It’s Hurt/Comfort which tends to focus on using tenderness to alleviate past sources of pain. There could be sex, but it most certainly won’t be Slash.
You can call me Sweetheart, where there’s one, now two
Glorious presiding in the White House zoo
Buckley / Cooper fanfic makes me turn to goo
You can call me Sweetheart, where there’s one, now two.
—from, of course, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” Not much. But I’m pressed a little for time today; maybe, if I can find time, I’ll do one later in the week.
See, stuff like this makes me wonder if there’s not more to Sweetheart’s sexuality than Artie perceived. Okay, not that I think he missed anything — this is Artie we’re talking about, after all — but it’s possible he might’ve lied to HT just to throw him off balance.
well she has her priorities straight
I doubt that anything related to that fanfic is straight.
I would have thought Nixon would be more her speed.
Busty female Nixon.
I’m guessing William F Buckly is still alive in this universe
I was thinking Anderson Cooper/Bill O’Reilly. Talk about hurt/comfort!
You should read William F. Buckley / Gore Vidal fanfic. Worse than that Kirk / Spock stuff.
Oh, my brain! Cannot…unthink.
I… I’d just silently fist-bump myself and then change the topic of conversation.
You guys know that tempting us with this excerpt is an Official Contract To Write A Full Fic, right? Right?
You gotta do it now. It’s Official.
You gotta.
Not necessarily, it could be an open request to the fans to write it.
I will not stand in your way.
Well I will!
I mean im not very big so you could go around pretty easily… But still!
I think I could happily live my life not ever having read this fanfic. It is slashfic, right?
I can happily live my life not reading it, but I can’t happily not live my life not knowing it exists.
can happily live my life not reading it, but I can’t happily live my life not knowing it exists.
I could’ve
It’s Hurt/Comfort which tends to focus on using tenderness to alleviate past sources of pain. There could be sex, but it most certainly won’t be Slash.
William F. Buckley wished he could pull an Anderson Cooper!
This proves they’re both insane.
You may be right, they may be crazy.
The question is: Is either of them the lunatic you’re looking for?
You know this wasn’t on GoComics this morning? Subject matter too raw again?
Looks like there was a little glitch in the upload to GoComics. Should be fixed soon. Thanks!
Fixed, I found it on GoComics.
But then when it’s late arriving it doesn’t come through in my GoComics e-mail…
I think Anderson Cooper would laugh at this, seriously. Once the basic weirdness of the concept is explained to him.
Who is “William F. Buckley”? Or should that be, “William B. Fuckley”?,_Jr.
Just as well you have one of them wearing an eyepatch: how else are we gonna tell them apart? 😛
I have learned of many concepts here. How much alcohol to ⌘Z my brain?
I’d skip the alcohol and just go straight to pouring brain bleach directly through the ear.
…am I the only one who wants to know who she was collaborating *with*?
…Not now that you mention it, no.
Kind of, yeah. The only person I can think of that would fit would be Artie, but I think this Sweetheart is too extreme even for him.
“Well, you know how typing with paws can be sorta clumsy?”
“That’s what happened here.”
Well, they’re both aristocrats—Anderson Cooper’s mother is Gloria Vanderbilt.
You can call me Sweetheart, where there’s one, now two
Glorious presiding in the White House zoo
Buckley / Cooper fanfic makes me turn to goo
You can call me Sweetheart, where there’s one, now two.
—from, of course, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” Not much. But I’m pressed a little for time today; maybe, if I can find time, I’ll do one later in the week.
Ow. I think I pulled a muscle in my sanity reading this.
See, stuff like this makes me wonder if there’s not more to Sweetheart’s sexuality than Artie perceived. Okay, not that I think he missed anything — this is Artie we’re talking about, after all — but it’s possible he might’ve lied to HT just to throw him off balance.