Shaenon: I posted the Nick half of this early sketch once before, but cut the half with Sweetheart so as not to spoil the plot. Anyway, here’s the whole thing, so you can see me trying to figure out how to draw the Violet drone as operated by different characters.
Channing: Oh! Oh! I remember this sketch! I love this sketch. Cripes, it’s been ages since I’ve seen it. Once again we’re getting to another plot point that was planned out like, geez, five years ago. Finally getting to use some of this stuff!
I agree with all you all in the comments–it’s great watching Shaenon work the subtleties of how Violet looks when she’s got different operators.
This was planned five years ago? Really?
These guys REALLY like to plan. Stuff like this happened in Narbonic, too; I remember a lot of the time in the director’s cut, Shaenon would mention how she’d had the entire plot roughly hammered out at the very beginning, though the specificities and stuff were less sure. I remember the tropical island scene was in there from the start.
She didn’t plan on having Dave turn out to be [spoiler], though.
Not right from the start, no, but I think she decided it pretty early on.
If you like foreshadowing, the “Little Nemo” parody strips in Narbonic are extra-specially mindblowing second time through the archives….
If there was ever any doubt nick slouches…
In case you wanted to see it.
I wonder how much the story runs away with the pre-planned plot outlines. I’m imagining a wall of post-its and fishbone diagrams and flowcharts to keep it all straight as it is.
According to interviews – Robert Jordan’s “Wheel Of Time” was supposed to be 4 or 5 books max – instead of 15. He kept writing because was needed to do the story justice.
Or his bank account.
No, trust me, the story got completely out of hand. Sanderson was originally supposed to do “the last book”, but there were so many loose ends and stray characters he needed three to wrap everything up.
Never read it…I’ve got a pet peeve about endless book series, where you have to “get them all” to figure out what’s going on…been burned too many times…
Did I miss one? I count 14 books. And yes, the story was worth it.
I’ll give it two thumbs up.
Point of order: does anyone actually *use* the term “waldo?” ‘Cause I’ve only seen it in a science fiction context…
nick’s a nerd/geek/gamer. I imagine he’ll be a little too familiar with science fiction contexts
Yes, I’ve heard it used in science labs and nuclear reactors, places where you don’t want to be working directly with lethal materials (pathogens, isotopes, etc.) but need to handle the materials somehow to work with them. Teleoperated robotic arms are referred to as ‘waldoes’ in that instance, or at least used to be before the term ‘robot’ was expanded to include RC vehicles.
Can we get the group shot with all four? Violet Bee, Bubbles, Nick, and now Sweetheart? It’d be awesome to see them all side-by-side!
One big difference between the two: Sweetie isn’t slouching
Wow, that one of Sweetheart driving the drone is surprisingly hot looking.