Sweetheart’s not really a dog; she’s a dog-shaped abomination of mad science. She’s toxin-resistant. She could probably scarf down a bathtub full of guacamole without ill effects.
Avocado toast?! Poisoner! Felon! Fiend! (unless that doesn’t apply to a talking lady-dog born of Mad Science, but avocado is normally poisonous to both cats and dogs. Even by proxy! One of my cats ate half of a mouse that had recently dined on a rotten old avocado and ended violently emptying himself from both ends for nearly 24 hours! Thankfully he survived and seems to have fully recovered.)
Hers may drag underneath; his may be on his body. His chest resembles a stove, to me, so perhaps it may need to be fireproof… Even if he is clockwork, wouldn’t you be tempted to put a flame area in your Victorian-era Cylon?
Huh. One of my ex-girlfriends had a cat who loved avocado and never seemed to suffer any ill effects from it. Maybe she just managed to stay below a toxic dose? I’d heard avocado was the fruit cats were most likely to show any interest in, because of its fat content, but that “most likely” still didn’t mean all that many cats would eat it.
Ah. ASPCA web site says avocados are toxic to birds, rabbits, horses, and cattle but not to dogs or cats, though large enough quantities may upset their tummies. “Avocado i sometimes included in pet foods for nutritional benefit.”
Petpoisonhelpline says mild toxicity to cats and dogs, moderate to severe for other species … But then in the full text below it says, “despite the rumors, avocado is not poisonous to dogs, nor likely to cat.” Big danger to dogs is swallowing the large avocado pit, which Sweetheart is smart enough not to do (and won’t be on the toast anyhow).
Other sites say it depends on which cultivar of avocado. Or that it takes “significant quantities” to be a problem. And that the leaves and bark are a bigger problem than the fruit. Anyhow, it appears that Sweetheart could safely eat literally enough avocado to kill a horse.
I think Sweetheart probably gets a bye here, and the assumption that she aint no regular dog. I mean, if a drinking bathtub full of marguerita doesn’t kill her, not much will.
If never heard of “avocado toast” in skin-horse context or otherwise. Although it doesn’t sound unpleasant it seems odd. Like a chocolate covered carrot. So I’m wondering if part of the joke is that avocados are slightly toxic to dogs is supposed to be part of the appeal, like a deep-fried twinkie or a cigarette would be to a human.
Or maybe Shaenon and Jeff had an avocado toast this weekend and kind of liked it and thought it should be more commonly known. It does sound kind of good.
…the shades on Moustachio’s lower body are basically the greatest thing here.
That’s not Mustachio’s lower body, that’s Hitty.
I’m actually a little dissapointed those two didn’t get ties
They’re on back-order.
Moustachio would look quite dashing in a bow-tie.
Treads + Dangling piece of cloth = OH NO!
This is both a reason not to get a tie and a possible reason the is NO LONGER a tie.
Poker nights at Sweetheart’s must be fun.
You don’t beat your boss, if you know what’s good for you.
I like the sunglasses on Hittie! :>)
Avocado toast is so very much part of the conspiracy. It is so VERY tasty. Best at Bartavelle with the acme bread!
Avocados are mildly *poisonous* to dogs!
They are trying to make Fancy sick.
Sweetheart’s not really a dog; she’s a dog-shaped abomination of mad science. She’s toxin-resistant. She could probably scarf down a bathtub full of guacamole without ill effects.
Well, any sinister secret government worth its salt is full of treachery and backstabbing. (Like regular office politics, only with more deathtraps)
Avocado toast?! Poisoner! Felon! Fiend! (unless that doesn’t apply to a talking lady-dog born of Mad Science, but avocado is normally poisonous to both cats and dogs. Even by proxy! One of my cats ate half of a mouse that had recently dined on a rotten old avocado and ended violently emptying himself from both ends for nearly 24 hours! Thankfully he survived and seems to have fully recovered.)
Also- I think Hitty’s hammer may be missing a definition line from its top, seems like it’s not all there…
Sweetheart has been upgraded to where she needs a bathtub full of tequila to get drunk. I think she’ll be fine.
We’re all glad the poor mouse survived and recovered.
Hers may drag underneath; his may be on his body. His chest resembles a stove, to me, so perhaps it may need to be fireproof… Even if he is clockwork, wouldn’t you be tempted to put a flame area in your Victorian-era Cylon?
That was meant as a reply about the ties…
Huh. One of my ex-girlfriends had a cat who loved avocado and never seemed to suffer any ill effects from it. Maybe she just managed to stay below a toxic dose? I’d heard avocado was the fruit cats were most likely to show any interest in, because of its fat content, but that “most likely” still didn’t mean all that many cats would eat it.
Ah. ASPCA web site says avocados are toxic to birds, rabbits, horses, and cattle but not to dogs or cats, though large enough quantities may upset their tummies. “Avocado i sometimes included in pet foods for nutritional benefit.”
Petpoisonhelpline says mild toxicity to cats and dogs, moderate to severe for other species … But then in the full text below it says, “despite the rumors, avocado is not poisonous to dogs, nor likely to cat.” Big danger to dogs is swallowing the large avocado pit, which Sweetheart is smart enough not to do (and won’t be on the toast anyhow).
Other sites say it depends on which cultivar of avocado. Or that it takes “significant quantities” to be a problem. And that the leaves and bark are a bigger problem than the fruit. Anyhow, it appears that Sweetheart could safely eat literally enough avocado to kill a horse.
I think Sweetheart probably gets a bye here, and the assumption that she aint no regular dog. I mean, if a drinking bathtub full of marguerita doesn’t kill her, not much will.
“Low men?” At least three are girls, aren’t they?
The English language, espically in less formal context, defaults to male for plural and mixed or unknown gender
Some people don’t like this, but that’s culture/society stuff, not grammar, not yet at least
Not me, particularly. When I speak of “man,” I speak of woman embracing man.
Of the six of them, one of them is a Man, two of them are men, but all of them are The Man.
I count two men and three women. I don’t know how you count Bubbles.
“one of them is a Man” i.e., human (Tip), “two of them are men” i.e., male (Tip and Moustachio), “all of them are The Man” i.e., government agents.
Somehow, against all logic and reason, Sweetheart looks good in that tie.
I like the idea of having a boss who shows when they’re pleased that readily. Humans should have tails.
That would make dating so much easier, wouldn’t it!
If never heard of “avocado toast” in skin-horse context or otherwise. Although it doesn’t sound unpleasant it seems odd. Like a chocolate covered carrot. So I’m wondering if part of the joke is that avocados are slightly toxic to dogs is supposed to be part of the appeal, like a deep-fried twinkie or a cigarette would be to a human.
Or maybe Shaenon and Jeff had an avocado toast this weekend and kind of liked it and thought it should be more commonly known. It does sound kind of good.
I can’t say I’ve had “avocado toast” per se, but I have had avocado as a condiment/spread on sandwiches, and it can be quite tasty.
I think it’s one of those California things, possibly?
The dog has finally come home. And her pack is dressed for the occasion (both new and old).
What’s better than Sweetheart in cute little glasses? Sweetheart in cute little glasses and a cute little tie!
I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get a shot of the power walk in from the parking lot.
I see this is another clever ploy to get Sweetheart to wear cute things.
Seems pretty safe to say that Sweetheart is still being manipulated.