It shocked me the first time when Sweetheart went out with HT and then Artie revealed she’s repressing her sexuality because I was under the impression that HT was a woman and it was just odd she agreed to go out with a cat
I don’t know whether it’s ever mentioned, but H.T. is clearly the evil parallel to the Hungry Tiger in Oz. (The Hungry Tiger of the Oz books is always hungry for delicious tasty babies, but has too strong a sense of ethics to ever eat any, more or less how I feel about meat in general.)
Can someone link me to the comics where hT basicly… charisma-controls Sweetheart? A couple orders and she melts? I wanna show it to a friend and I can’t find it in the archive, don’t remember when it was! XD
It’s part of the division of labor. Sweetheart is going to freak out, er, distract H.T., U.N.I.T.Y. will bond with the opossums (hopefully, not literally), and Tip will stumble into what’s actually going on.
It shocked me the first time when Sweetheart went out with HT and then Artie revealed she’s repressing her sexuality because I was under the impression that HT was a woman and it was just odd she agreed to go out with a cat
Yeah, that actually happened to me too. I’m not sure why; IIRC there’s a couple of mentions of HT’s gender before that.
Maybe it’s just that HT isn’t a gendered name?
If I recall, H.T. stands for Hungry Tiger, which would indeed be an ungendered name…
I don’t recall it ever being mentioned what H.T. stands for.
I don’t know whether it’s ever mentioned, but H.T. is clearly the evil parallel to the Hungry Tiger in Oz. (The Hungry Tiger of the Oz books is always hungry for delicious tasty babies, but has too strong a sense of ethics to ever eat any, more or less how I feel about meat in general.)
Can someone link me to the comics where hT basicly… charisma-controls Sweetheart? A couple orders and she melts? I wanna show it to a friend and I can’t find it in the archive, don’t remember when it was! XD
Congratulations, Sweetheart, you have successfully freaked out the genocidal tiger. I knew you had it in you!
Well, if you’re going to have a freakout you might as well use it productively.
Not just genocidal but omnicidal. Everyone is on his to-eat list.
I have it bookmarked:
Thanks for sharing that! It’s nice to get a refresher once in while. I don’t know how Jeff keeps track of all the things. A herculean task for sure!
Character note sheets are important
Thanks! Exactly the one I was looking for XD
I meant to have it as a reply to your earlier comment, but I guess I was… distracted. 😉
…and what about Tip? He’s looking so bereft.
He’s trying to figure out how he’s going to manage to shower without conditioner. A conundrum indeed!
Perhaps Tip is seeing something the others don’t….
It’s part of the division of labor. Sweetheart is going to freak out, er, distract H.T., U.N.I.T.Y. will bond with the opossums (hopefully, not literally), and Tip will stumble into what’s actually going on.
Oh, now that would be interesting… Unity using her barf tactic to literally bond with the possums to find out what they’re up to.
Lol! Swim in that river, Babe!
I admit, I like the reversal here.
The smooth operator cannot stand against the power of repression!
Don’t count on much action, HT. But bring your condoms, just in case.
That would be uncharacteristically considerate of him.
Would you like to see the unholy spawn of HT and Sweetheart running around loose?
Seeing H.T. so scared in the last panel is really quite satisfying.