Eric Burns (ericburns) says: Copper? But brass is ever so much easier to keep corrosion free….
Jessie Tracer (electrickeet) says: All right, I relent. Tip can keep the arm hair. (Whatever it’ll take to keep him in that outfit. Ohmigosh.)
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
I second that notion, madame. I do beleive I have the vapors. . .
Okay, My shirt request is for Mustachio and that last line there, preferably gold on black.
. . . . anyone else getting major Return To Oz (the movie) flashbacks? I would so love to see a Wheeler. . .
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: Ok, if he doesn’t have any arms or legs, what does he do for them? I man, if he can’t answer the phone, he really can’t be a good receptionist. Or is he their central computer? If so, they really are on a shoestring budget.
Thomas Levy (ergonomytch) says: He can act as a receptionist for those who actually walk in the door.
Rockphed (rockphed) says: Or they could have a voice activated phone! How would that not rock. When you want to talk, you talk at it, and when you want it to hang up, you make the click noise! Hmmm, I wonder if that is patented…
K. Myers (bassetking) says: Certainly, a government agency such as Skin Horse would be fully compliant to both OSHAA and ADA, there should be no issue with a limbless secretary!
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says:
Dave Van Domelen and the Tip fan art…
I have no words, other than loving the Helen style pink glasses.
He’d TOTALLY be allowed to work field in THAT outfit.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says: I thought a gentlebot as sophisticated as Moustachio would surely have a jeweled movement. Alas, these government cutbacks …
Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: I’m kind of surprised that no one has made any references to WHO THE HELL GAVOTTE IS! Sorry, I’m just insanely curious. I mean, Moustachio’s cool and all, but I’m fairly sure that the boss of this organization has to be way more amazing. Especially since they’re a weapon, that’s now the boss of a former-weapon team.
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Yep! �Be my guest!
Brian Rogers (billionsix) says: As a totally random side note. Today, I saw a little girl, aged about five or six, who was wearing a hoodie covered in little hearts! It looked like Unity’s sweater! I thought that was kinda cool.
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says: Ok, I <3 Sweetheart even MORE now for that third panel.
Thomas Levy (ergonomytch) says:
Hmm, according to Wikipedia, the Gavotte was a French folk dance which became popular in baroque music.
Here's a video of someone playing what is apparently a Gavotte on the cello:
Jeffrey Channing Wells (channing) says: Because I am the co-author of this strip, I have the power to declare that the Stevie Nicks medly also included "Sorcerer", "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" and "Leather and Lace", although on the last one, I'm not sure between Sweetheart and Unity who was Stevie and who was Don Henley. Because of that pesky old subjectivity thing, I do not have the power to formally declare that it was totally awesome, but I gotta say, Tip, how could you POSSIBLY boo that?!?
Andre Richard (andre) says: Is Unity part Tootie?
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Cute use of the early Sweetheart design for desk poster.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Does Gavotte always keep one eye in the mirror? With a hat that strategically dips below one eye, and a scarf of apricot?
Now I've got "Edge of Seventeen" running through my head, except that during the chorus instead of "coo coo coo" I hear Sweetheart howling. And of course Unity would join right in.
On an unrelated note, what does Sweetheart do to celebrate Valentine's Day?
Rachel S. (masamage) says: I've been wondering: what's Tip's voice like? Is he a tenor or a bass? Because he sang Like a Virgin and apparently did it extremely well, I'm inclined to suspect tenor. But maybe he has really good range.
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: A lot of natural bass singers have a good falsetto range, actually. It made me jealous, as a high tenor, that some of the bass guys in choir could actually sing soprano parts better than I could. (I later turned the tables by learning their baritone parts better than they did, though.)
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says: I, personally, am a Tenor who can sing Soprano and fake Bass, so it's hard to say. But Tip looks like a Tenor to me.
Tiff Hudson (tiff_hudson) says: I wishI could climb up and lie on my desk like Sweetheart does.
bzzzzd (bzzzzd) says:
I always boo Stevie Nicks medleys…
I've often been asked to sing solo, preferably tenor…..
So low they can't hear me, preferably ten or eleven blocks away…
Rachel (admiralshazbot) says: Tiff: I do climb up and lie on my desk like Sweetheart does. Of course, I'm built like an eight-year-old, so people let me.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says: Tip sang Madonna, then had the nerve to boo Stevie Nicks? Yeah, I've got no sympathy for him.
Shaenon Garrity (shaenongarrity) says: Tip was just mad that they weren't giving him more time to sing. He is such a mic hog.
Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: I'm truly, truly sorry, but I just keep seeing Tip as a girl. It scares me. He's just so feminine.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says:
Also, this in combination with what's going on over in Narbonic reruns has filled me with the mental image of Unity and Zombie Dave teaming up to perform a karaoke rendition of Jonathan Coulton's Re: Your Brains.
Eric Burns (ericburns) says: Copper? But brass is ever so much easier to keep corrosion free….
Jessie Tracer (electrickeet) says: All right, I relent. Tip can keep the arm hair. (Whatever it’ll take to keep him in that outfit. Ohmigosh.)
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says:
I second that notion, madame. I do beleive I have the vapors. . .
Okay, My shirt request is for Mustachio and that last line there, preferably gold on black.
. . . . anyone else getting major Return To Oz (the movie) flashbacks? I would so love to see a Wheeler. . .
Michael Brewer (wusemajor) says: Ok, if he doesn’t have any arms or legs, what does he do for them? I man, if he can’t answer the phone, he really can’t be a good receptionist. Or is he their central computer? If so, they really are on a shoestring budget.
Thomas Levy (ergonomytch) says: He can act as a receptionist for those who actually walk in the door.
Rockphed (rockphed) says: Or they could have a voice activated phone! How would that not rock. When you want to talk, you talk at it, and when you want it to hang up, you make the click noise! Hmmm, I wonder if that is patented…
K. Myers (bassetking) says: Certainly, a government agency such as Skin Horse would be fully compliant to both OSHAA and ADA, there should be no issue with a limbless secretary!
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: (Repeat in case anyone missed it before the midnight rollover:
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says:
Dave Van Domelen and the Tip fan art…
I have no words, other than loving the Helen style pink glasses.
He’d TOTALLY be allowed to work field in THAT outfit.
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says: I thought a gentlebot as sophisticated as Moustachio would surely have a jeweled movement. Alas, these government cutbacks …
Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: I’m kind of surprised that no one has made any references to WHO THE HELL GAVOTTE IS! Sorry, I’m just insanely curious. I mean, Moustachio’s cool and all, but I’m fairly sure that the boss of this organization has to be way more amazing. Especially since they’re a weapon, that’s now the boss of a former-weapon team.
Shaenon Garrity (shaenongarrity) says:
Oh, awesome! May I run this on a Sunday?
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Yep! �Be my guest!
Brian Rogers (billionsix) says: As a totally random side note. Today, I saw a little girl, aged about five or six, who was wearing a hoodie covered in little hearts! It looked like Unity’s sweater! I thought that was kinda cool.
NigaiAmai Yume (nigaiamai_yume) says: Ok, I <3 Sweetheart even MORE now for that third panel.
Thomas Levy (ergonomytch) says:
Hmm, according to Wikipedia, the Gavotte was a French folk dance which became popular in baroque music.
Here's a video of someone playing what is apparently a Gavotte on the cello:
Jeffrey Channing Wells (channing) says: Because I am the co-author of this strip, I have the power to declare that the Stevie Nicks medly also included "Sorcerer", "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" and "Leather and Lace", although on the last one, I'm not sure between Sweetheart and Unity who was Stevie and who was Don Henley. Because of that pesky old subjectivity thing, I do not have the power to formally declare that it was totally awesome, but I gotta say, Tip, how could you POSSIBLY boo that?!?
Andre Richard (andre) says: Is Unity part Tootie?
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: Cute use of the early Sweetheart design for desk poster.
Joe Hoffman (joe6pack) says: We all know at least one gavotte. Michael Silvestri put on line the "Gavotte en Rondeau" from J.S Bach's E-major lute suite at
Ed Gedeon (eddurd) says:
Does Gavotte always keep one eye in the mirror? With a hat that strategically dips below one eye, and a scarf of apricot?
Now I've got "Edge of Seventeen" running through my head, except that during the chorus instead of "coo coo coo" I hear Sweetheart howling. And of course Unity would join right in.
On an unrelated note, what does Sweetheart do to celebrate Valentine's Day?
Rachel S. (masamage) says: I've been wondering: what's Tip's voice like? Is he a tenor or a bass? Because he sang Like a Virgin and apparently did it extremely well, I'm inclined to suspect tenor. But maybe he has really good range.
Dave Van Domelen (dvandom) says: A lot of natural bass singers have a good falsetto range, actually. It made me jealous, as a high tenor, that some of the bass guys in choir could actually sing soprano parts better than I could. (I later turned the tables by learning their baritone parts better than they did, though.)
Aaron Shades (prof_tinker) says: I, personally, am a Tenor who can sing Soprano and fake Bass, so it's hard to say. But Tip looks like a Tenor to me.
Tiff Hudson (tiff_hudson) says: I wishI could climb up and lie on my desk like Sweetheart does.
bzzzzd (bzzzzd) says:
I always boo Stevie Nicks medleys…
I've often been asked to sing solo, preferably tenor…..
So low they can't hear me, preferably ten or eleven blocks away…
Rachel (admiralshazbot) says: Tiff: I do climb up and lie on my desk like Sweetheart does. Of course, I'm built like an eight-year-old, so people let me.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says: Tip sang Madonna, then had the nerve to boo Stevie Nicks? Yeah, I've got no sympathy for him.
Shaenon Garrity (shaenongarrity) says: Tip was just mad that they weren't giving him more time to sing. He is such a mic hog.
Justin Grubbs (the_purple_knight) says: I'm truly, truly sorry, but I just keep seeing Tip as a girl. It scares me. He's just so feminine.
John Campbell (jcampbel) says:
Also, this in combination with what's going on over in Narbonic reruns has filled me with the mental image of Unity and Zombie Dave teaming up to perform a karaoke rendition of Jonathan Coulton's Re: Your Brains.