June 2021 Wallpaper: Vegas Proposal
Shaenon: Since Dr. Lee’s proposal to Nick takes place off-panel in the strip, I figured I’d draw it as a Sunday bonus. Plus I get to put in a lot of neon colors.
As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to our Patreon, we’ll give you a link to this wallpaper, designed for two computer desktop sizes and cell phones. Patreon contributors will continue to receive new wallpaper for the length of their contribution.
You’ll also receive this bonus June wallpaper from the archives:
Channing: Funny story, with all the Vegas mythos going on in this storyline, the one thing I actually forgot to include was a reference to weddings. Shaenon thankfully picked up the slack here.
Man, I love glowy colors.
May I say that I for one am glad you “drew the veil” over Virginia’s proposal and gave them some privacy and dignity?
I am grateful for this glimpse, however!
I adore all the folks in Skin Horse but these two are extra special!
Oh! And besides the appropriate explosion of neon, nice continuity with their clothing as well!
Great work! I feel as is it’s perfectly suited to her character y o do this. She has been involved in some sketchy stuff but intrinsically she’s always been a good person. I still find the idea of her being an actual mother kinda terrifying
Again, Nick, say yes.
Since the title of the wallpaper is “Yes I will”, I don’t think you have to worry.
*dies of cute*
This couple has gone on a quest. In cockpits, broom closets, no less. But Nick now supposes while Ginny proposes. By all you find holy—say yes!
Ohmigod, his blush!
I ship these two too.
Yeah, me too.
I’m guessing they’ll elope.
Hmmm … I backed the last Kickstart at the “appear in the strip” level and I’m legally empowered to officiate weddings in sweet, beautiful New Jersey.
Just saying.
There are more loyal fans than I, but if they happen to be close to Kentucky, I am an ordained minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I think the sect can handle a mad scientist and her experiment gone right…
But if FSM prove too urbane, would Aimee and Lovelace consider a meatspace wedding?
You could always don the colander and perform the wedding right there in VR. And you could appear as anyone (or anything) you wanted.
Down on one knee and everything! Good. Nicks come a long way. It makes me happy to see this lil nerd wind up happy.
Ack, I love it. They’ve had such a wonderful arc and it makes seeing this moment so impactful, particularly when it’s so beautiful and somehow on-brand.
Sometimes (probably too often than is strictly good for me), I go back and read the strip from start to wherever it happens to be. There have been so many wonderful and surprising things over that time, but the development of these two, both romantically and as people, will always be special to me.
Awwwww! Very glad you chose to draw it anyway! I love these two a lot.
Those two are so dang cute, this is the perfect way to handle the proposal