True, but the story is that the resulting construction was so sturdy that solid shot from the Guerriere were bouncing off the hull, with a crewmember claiming the sides were like iron. Holmes’ poem “Old Ironsides” cemented the nickname.
Hah! I see your pedantry and counter with pedantry of my own!
Well, I’ll throw down another. It’s said that, since the gubmit of the day did not want to pay for building any new ships, the older ships would go in for “repairs,” and a whole new ship with the same name would come down the ways. Maybe a few timbers were retained but the bulk of the ship itself was new. The Constitution was said to have been subjected to this.
Funny thing, though…the captains and crews and all spoke of these ships as if they *were* the same ones, though they couldn’t possibly not know.
Shipbuilding lore maintains that the “soul” of a ship is preserved so long as some of the original timbers remain incorporated in her hull.
I liken this to how the Tin Woodsman remained himself as one body part after another was chopped away and replaced.
Of course that begs the question: what if someone saved all the discarded timber as the Constitution was refit over decades, eventually accumulating enough to reconstruct the ship? Which would be the original?
Is the Tin Woodman the original, or is it Chopfyt, which Nimmie Amee assembled from his discarded parts? Which one is Nick Chopper. (Not without relevance here.)
You better look out,
You’re going bye-bye.
You better not doubt,
It’s clear to see why.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
She’s making a fist,
She’ll aim it precise.
You’re gonna go down and paying the price.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
She’ll hit you when you’re creeping,
She’ll punch you till you break.
She’ll smash you into leaves and mulch
And Smart Unity’s got a rake.
You better look out,
You’re going bye-bye.
You better not doubt,
It’s clear to see why.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
—from “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town,” written by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie, sung by lotsa people, but I prefer the version by Big Daddy, which I can’t find on YouTube or I’d post a link.
Plant Bully takes the ship in its grasp. But Annex One says to unclasp. If it wants itty-bitty it should pick on Hitty, but it’s far from its veggie last gasp.
Too late, Sweetheart!
Looks like Old Ironsides is about to be used as Old Iron Supplement by the biomass! St. Charlie’s seems to be 0-2 during recent play.
“Yeah, Roy! Looks like St. Charlie’s gonna have to step up their offense if they plan to be a player in this Apocalypse!”
Ok this is pedantic, but The Constitution isn’t actually made of iron, its White Oak. But hey that might be even better for a plant entity. : )
No, southern live oak. Harvested mostly near St. Simons, Georgia.
Both actually.
And, as I recall, a bit of red oak, though they mostly took that out because it was rotting.
True, but the story is that the resulting construction was so sturdy that solid shot from the Guerriere were bouncing off the hull, with a crewmember claiming the sides were like iron. Holmes’ poem “Old Ironsides” cemented the nickname.
Hah! I see your pedantry and counter with pedantry of my own!
Well, I’ll throw down another. It’s said that, since the gubmit of the day did not want to pay for building any new ships, the older ships would go in for “repairs,” and a whole new ship with the same name would come down the ways. Maybe a few timbers were retained but the bulk of the ship itself was new. The Constitution was said to have been subjected to this.
Funny thing, though…the captains and crews and all spoke of these ships as if they *were* the same ones, though they couldn’t possibly not know.
Shipbuilding lore maintains that the “soul” of a ship is preserved so long as some of the original timbers remain incorporated in her hull.
I liken this to how the Tin Woodsman remained himself as one body part after another was chopped away and replaced.
Of course that begs the question: what if someone saved all the discarded timber as the Constitution was refit over decades, eventually accumulating enough to reconstruct the ship? Which would be the original?
Is the Tin Woodman the original, or is it Chopfyt, which Nimmie Amee assembled from his discarded parts? Which one is Nick Chopper. (Not without relevance here.)
Writing for children was so much easier when Coca-Cola still contained cocaine…
You would never expect a robot whose sole purpose in life is the infliction of blunt force damage to be so amusing.
I know, right? I think Hitty may be my next favorite character after Unity. (Although I also have a soft spot for Remy and Valiant.)
I like some of the decaying zombies, like Zombie Ben Franklin and Claire Connelly, or K. T. They’ve probably got a lot of soft spots.
Well, so much for that broadside.
I expect Nick will rescue Sweetheart and Unity, then get a few licks in of his own!
It is about time for additional air support, isn’t it?
This entire strip is just exquisite! And yes I’m laughing out loud!
I was hoping for a knock-em-sock-em fight with Annex One. Just thought it would be with the Maragda Building.
I like how the windows make it look like it is grinning in a “Just kidding!” kind of way.
You better look out,
You’re going bye-bye.
You better not doubt,
It’s clear to see why.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
She’s making a fist,
She’ll aim it precise.
You’re gonna go down and paying the price.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
She’ll hit you when you’re creeping,
She’ll punch you till you break.
She’ll smash you into leaves and mulch
And Smart Unity’s got a rake.
You better look out,
You’re going bye-bye.
You better not doubt,
It’s clear to see why.
Hitty Robot’s coming to pound.
—from “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town,” written by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie, sung by lotsa people, but I prefer the version by Big Daddy, which I can’t find on YouTube or I’d post a link.
I found a version by a “Big Bad Voodoo Daddy”. Will that do?
Different guy.
Desire not to let an error stand overrides my deep embarrassment at getting it wrong. It wasn’t Big Daddy, it was the Fab Four:
As I tried saying earlier, due the Doom soundtrack.
Darn that Spell Check?
Plant Bully takes the ship in its grasp. But Annex One says to unclasp. If it wants itty-bitty it should pick on Hitty, but it’s far from its veggie last gasp.