Hiring people to do nothing is more of a public sector thing. Private companies care a lot more about wasting money than governments. If you aren’t actually going to make them money, they tend not to want to hire you.
Meant to say yesterday—settle in, ’cause this is one of my meditative rants—that “Mr. Grinch” or “the Grinch” might be what they’d call their new supercomputer. It’s the exact right color.
At the post office plant, they installed some equipment and chutes feeding to the letter canceler that we took to calling “Barney,” because it’s that exact color. (A similar chute of the same color, and the same joke, is in the movie “Dear God.” It’s authentic inside postal humor.)
So likely they’ll call their new Cray XC40 “The Grinch.”
If U.N.I.T.Y. is using the porcupine to serve hors d’ouvers, why is she carrying it? It would be much cuter letting it run around offering snacks itself, and her “bond” with it would allow her to steer the beast towards the hungry.
Gross, Unity. Really, really, gross…
Yeah, everyone knows that zombie porcupine quills ruin the flavor of olives…
No, no, the flavor of the quills adds a savory contrast to the olives.
The olives ruin the flavor of the porcupine…
Yes, this. You are absolutely correct.
She needs a little Funions/Youtube time with her best friend.
Woah. Very private sector of Sweetheart there…
Nope, I’ve had public sector managers just as callous.
Assholes, like tiny poop particles, are found everywhere.
Hiring people to do nothing is more of a public sector thing. Private companies care a lot more about wasting money than governments. If you aren’t actually going to make them money, they tend not to want to hire you.
C’mon, Virginia, you could create jobs.
And then sweetheart could fire the people responsible for doing those jobs!
Wait, she answered no, so she is lying.
You could just hire a temp, Sweetheart.
Dunno, isn’t that what unpaid interns are for…?
Maybe not putting her on the list was the computer’s Secret Santa gift to someone elseā¦
Double-secret Santa!
Well Unity, that’s one way to get your “classified non-blood substance” back
Just give your Secret Santa gift to the supercomputer. I’m sure it won’t be surprised.
Meant to say yesterday—settle in, ’cause this is one of my meditative rants—that “Mr. Grinch” or “the Grinch” might be what they’d call their new supercomputer. It’s the exact right color.
At the post office plant, they installed some equipment and chutes feeding to the letter canceler that we took to calling “Barney,” because it’s that exact color. (A similar chute of the same color, and the same joke, is in the movie “Dear God.” It’s authentic inside postal humor.)
So likely they’ll call their new Cray XC40 “The Grinch.”
If U.N.I.T.Y. is using the porcupine to serve hors d’ouvers, why is she carrying it? It would be much cuter letting it run around offering snacks itself, and her “bond” with it would allow her to steer the beast towards the hungry.
Thought she was asking Dr Lee if that was what she was eating