Well, she’s not a Mad Scientist. She may have latent potential or just exist at the very edge of what can be done while staying sane. In that since she could be like Artie. Smarter than the Mad in so many ways yet somehow still unable to match them when the insanity is aiding them.
(TUNE: “Who’ll Stop The Rain”, Credence Clearwater Revival)
Looking ’round forever, hoping we can find
Someone who is clever, and has an open mind!
Then we’ll terminate him, salvage his remains!
We found Nick, Lee! Now let’s quickly
Schlorp out his brains!
‘Gainst the clock we’re racing, as his brain we stole!
Neurons interfacing, now for flight control …
Nutrient solution, flowing through his veins …
It was fun, too! I’m the one who
Schlorped out his brains!
Right. Sometimes I have to remember that she IS a mad scientist under the employ of a shadow government.
Is she an actual mad scientist tho? Or more like Dave before he snapped? She’s weird, yeah, but never really does crazy stuff.
Well, she’s not a Mad Scientist. She may have latent potential or just exist at the very edge of what can be done while staying sane. In that since she could be like Artie. Smarter than the Mad in so many ways yet somehow still unable to match them when the insanity is aiding them.
She’s a mad scientist whose gimmick is sanity… That’s why she’s such a neurotic wreck
I was thinking that she was on the anti-insanity drug that Helen created (the one that was sans boring-izing side-effects).
Let’s just say ‘differently sane’.
And that’s the word I’ve been trying to remember!
She does engage in maniacal laughter, though.
Dave was always a Mad Scientist though, he just wasn’t aware of it.
So is Virginia. She either isn’t aware, or she’s just in denial.
I read schlorp out those brains and I began wondering what dimensional paradox results in her being related to Agatha Heterodyne.
Virginia DOES have great Spark potential, doesn’t she?
In the Girl Genius comics, we never know what happened to the Americas . . .
And the mad scientists are SO Sparks.
(TUNE: “Who’ll Stop The Rain”, Credence Clearwater Revival)
Looking ’round forever, hoping we can find
Someone who is clever, and has an open mind!
Then we’ll terminate him, salvage his remains!
We found Nick, Lee! Now let’s quickly
Schlorp out his brains!
‘Gainst the clock we’re racing, as his brain we stole!
Neurons interfacing, now for flight control …
Nutrient solution, flowing through his veins …
It was fun, too! I’m the one who
Schlorped out his brains!
My brains aren’t worth shcorping this morning, so with me she’s not scoring.
So this is all foreshadowing of the nature of the Violet Clone?
Now we also know why having Nick ‘keep it up so long’ is important to Ginny.