You keep using that term. The copier might not have a significant amount of iron content and may not be American either. You do realize that misused PC buzzwords can be as offensive as derogative slang, do you?
Well, if you peruse the archives (especially the Brave Little Toasters arc), you’ll find that they have no trouble in calling themselves “machines” or “AIs”. If you’re dead set in using a PC buzzword, the only term that comes up that resembles them is “Synthetics”, so you could use that.
*political science voice from the ether starts whispering to Miss Bubbles Cooler*
quick. present the assertion that you are being a pioneer breaking barriers and blazing a trail that other office equipment might follow but that such a trail is contingent upon your own success. explain that working from within was the means by which you are positioning yourself to do this and that your fellow devices should not let themselves be divided by the reactionary meat. then use that as a basis of enlisting their cooperation and support
Previous occupants who wanted to seduce Tip seemed confident that the necessary equipment was there if he were to say yes. Absent all contrary proof Miss therefore remains the polite way to address Cooler-san. 😛
Shannon can you please weigh in on this? My GF* is trans so I’m kind of a stickler for addressing people as the correct gender. .*not u.n.i.t.y The one I share a dimension with.
Yes. And Sweetheart’s task was to scan the records into the computer, making it even EASIER to print out copies for all of the departments to do their jobs.
Things would go so much less dramatically if people would just get organized; but where’s the fun in that?
Many recent high usage capacity printers work by scanning the document then printing it. The user can elect to save the scan to a hard drive, or email it to people, or not. Bubbles COULD BE scanning (and also making copies) right at this very moment. Just throwing that out there for people who haven’t used office equipment recently.
I’m pretty sure this is all referrnces to in-comic events. Specifically, tge Tigerlily Jones episode. When they brought in Tigerlily to fix Moustachio, they violatec Machine Union rules, and the office machines held a strike:
Oh hell no.
I find that copier quite amusing for some reason.
You shouldn’t,That copier is a spiteful,reactionary,angry Ferro-American.
You keep using that term. The copier might not have a significant amount of iron content and may not be American either. You do realize that misused PC buzzwords can be as offensive as derogative slang, do you?
and that is where prop 39 comes in! 😀
It doesn’t refer to material content, it refers to magnetic storage.
So you’re prejudiced against solid state technology?
All right then What would you consider the proper term?
Well, if you peruse the archives (especially the Brave Little Toasters arc), you’ll find that they have no trouble in calling themselves “machines” or “AIs”. If you’re dead set in using a PC buzzword, the only term that comes up that resembles them is “Synthetics”, so you could use that.
Poor Bubbles!
Stuck in the middle again, 10?
“I don’t want to go!”
*political science voice from the ether starts whispering to Miss Bubbles Cooler*
quick. present the assertion that you are being a pioneer breaking barriers and blazing a trail that other office equipment might follow but that such a trail is contingent upon your own success. explain that working from within was the means by which you are positioning yourself to do this and that your fellow devices should not let themselves be divided by the reactionary meat. then use that as a basis of enlisting their cooperation and support
Miss again? We don’t even know if bubbles has something equivalent to a biological gender.
Previous occupants who wanted to seduce Tip seemed confident that the necessary equipment was there if he were to say yes. Absent all contrary proof Miss therefore remains the polite way to address Cooler-san. 😛
The Cadillac-spider robot (his name escapes me) seemed to think she was female. She also seemed to agree with him.
Shannon can you please weigh in on this? My GF* is trans so I’m kind of a stickler for addressing people as the correct gender. .*not u.n.i.t.y The one I share a dimension with.
Jeff is really the expert on the inner life of the water cooler (I’m not kidding here), but as far as I know she does identify as female.
Baby is gender-neutral, I’ve dated women who’ve called me baby.
I was just thinking this morning how songs with the slang “baby” in them are sung by women almost half the time.
How can you forget a funktastic name like Sweetdaddy Jupiter Velvet?
I know, I’m ashamed. All I could think of was Sweet Sweetback, and that was obviously not it.
That’s just MEAN.
That Why it’s working, sweetheart doesn’t actually mean those terrible things. But it’s what’s necessary to get bubbles to do what she wants.
So, when the scanner/printer has been breaking down all these years it hasn’t been random, but personal? I KNEW it!
Gavotte’s team-building exercises would work a lot better if the gang was better at learning things.
wait, was bubbles making copies so that each department could have their own?
Now, what does *that* have to do with anything?
Yes. And Sweetheart’s task was to scan the records into the computer, making it even EASIER to print out copies for all of the departments to do their jobs.
Things would go so much less dramatically if people would just get organized; but where’s the fun in that?
Many recent high usage capacity printers work by scanning the document then printing it. The user can elect to save the scan to a hard drive, or email it to people, or not. Bubbles COULD BE scanning (and also making copies) right at this very moment. Just throwing that out there for people who haven’t used office equipment recently.
um… that copier doesn’t exactly look “recent”
…at least the “copy” part
If it’s a GI copier it’s probably at least 20 years old.
If really does look as if she was doing Sweetheart’s work for her, doesn’t it?
Oh hell Tip and Sweetheart, that is LOOOOOOOOOW.
My opinion of both of them has dropped dramatically.
Suddenly I’m very interested in learning about office equipment History.
I’m pretty sure this is all referrnces to in-comic events. Specifically, tge Tigerlily Jones episode. When they brought in Tigerlily to fix Moustachio, they violatec Machine Union rules, and the office machines held a strike:
Bubbles (then merely the water cooler) was the only one in the office who didn’t join the strike:
Of course, after re-reading that arc, now I’m kind of wanting to see Bubbles meet up with Sweetdaddy again…
Dirty pool, guys. Dirty pool.
hey, at least they’re not tearing throats out!
Welp, someone eyebombed the photocopier.
Sweetie is coming across as a major dick, and she won’t even admit to herself the real reason
Sweetheart can be a real bitch sometimes….
You are now aware that that is an ethnic slur.
In Sweetheart’s case, it’s a simple statement of fact.
Jeeze, they should’ve gone with Sweetie’s plan. That would’ve just involved ripping out Bubble’s throat, not her soul.
Our occasional reminder that Tip can be by far the most bloodthirsty of the trio.
Must be a pretty strong union.
You could say it’s iron-clad.
Okay, who else thinks that Bubbles is the only one to get a raise after the dust settles? Anyone? Any takers?
Well, since Jeff said that she isn’t getting paid (in answer to a question asking if she was in line for a raise too), that would be easy money.
That would make her raise easier, not impossible. 1 cent above nothing is still an improvement
that was cruel
Nice job breaking the office scanner you needed to finish scanning the files that Bubbles was scanning for you, Sweetheart.
But anyway, back to war plans.
Stirring up toxic identity politics is always a bad thing, guys.