Oh, I suspect there’s also a lack of funds. It’s not like he’s employed. He could probably do children’s birthday parties, but there’s not much else for a sapient robot unicorn in a reality blind world.
Depending on the Baron’s skill set there could be a lot he could do in a reality blind world. Nobody would really notice that he was a robotic unicorn and he could be hired to do any job he was competent at and was able to feign the right credentials for.
Seems an awfully small piece of equipment to run a whole virtual world with the ability to support multiple software intelligences, but no doubt we’re dealing with MadTech here. A proper 1980s-themed Mad could probably fit a human mind onto a floppy disk.
One good thing: if they have to make a run from the A-Sig forces, it’s plenty portable.
Strictly speaking, a modern server unit takes up about the space of an 80s external floppy drive, and you can make smaller/cheaper ones using arduinos or Rasperry Pi’s (and knowing Whimsy, you know she’s going to go with cheap). A case like that could therefore contain dozens of server units running in parallel.
New thought: If one of these units fails, taking a CPU core and/or a few gigabytes out of commission (as happens when you use cheap parts), what does that do to the VR? Would be interesting to see them enter and Nick be all like
“They have these dinosaurs and–”
“Oh, that ride is out of order”
“Well, I’ll show you from outside”
“No, ‘out of order’ means it’s completely vanished off the face of the sim”
They tend to have multiple units running redundantly, so if a sector goes bad on one unit, it can self-heal by copying the lost data from another unit to a new location on itself.
Ultima 3 fit on two doubled sided floppies. I was the cool kid on my block becuase I had two drives and didnt have to swap after I took the dos disk out.
Of *course* washers would have machine rabies.
It also establishes neither of them was a dryer.
Not necessarily. Put enough soap and water in anything, and it’s going to foam up.
If a dryer foamed up, it must have *really* convinced them that it had machine rabies.
Baron Mistycorn has guards?
Well, not very good ones…
Anybody good would be more than he could pay.
I don’t think it’s so much a lack of capacity to pay quality prices as of desire. The Baron being a cheapskate would seem fully in character.
Oh, I suspect there’s also a lack of funds. It’s not like he’s employed. He could probably do children’s birthday parties, but there’s not much else for a sapient robot unicorn in a reality blind world.
He could probably do one children’s birthday party. After that I suspect word would get around.
How many could he do, after word got ’round about the tubby unicorn who hit on all the young mothers?
Then he would switch from kids’ birthday parties to doing bachelorette parties, and hit on all the bridesmaids (and the bride, too).
Robert Nowall – Depends on how the mothers felt about being hit on by the tubby unicorn, probably.
Depending on the Baron’s skill set there could be a lot he could do in a reality blind world. Nobody would really notice that he was a robotic unicorn and he could be hired to do any job he was competent at and was able to feign the right credentials for.
Residuals from all those Whimsy movies he was in?
Seems an awfully small piece of equipment to run a whole virtual world with the ability to support multiple software intelligences, but no doubt we’re dealing with MadTech here. A proper 1980s-themed Mad could probably fit a human mind onto a floppy disk.
One good thing: if they have to make a run from the A-Sig forces, it’s plenty portable.
Strictly speaking, a modern server unit takes up about the space of an 80s external floppy drive, and you can make smaller/cheaper ones using arduinos or Rasperry Pi’s (and knowing Whimsy, you know she’s going to go with cheap). A case like that could therefore contain dozens of server units running in parallel.
New thought: If one of these units fails, taking a CPU core and/or a few gigabytes out of commission (as happens when you use cheap parts), what does that do to the VR? Would be interesting to see them enter and Nick be all like
“They have these dinosaurs and–”
“Oh, that ride is out of order”
“Well, I’ll show you from outside”
“No, ‘out of order’ means it’s completely vanished off the face of the sim”
They tend to have multiple units running redundantly, so if a sector goes bad on one unit, it can self-heal by copying the lost data from another unit to a new location on itself.
Putting a mind on a floppy would certainly take some weird science…
You’ve never seen the tricks they pulled off to get the NES games to fit on those cartridges, have you?
Ultima 3 fit on two doubled sided floppies. I was the cool kid on my block becuase I had two drives and didnt have to swap after I took the dos disk out.
Wow, friendship is magic!
From a, er… certain perspective of ‘friendship’. The Nanoha one.
“Froth! Froth!” That second panel has me cracking up!
They’re method actors, currently in the zone of their character. It will take them a while to get back to their normal state.
Just hose ’em down. That’ll snap ’em back to normal. And it’ll clear out the excess foam, too.
So, who actually carried it off?