Indeed! Good to know they haven’t been destroyed, accidentally destroyed themselves, or gotten involved in some kind of destruction! They’re such beloved characters, even if it’s been a while since we last got a chance to destroy them.
So Trump trumps fnord? That may make certain card games difficult…
(yes, I know this is an old comic. Real Life has been interfering with the reading of important webcomics.)
Since everyone else is too busy playing into it to explain, “fnord” is a term from, I think the Illuminatus! books (and maybe Discordianism?), but which I mostly know from the Steve Jackson Games website. The idea is that there is a word that nobody can consciously see, but which, when seen unconsciously, triggers some kind of subliminal conditioning.
“Fnord” is not that word, because if it were we wouldn’t be able to see it, but it represents that word.
Specifically “fnord” is supposed to provoke a sense of anxiety and unease about whatever statement it’s included in as a sort of aversion conditioning.
An adept? Sorry chummer, but no – he can’t use magic. He’s not even a technomancer. He’s just a hot-sim cyborg decker / rigger. Remove his cyberware and he’s just any other dude with some decent computer skills.
I think I disagree. He basically can do magic. He can override administrator privladges, control hardware that doesn’t even HAVE a WiFi connection, etc. At that he’s only like the third best magician in the room. He can’t even teleport or cause women he just met to fall for him.
That’s not Nick’s doing, that’s the handiwork of Lupic Madblood coding his AI to find nerdy guys like himself attractive.
You might as well say that someone who is 4′ 6″ has a “magic power” to make heterosexual women with a fetish for short guys fall for him. It’s not anything the guy did, it’s just blind chance.
I absolutely didn’t know the Killotron bots were coming back when I recolored the old strips! Serendipity, I suppose. (Though, if I’d had this strip as reference, I would’ve used the colors from it when coloring. OTOH, I do like the colors I used…)
There were only three Killotrons when we saw them at the New Jersey safehouse. These ones we haven’t met yet, and presumably have not been purged of their old destructive impulses.
… if wifi is wonky on a level that discomforts Nick, how has Nick’s helicopter body not crashed so far away from its brain? Does Nick have an extra connection to his body? Has it landed already? Inquiring minds want to know.
…You use Wifi to connect to the internet. Under what circumstances exactly do you ever use Wifi to connect directly to something rather than through a network?
Nah, this all takes way too much inspiration from the books over the movie for that to be the case. Where in the movie it was all a dream and the ultimate message was “There’s no place like home,” in the original series it was all completely real and the ultimate message ended up being “Kansas kind of sucks, let’s all move to Oz permanently.”
I see one of them is number 106. If that’s an indication that there are (at least) that many of them, Sweetheart will probably sleep with Hitty and Moustachio. If for no other reason than there won’t be any room left with Unity.
Linguistic tics aside, having the Killobots around could be handy. They were re-training for maintenance, cooking, and other tasks. This could be very useful in keeping up the gears and springs running so Annex 1 can keep stomping.
Although now that I think about it, this might be part of Mr. Green’s long term diabolical plans. Chase the non-humans so they find Skin Horse as a sanctuary, rinse and repeat until the bot is full, and then swoop in to take all heads with one neck (to coin a cliche). Mr. Green has shown he can play the long game if it suits him. Or maybe I’m reading too much into this.
Kansas as a place admittedly has the strangeness of the Florida’s people. Perhaps we could exchange reputations as Florida happens to actually be the flattest state topographically (KS is #7).
[Absolute brain fart] Yep, the hills are mostly in eastern Kansas with some in central Kansas. [Flint Hills, Gypsum Hills, Coronado Heights, King’s Creek Loop,etc]
Nice to see the Destroybots are okay.
Indeed! Good to know they haven’t been destroyed, accidentally destroyed themselves, or gotten involved in some kind of destruction! They’re such beloved characters, even if it’s been a while since we last got a chance to destroy them.
I can’t read Unity’s t-shirt?
It’s better that way.
I do believe it is “fnord”. I have one idea as to what that’s supposed to denote.
You… can see the fnords?
In a strange reversal of the usual situation, I used to be able to, but I can’t anymore. Ever since, I’ve been pining for the fnords!
Darn it! You best me to the joke.
Shadowmehr, best typo ever!
I’ve been able to see “fnord” for a while. It’s “trump” I have a problem seeing these days. I think “trump” is the new “fnord”.
So Trump trumps fnord? That may make certain card games difficult…
(yes, I know this is an old comic. Real Life has been interfering with the reading of important webcomics.)
Since everyone else is too busy playing into it to explain, “fnord” is a term from, I think the Illuminatus! books (and maybe Discordianism?), but which I mostly know from the Steve Jackson Games website. The idea is that there is a word that nobody can consciously see, but which, when seen unconsciously, triggers some kind of subliminal conditioning.
“Fnord” is not that word, because if it were we wouldn’t be able to see it, but it represents that word.
Thanks for writing that out. I had seen the reference in other places before, but never knew what it meant/was from.
Specifically “fnord” is supposed to provoke a sense of anxiety and unease about whatever statement it’s included in as a sort of aversion conditioning.
This entire thread is bothering me for some reason…
I’m sure they’ll be well-behaved and destroy anything in the room that they accidentally destroy.
This is disturbing. Anasigma may be launching a Ddos counterattack!
Nick is an adept, however. I’m certain he has anticipated various forms of jamming blocking access to his real body.
An adept? Sorry chummer, but no – he can’t use magic. He’s not even a technomancer. He’s just a hot-sim cyborg decker / rigger. Remove his cyberware and he’s just any other dude with some decent computer skills.
Remove his cyberware and he’s a brain in a flesh-drone cut off from his real body.
with some decent tech skills.
I think I disagree. He basically can do magic. He can override administrator privladges, control hardware that doesn’t even HAVE a WiFi connection, etc. At that he’s only like the third best magician in the room. He can’t even teleport or cause women he just met to fall for him.
Well, maybe since he’s focusing on one woman, he isn’t trying to broadcast.
Actually, he can make women he just met fall for him.
That’s not Nick’s doing, that’s the handiwork of Lupic Madblood coding his AI to find nerdy guys like himself attractive.
You might as well say that someone who is 4′ 6″ has a “magic power” to make heterosexual women with a fetish for short guys fall for him. It’s not anything the guy did, it’s just blind chance.
The term of art is, “Embrace the healing power of ‘and.'”
I absolutely didn’t know the Killotron bots were coming back when I recolored the old strips! Serendipity, I suppose. (Though, if I’d had this strip as reference, I would’ve used the colors from it when coloring. OTOH, I do like the colors I used…)
There were only three Killotrons when we saw them at the New Jersey safehouse. These ones we haven’t met yet, and presumably have not been purged of their old destructive impulses.
It’s been a long time since we last destroyed them. I’m sure they’ve destroyed a lot since last time.
Is that a…plunger?…on the end of #37’s arm?
Ooh, he must have upgraded from “Destroy!” to “Exterminate!”
… if wifi is wonky on a level that discomforts Nick, how has Nick’s helicopter body not crashed so far away from its brain? Does Nick have an extra connection to his body? Has it landed already? Inquiring minds want to know.
Autopilot kicks in when connection is lost, would be my guess.
Wifi only has a range of a few hundred feet to begin with. So he can’t be using that to control the helicopter anyway.
But then, Tip can’t be using it to contact Annex One either.
…You use Wifi to connect to the internet. Under what circumstances exactly do you ever use Wifi to connect directly to something rather than through a network?
Heading for Kansas…
Given how the movie ends, I hope this doesn’t conclude with Tip waking up and finding it all has been a dream.
“And you were there, and you were there, and you…were a dog for some reason.”
Nah, this all takes way too much inspiration from the books over the movie for that to be the case. Where in the movie it was all a dream and the ultimate message was “There’s no place like home,” in the original series it was all completely real and the ultimate message ended up being “Kansas kind of sucks, let’s all move to Oz permanently.”
Just one of the reasons why I love the books.
“No, dear, this is the dream. You’re still headed for Kansas.”
Of course, he’s talking to the dog when he says it, but he says “you were a talking dog!”
To which the dog responds, “I still am a talking dog.” And Tip finally snaps.
To Annex One they just got through. To Kansas they will rendezvous. But they have a crisis of Killbot devices, and the building now has a new crew.
Yay, the destroy bots are back!
I see one of them is number 106. If that’s an indication that there are (at least) that many of them, Sweetheart will probably sleep with Hitty and Moustachio. If for no other reason than there won’t be any room left with Unity.
Moustachio winds down, or did in the past, but does he sleep?
I always appreciate that even when they aren’t on screen, the other characters are still out doing things and having adventures.
And it’s funnier this way.
Linguistic tics aside, having the Killobots around could be handy. They were re-training for maintenance, cooking, and other tasks. This could be very useful in keeping up the gears and springs running so Annex 1 can keep stomping.
Although now that I think about it, this might be part of Mr. Green’s long term diabolical plans. Chase the non-humans so they find Skin Horse as a sanctuary, rinse and repeat until the bot is full, and then swoop in to take all heads with one neck (to coin a cliche). Mr. Green has shown he can play the long game if it suits him. Or maybe I’m reading too much into this.
How many times have they gone to Kansas now?
Kansas as a place admittedly has the strangeness of the Florida’s people. Perhaps we could exchange reputations as Florida happens to actually be the flattest state topographically (KS is #7).
True. Kansas actually has some hills.
Just remember to keep two tires on the road out in western Kansas. The topsoil gets pretty sandy about halfway between Abilene and Dodge City.
[Absolute brain fart] Yep, the hills are mostly in eastern Kansas with some in central Kansas. [Flint Hills, Gypsum Hills, Coronado Heights, King’s Creek Loop,etc]
It gets flat out west though.