Sic ‘im, Tip. Get him by the nose and boot him in the azz. He’s really not even human, is he, Shannon? So is his motive ‘self-loathing’? Because he’s one of THOSE he wars against….
Come on, Ira, your coup de grace should be invoking the competitive exclusion principle applied to species that are advanced enough to try to carve out half the planet as their ecological niche — the fight will happen regardless. Applying the principle to sentients is a little social Darwinist, sure, but that’s different from saying we know it’s wrong. We don’t have a lot of experience with two different sentient species cooperating or competing, so it’s hard to know either way. No, wait, maybe we do — talked to any Neanderthals lately? Still, given the amazing disregard we have shown to the welfare and populations of all other species — we disregard the welfare of the animals we eat, and we disregard the survival of the animals we don’t, and a significant minority these days seems to embrace the idea that we’re doing enough to protect the ecosystem so long as we avoid killing ourselves, and other species can go hang — humans sure appear to be a counterexample to the happy idea that sentients are not inclined to fight each other to the edge of extinction.
The good news is that the notion that a fascist monoculture will emerge victorious is opposed somewhat persuasively by the Doomsday Argument which supports no winners. And apparently I’m an edgy seventeen year old nihilist. But it’s not so much that nihilism has any good rebuttals as that few people see any good use for it so as they grow up they go with some other option, Pascal’s Wager for atheists. Hokay, gotta go shampoo the phone.
Every human being on the planet whose ancestry isn’t exclusively from sub-Saharan Africa has a little Neanderthal and/or Denisovan in them. We didn’t make war, we made love.
Wolves interbreed with but also kill coyotes, and different human tribes do the same thing to each other. But your objection certainly has some validity — from what I can gather after Googling “Neanderthal versus human”, we don’t know for sure whether the Neanderthals had a die-off, let alone whether humans did it. The LiveScience article on the topic is all over the map, though I suppose that could just mean they accurately avoided presenting a false consensus on the topic.
Judging from present day practices it probably took _every_ form.
Whatever works.
And if Neanderthals and Denisovans were actually separate species from Homo Sapiens sapiens it probably happened a lot just to get _any_ results. Hybrids are usually sterile.
We also needed the out-breeding. The genetic bottleneck event left us with a breeding population starting with less than ten thousand individuals worldwide.
Not to mess with the readers, but as Tip ages would he start looking like Trump. OK, a cross dressing Trump. (There is just something about this conversation that brought that to mind)
Jeeze, Geeze. We’re dealing in images here, didn’t you remember? Even when Trump was crass-sacking Roy Cohn, he dressed very square. Most of the time.
Got his clothes advice from J Edgar Hoover. Cohn ‘broke him in’ pretty early.
The Wizard didn’t invent “spin”, but as the head of a quasi-governmental black ops agency, he is probably a past master of it. Tip is only fighting with the truth, that can be overridden with enough doubletalk.
Tip really isn’t doing as well as he thinks he is here. Regardless of the things that Anasigma did, none of that changes that he is still responsible for the parts of this that he did. “Sure, I’m the one who opened the cages and let the rabid hyenas run amok through town, but you’re the one who brought them here in the first place”?
Hah! So that’s how it plays out.
Ira,sit on it and spin!
Sic ‘im, Tip. Get him by the nose and boot him in the azz. He’s really not even human, is he, Shannon? So is his motive ‘self-loathing’? Because he’s one of THOSE he wars against….
“Remember ME, Wilkins?!?”
“When I ~KILLED~ your brother… I talked… JUST! LIKE! THIIISSS!!!”
Dangit, I always make the mistake of thinking it’s “Wilkins” instead of just “Wilkin”.
I know technically they’re distinct names from distinct origins, but “Wilkins” is just so much more prevalent in the modern cultural landscape.
ah yes, those events we thought we weren’t going to hear about again come back to bite us in the butt
Come on, Ira, your coup de grace should be invoking the competitive exclusion principle applied to species that are advanced enough to try to carve out half the planet as their ecological niche — the fight will happen regardless. Applying the principle to sentients is a little social Darwinist, sure, but that’s different from saying we know it’s wrong. We don’t have a lot of experience with two different sentient species cooperating or competing, so it’s hard to know either way. No, wait, maybe we do — talked to any Neanderthals lately? Still, given the amazing disregard we have shown to the welfare and populations of all other species — we disregard the welfare of the animals we eat, and we disregard the survival of the animals we don’t, and a significant minority these days seems to embrace the idea that we’re doing enough to protect the ecosystem so long as we avoid killing ourselves, and other species can go hang — humans sure appear to be a counterexample to the happy idea that sentients are not inclined to fight each other to the edge of extinction.
The good news is that the notion that a fascist monoculture will emerge victorious is opposed somewhat persuasively by the Doomsday Argument which supports no winners. And apparently I’m an edgy seventeen year old nihilist. But it’s not so much that nihilism has any good rebuttals as that few people see any good use for it so as they grow up they go with some other option, Pascal’s Wager for atheists. Hokay, gotta go shampoo the phone.
Every human being on the planet whose ancestry isn’t exclusively from sub-Saharan Africa has a little Neanderthal and/or Denisovan in them. We didn’t make war, we made love.
Wolves interbreed with but also kill coyotes, and different human tribes do the same thing to each other. But your objection certainly has some validity — from what I can gather after Googling “Neanderthal versus human”, we don’t know for sure whether the Neanderthals had a die-off, let alone whether humans did it. The LiveScience article on the topic is all over the map, though I suppose that could just mean they accurately avoided presenting a false consensus on the topic.
Of course, forced sex is a form of violence. And there isn’t (and probably can’t be) any evidence showing what form the interbreeding took.
Judging from present day practices it probably took _every_ form.
Whatever works.
And if Neanderthals and Denisovans were actually separate species from Homo Sapiens sapiens it probably happened a lot just to get _any_ results. Hybrids are usually sterile.
We also needed the out-breeding. The genetic bottleneck event left us with a breeding population starting with less than ten thousand individuals worldwide.
Tip you may not want to do this and I do not know how you are going to do this but you need to pull out the puppets.
It’s possible you’re just joking here but I seriously would love to see Tip’s use of the therapy puppets play a nontrivial role in saving the day.
Not to mess with the readers, but as Tip ages would he start looking like Trump. OK, a cross dressing Trump. (There is just something about this conversation that brought that to mind)
OK. I’m TOTALLY messing with the readers….
He doesn’t use enough hair spray.
Tip’d look like Bowie. Trump lacks ambisexual panache and has a limited wardrobe.
Mr. Green’s the one with the golf tan and dogmatic harangues.
Jeeze, Geeze. We’re dealing in images here, didn’t you remember? Even when Trump was crass-sacking Roy Cohn, he dressed very square. Most of the time.
Got his clothes advice from J Edgar Hoover. Cohn ‘broke him in’ pretty early.
The Wizard didn’t invent “spin”, but as the head of a quasi-governmental black ops agency, he is probably a past master of it. Tip is only fighting with the truth, that can be overridden with enough doubletalk.
Welcome to spin class.
Please Mr Green, Tip is a master at deflecting issues.
Tip really isn’t doing as well as he thinks he is here. Regardless of the things that Anasigma did, none of that changes that he is still responsible for the parts of this that he did. “Sure, I’m the one who opened the cages and let the rabid hyenas run amok through town, but you’re the one who brought them here in the first place”?