Shaenon: Above is a sample page from the Skin Horse Volume 2 bonus story, “Sandwich Day.” It all goes about as well as you’d think.

Yesterday the Kickstarter pledge drive for Volume 2 closed, bringing in exactly twice our pledge goal. Thank you all so much for your generosity and for making it possible for Jeff and me to publish Volume 2. When we launched the Kickstarter drive, we had no idea what would happen, and it’s enormously gratifying that so many people want to see this book published. It should be out by early September.

Incidentally, if you pledged to the Kickstarter drive but did NOT receive a message from me yesterday, please email me so I can get your correct contact info.

Thank you again! We’re so excited about the book!

Channing: Thanks, guys. This really is tremendous. I really hope you like the extra stuff.