Actually, it very well might be, becuase it’s another level of exploring the “what measure is a non-human?” identity issues that is the core story of the comic.
Specifically: what if someone (in this case, Nick) desires to become something other than what they were born as, achieves that…and then, later, realises they regret it?
That happens a lot. They do irreversible damage to their bodies, realise that it didn’t solve any of their problems that they were promised it would, and about 40% commit suicide. And nobody wants to talk about it.
actually, gender-affirming surgery has the lowest regret rate among nearly all surgeries, including things like HIP REPLACEMENTS, and gender-affirming care drastically reduces the suicide rate of trans people, but go off you sad, weird, cringy little transphobe
who goes around replying to comments from 8 years ago, too. I wonder if they’re aware that a bunch of us get mails for these and they’re broadcasting their cringy behavior for us all to see
Or he could simply want to be desirable, and the program made him desirable to Lovelace because she’s there and she’s someone Nick would want to be desired by.
Ah, but, remember whom Lovelace found attractive in Narbonic: Professor Lupin (well, love-hate) and David Davenport. Her definition of “stone cold babe” probably wouldn’t make the cover of many magazines.
Actually, Lovelace never claimed to find Madblood attractive, or even claimed to like him at all. She was loyal to him only because she was programmed to be, but she eventually found a way to break free even from that.
Even in Shaenon’s own commentary, the only nice things she had to say about Lovelace’s opinion of Madblood were “Sometimes I get the feeling that, despite it all, Lovelace kind of has a soft spot for her evil creator,” and “I don’t think she dislikes him as much as she lets on.”
That’s what serpentrose was saying. His desire is to be attractive, and since Lovelace is the only nearby person to whom he might want to be attractive, the game found a definition of “Nick Zerhakker” that would both be familiar to him and attractive to her.
It doesn’t have to be that he wants to be human, as such. I could easily see missing certain aspects of humanity, while, in general, being perfectly happy as a helicopter. Particularly if there’s an attractive female human who one is interested in. Being conflicted is a thing.
To be fair, her father and first crush were both Computer Scientists (among other things). It shouldn’t surprise anyone that she has a thing for nerdy guys who are good with computers.
Maybe it’s that Nick REALIZES that there are people who find him desirable; and they’re all mad (see Virginia) or computer AI (Lovelace). So maybe his situation hasn’t exactly improved.
When you’re a brain in a jar, er, helicopter, it’s probably better for all concerned if the people who find you attractive are AIs who don’t think that physical bodies matter much.
@Rex Vivat: Methinks BRGR may be referring March 4ths comic, in which Nick’s words imply he’s uninterested, but the ensuing conversation and his generally embarrassed look indicate that he may not have been entirely forthcoming.
Y’know, Nick and Lovelace might make a cute couple. Be nice to see… not as nice as Unity getting the lightsaber, or Moustachio getting his legs back, or the Dork Knight having a No Good Day, but still nice…
I mean I’m all for Nick and Virginia finally making something happen, but by this point it’s been drug out so long, you usually see it end up getting subverted by this length of time. This feels like some kind of setup for Nick to move on to a new love, to me.
Darn. I left “Tigerlilly and Virginia oiling snakes” off my list… as well as “silverfish singing “Put On the Motley” and “Tip in Old Bluejeans, Flannel Shirt, and Patch Hat Advertising Tractors”… and *liking* it… The Dork Knight’s Bad Day can involve bees…
That’s my theory, too. Has Nick looked himself in a mirror since he got this body? If not, we may be setting up for a reflection rather different than what we’re seeing.
Aww, but look at him, he’s enjoying the ride. He’s like a big old german shepherd, only with scales and spikes and big ridges down the back . . . okay, this analogy is going nowhere, so I’ll stop now.
Just out of curiousity, how does Lovelace know this? When did she become an expert on the Anti-Whimsey? Maybe SHE just thinks that Baron should be courageous and that Nick should be a babe. Or not – we’ll see.
Wow, that’d be a mindf**k – I never would have guessed Nick subconsciously wanted to be human again!
…That makes me pretty sure it’s not his wishes being granted, really. :/
Actually, it very well might be, becuase it’s another level of exploring the “what measure is a non-human?” identity issues that is the core story of the comic.
Specifically: what if someone (in this case, Nick) desires to become something other than what they were born as, achieves that…and then, later, realises they regret it?
That happens a lot. They do irreversible damage to their bodies, realise that it didn’t solve any of their problems that they were promised it would, and about 40% commit suicide. And nobody wants to talk about it.
actually, gender-affirming surgery has the lowest regret rate among nearly all surgeries, including things like HIP REPLACEMENTS, and gender-affirming care drastically reduces the suicide rate of trans people, but go off you sad, weird, cringy little transphobe
who goes around replying to comments from 8 years ago, too. I wonder if they’re aware that a bunch of us get mails for these and they’re broadcasting their cringy behavior for us all to see
Or he could simply want to be desirable, and the program made him desirable to Lovelace because she’s there and she’s someone Nick would want to be desired by.
Ah, but, remember whom Lovelace found attractive in Narbonic: Professor Lupin (well, love-hate) and David Davenport. Her definition of “stone cold babe” probably wouldn’t make the cover of many magazines.
Actually, Lovelace never claimed to find Madblood attractive, or even claimed to like him at all. She was loyal to him only because she was programmed to be, but she eventually found a way to break free even from that.
Even in Shaenon’s own commentary, the only nice things she had to say about Lovelace’s opinion of Madblood were “Sometimes I get the feeling that, despite it all, Lovelace kind of has a soft spot for her evil creator,” and “I don’t think she dislikes him as much as she lets on.”
That’s what serpentrose was saying. His desire is to be attractive, and since Lovelace is the only nearby person to whom he might want to be attractive, the game found a definition of “Nick Zerhakker” that would both be familiar to him and attractive to her.
I just thought he wanted to be Ron Stoppable.
What, and it just so happens that this version of him that she finds so attractive is completely identical to his original body?
Or, the game isn’t granting the PLAYERS’ wishes, it’s granting Lovelace’s!
It doesn’t have to be that he wants to be human, as such. I could easily see missing certain aspects of humanity, while, in general, being perfectly happy as a helicopter. Particularly if there’s an attractive female human who one is interested in. Being conflicted is a thing.
This is where Nick learns that there ARE people who would find him desirable.
And they’re all mad. :p
To be fair, her father and first crush were both Computer Scientists (among other things). It shouldn’t surprise anyone that she has a thing for nerdy guys who are good with computers.
Good point about people who can handle Lovelace’s code in a kind way.
Maybe it’s that Nick REALIZES that there are people who find him desirable; and they’re all mad (see Virginia) or computer AI (Lovelace). So maybe his situation hasn’t exactly improved.
When you’re a brain in a jar, er, helicopter, it’s probably better for all concerned if the people who find you attractive are AIs who don’t think that physical bodies matter much.
Nick admitted he is attracted to her avatar.
Now she admits that she is attracted to his avatar.
This reminds me of something, I’m not sure what.
Actually, Nick never did. It was Baron Mistycorn that rated her 9.6.
Actually, Nick told Baron that he feels attracted to her avatar, in those very words.
Link? I can’t seem to find that.
@Rex Vivat: Methinks BRGR may be referring March 4ths comic, in which Nick’s words imply he’s uninterested, but the ensuing conversation and his generally embarrassed look indicate that he may not have been entirely forthcoming.
I hope Boney’s mood stays where it is!
Y’know, Nick and Lovelace might make a cute couple. Be nice to see… not as nice as Unity getting the lightsaber, or Moustachio getting his legs back, or the Dork Knight having a No Good Day, but still nice…
Sorry, but Nick and Virgina is the only OTP.
I mean I’m all for Nick and Virginia finally making something happen, but by this point it’s been drug out so long, you usually see it end up getting subverted by this length of time. This feels like some kind of setup for Nick to move on to a new love, to me.
@Dave: “This feels like some kind of setup for Nick to move on to a new love, to me.”
You feel Nick should move on, to you? (Isn’t punctuation wonderful?)
If drugs are involved, shouldn’t Virginia be moving on to Tigerlily?
That was only once and she was possessed by her creation at the time.
Well, there was a drawing a while back of Nick-as-we-see-him-here having a romantic dinner with Dr. Lee. If it meant anything at all…
Okay, but what if Nick and Lovelace happens as a way to set it up, like Dave and Lovelace did for Dave and Helen?
Sure, but Virginia’s gotten to have some extracurricular fun while they’ve been dancing around trying to get it together. Why not Nick?
Oh, please no. Poor Lovelace shouldn’t get to be someone’s rebound again.
Wouldn’t be a bad thing. I think Lovelace could look further and do worse. ^_^
Darn. I left “Tigerlilly and Virginia oiling snakes” off my list… as well as “silverfish singing “Put On the Motley” and “Tip in Old Bluejeans, Flannel Shirt, and Patch Hat Advertising Tractors”… and *liking* it… The Dork Knight’s Bad Day can involve bees…
Holy crap, she finds him attractive because she used to date Dave! He’s even wearing flannel.
Lovelace wants her code handled properly.
Let’s just say she has peculiar taste in men.
Is it possible they’re not all perceiving quite the same things?
That’s my theory, too. Has Nick looked himself in a mirror since he got this body? If not, we may be setting up for a reflection rather different than what we’re seeing.
It’d also be interesting if ‘babe’ was being used in a gender-neutral way, here.
Theory: his wish isn’t to be a stone cold babe. It’s to be irresistible to women. _Looks_ don’t come into it.
Hey, he may have reached a point in his life where his wish is to be irresistible to one woman.
Boney is reaching cobra levels of adorableness.
Yes, and here we thought that was physically impossible…
Boney should keep his head and tail inside the ride.
I’m not sure that’s possible, given his size.
“You’re gonna need a bigger tram…”
They probably prefer for the Thagomizer to remain outside…
Aww, but look at him, he’s enjoying the ride. He’s like a big old german shepherd, only with scales and spikes and big ridges down the back . . . okay, this analogy is going nowhere, so I’ll stop now.
I just hope his canine behavior doesn’t extent to tail wagging!
Just out of curiousity, how does Lovelace know this? When did she become an expert on the Anti-Whimsey? Maybe SHE just thinks that Baron should be courageous and that Nick should be a babe. Or not – we’ll see.
Maybe she read Baron Mistycorn’s blog?
That would explain the wanting Nick to be a babe part.