvaged following destructive event. Vehicular intelligence takes interest in the chassis and requisitions it so as to be more involved in ground operations.
Oh boy! By this point in my re-read, I was starting to think that you had gone away, and that I wouldn’t get to look forward to reading your putdowns of a comic that for some reason you still read, even though you don’t seem to enjoy it.
Nah, that just means he realizes that mentioning Violet’s boobs will folk up the whole deal.
Nah, he’s already seen ’em. No foraging nipples.
The lack of nipples is likely to reduce the titillation value.
I was about to say: “Joke’s on you, Unity. He’s already ‘seen’ them and he knows they’re not that interesting.”
I think he really wants to be able to go around in a human form, he now has friends and he wants to be able to hang out with them, go to the movies, maybe a convention or two! Even if he identifies as a helicopter, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to go to a comic/game/fan convention.
Of course, either he has other plans as well or things goes wrong. most likely both!
So I meant to post this filk in a strip featuring the brainmaking machine, but now the train part of the plot seems to be over. Just post it here I suppose. I ended up rearranging the order of the verses a little.
To the tune of “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” by the Beatles
Down in Saint Charlie, our dear Miss Virginia Lee
Needs to make some brains
To feed all the rampaging zombies
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Her pal Sergio, says that he will have to go
Stop them getting through
And just maybe grab her a sandwich, too-oo-oo-oo
But as he opens up with Alice,
A noise comes from behind
plip, plip
Lots of fresh brain matter falls down onto the floor
plip, plip
Doc Lee’s brain machine makes more, more and more
Now the Skin Horse team fights their way past every scheme
GODOT can concoct
Crocs and radiooooactive poison
Oh, oh, oh, oh
And so Unity, shows just how smart she can be
By helping GODOT
Says “My acronym should be written so-oh-oh-oh”
But with some pencils jammed up her ears
She won’t hear lunch galore
(Repeat chorus)
All is quite again. Unity ate the client again
Sweetheart is annoyed
Wishing she’d avoid such unpleasantrie-ie-ie-ies
Unity has to say,
As Tip mourns for his beret,
That Sweetheart ought to know
It’s just how she respects her fallen fo-oh-oh-oh-oes
But as the crew prepares to dust off
A noise continues on
(Repeat chorus and synth solo)
Lots of brain matter!
plip, plip
This filk was well worth waiting for, as it actually improves upon the original lyrics, which may have been the nadir of Paul McCartney’s creative oeuvre.
What boobs? Aren’t those gyroscopic stablizers?
No, they’re etheric beam locators!
I wonder if Dr Lee would be capable of making him a new body using Violet’s Tech? Or at least repurposing Violet to better reflect Nick’s self-image.
D’you mean the Nick Shaenon loves to draw, or the Nick with rotors? Because she already made a body for Nick that fits his current, helicoptery self-image ;p
Him identifying as an aircraft was as a result of him being turned into one though, it’s not like he always wanted to be a helicopter and they granted his wish. If anything, it just shows his body-image to be highly flexible. I doubt he’d have any trouble going back to being human.
I’m not familiar with The Big Orange Splot, but “My house is me” must have come from Shaenon, the Daniel Pinkwater fanatic.
On the other rotor, if Nick does this, Ultra Car will accuse him of ripping off UC’s idea.
As long as Violet doesn’t have built-in pie launchers, it should be OK.
It’s even more serious. He didn’t make a comeback at Unity for her last line….
Unity still sounds a little brainy to me. I’d expect her to say “boobies” instead.
Unity’s now at a level of brainy where she can write for the Huffington Post.
I disagree, Unity is actually making sense.
Intelligence has nothing to do with whether or not you say “boobies.” It my be even worse than we feared. Unity may be . . . maturing.
This is a scary concept. I hope you’re right.
You mean our dear little zombie is going to be all grown up soon? Awww…
Seriously, I’ve been wondering if her brain overdose might have long term effects. It could be interesting if she had flashbacks of smartness, or occasional outbursts of being erudite.
I think Nick is lonely, even by his geek gamer standards. He could have just watched the Star Trek episodes on Hulu, but the experience is different if you’re surrounded by other fans.
(TUNE: “I’ve Got Sixpence”, traditional)
Nick makes good sense!
Unexpected good sense!
Nick makes good sense
To be inside the droid!
He gives reasons he should;
His reasons are good,
They’re reasons that Sweetheart can’t avoid, a-void!
With the field team he can de-fend!
And renegade machines he can be-friend!
And then he’ll go and spend the wee-eek-end
And watch a Star Trek marathon!
Marathon … marathon …
Kirk and Spock and McCoy, on and on, on, on, on!
Driving Violet Bee,
He’ll go out with Doctor Lee!
But will he try to get it on?
I think he’ll develop/train the one-mind two bodies thing a-la Paratwa (obscure SF trilogy w/ clones w/ quantum entangled brains)
Not THAT obscure, was it? I mean, yes, it was really annoying to have to wait for all those books after the first but wasn’t that long ago was…oh, wow. Yes, it was.
Dr. Lee should change the appearance of the stolen avatar for her own protection from A-sig. It can’t look too much like Nick either since he is officially dead. Whether he might also have gender identity issues I can’t say as a fanatic gamer may not be too concerned about that and may see advantage to the disguise.
You mean have Tip give the V-Bee droid a makeover?
I can hear the squeeing from his direction already.
remember that violet’s last driver failed to seduce dr lee. but with nick in there i’d give him at least a snowflake’s chance
Since Nick identifies as a helicopter, there may be a quick fix to some of the more pronounced discomfort incurred by controlling a humanoid body again: Have the drone wear one of those cute caps with a small propeller on top! \o/
Even better, wire it with a small electric motor and hook it up to the drone so that Nick can control the propeller as well. It may not be ideal, but it should help him feel a bit more at home.
how about a pilots uniform with a hurmongous set of wings either on the front or on the hat. He can just set it at the controls with a pleasant blank expression like the auto pilot in Airplane
He identifies as a helicopter because that’s what body he was put in. That just shows he’s flexible. I don’t think he’ll have any trouble adapting to being human again.
ummm, stick on nipples anybody?
Do they make Lee Press-On Nipples?
Why does it feel like I’ve heard this plot before?
Oh yeah… Mass Effect 3.
Hostile gynoid chassis salvaged following destructive event. Vehicular intelligence takes interest in the chassis and requisitions it so as to be more involved in ground operations.
Oh boy! By this point in my re-read, I was starting to think that you had gone away, and that I wouldn’t get to look forward to reading your putdowns of a comic that for some reason you still read, even though you don’t seem to enjoy it.
Except that somehow, their grumpy posts all went up on the same day, i.e. August 21, 2014.