That depends on the species. “Pine tree” isn’t just one species, it’s a family of over a hundred different species of tree. Most don’t look like Christmas trees at all.
Just remember, if you intend to survive a horror movie, there are two things you should never, ever do, under any circumstances: 1) stay in the creepy old cabin, and 2) go into the woods.
“And I was particularly proud of diagram 37.6b in chapter 22, Bashing Your Head: The Best Alternative to Expressing Grief Once You Have Run Your Voice Coarse By Non-stop Screaming… Or Is It?!??”.
…that…doesn’t look like a pine….
It’s a loblolly pine.
They don’t stay Christmas-tree shaped forever. Eventually they become a tall bare trunk with a clump of branches and needles at the top.
That depends on the species. “Pine tree” isn’t just one species, it’s a family of over a hundred different species of tree. Most don’t look like Christmas trees at all.
Dr. Lee don’t need no stinking Binders!
Now, if he had placed his report inside a Trapper Keeper…
Or coated it with a thin ganache, and placed little butterscotch creams around it…
When they were outside investigating sweet daddy did anyone notice where the other snakes came from?
“I’m lean, hungry, and ready for action!” If that won’t pull Tip in from Mojo Space, nothing will…
I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works.
Hell, that’s liable to pull Batman in from mojo space.
Batman can breathe in mojo space?
Batman is THE BEST at breathing in mojo space.
Batman has a plan for it. And it’s badass! Why, you ask? Because he’s BATMAN!
Just remember, if you intend to survive a horror movie, there are two things you should never, ever do, under any circumstances: 1) stay in the creepy old cabin, and 2) go into the woods.
You are so boned.
There’s a third rule: Never split up.
“And I was particularly proud of diagram 37.6b in chapter 22, Bashing Your Head: The Best Alternative to Expressing Grief Once You Have Run Your Voice Coarse By Non-stop Screaming… Or Is It?!??”.
Shelby prepared a binder? It sounds like something Sweetheart would’ve done…
Love the attentive audience in panel one.
The cobras seem to be different shades of green…I hope that isn’t a cause for ethnic-related trouble…
Why would there be? Aren’t they all the same family?
We’re all descendants of Adam and Eve…which hasn’t stopped the light green ones from making the dark green ones move to the back of the bus…
No, meant actually family, as in direct siblings
Doubt it. Ethics is practically on the other side of the world.
There’s an “n” in there somewhere.
“Ethic-related trouble”? Well that’s just poor grammar.
No one else read Lee’s comment as “I’m keen, horny, and ready for action!”?
No? Just me then? 🙁
Please see “If that won’t pull Tip in from Mojo Space, nothing will” above.
Shaenon, this is your cue for a Very Special Restricted Adults Only poster…!!!
Wow, he prepared a binder. Sweetheart would love this guy.
It doesn’t count if it’s not in triplicate.
That’s because she is a lean, mean Maxima Cum Laude machine!
Okay, it looks like U.N.I.T.Y. is not solely the fault of having a cloned Mel’s brain in her noggin.
… but it *helps*…!
Helps whom? o_O
The forces of entropy, silly!
I’m hungry for some Dr. Lee action. Yes she lives in an “alternate, imaginary dimension”, but that’s probably transcendable.
Of course then it’s anyone’s guess if she’d like me, I don’t compare in raw mojo or airplane-being-ness to others in her life.
Yon Virginia has a lean and hungry look; she thinks too much–such scientists are dangerous!
(What, nyao? Can’t someone mangle a few classic plays around here any more?)