Well, it’s not R-rated, but it’s not exactly “Family Circus”. It’s in sort of a grey area. Which is really only fitting, since they’re the shadow government.
Since she hasn’t finished the first piece of the her quest, I would assume my idea wont happen.
But it’d be worse if she left the drone durning the kiss, and Nick returned before the end of it.
So the list of things attracted to/wanting smooches/”boggle” with Tip now extends from ‘Virtually every female who isn’t Sweetheart + at least a 5th of the male cast’, through robots, werewolves, killer canadian attack-dogs, robot drones controlled by creepy guys (Which is almost a metaphor for every internet chatroom I’ve ever been in ever) all the way through to swarms of bees (well….*a* swarm of bees. Who his prim and proper enough not to go for him as a swarm of bees. Otherwise it’d end up like that raccoon in Dubious Company, only with deadly allergies) and sentient corporations.
…..remind me, did either of the sapient swamps try to hit on him as well? I’ve lost track.
And in the Alaska storyline, the first time Tip morphed back into a human sans clothes, Unity was visibly fighting back her own response to his attractiveness, and Sweetheart had to remind her, “Remember, he only does it to be annoying!”
And it would seem that that wasn’t the first time Unity found Tip attractive. When he first turned into a werewolf, Sweetheart was taken aback by how “gorgeous” she found him, and Unity had to explain, “Yeah, he’s the same as a human. He just does it to be annoying”–so she had apparently noticed his good looks before.
Interestingly, the “robot drone controlled by [a] creepy guy” (aka Violet piloted by Mr. Green) was one of the very few occasions when instead of Tip lusting after a third party, the third party lusted after him – and one of even fewer occasions when Tip refused their advances.
I’m not sure if Mr. Green as Violet was attracted to Tip. I was reading it as Violet was designed as a tool for seduction. Now why Anisigma has an interest in Tip that they need to subvert him in such a way is another interesting question that I’m sure we will find out about eventually. I figured the reason Tip was effected by the Violet drone was he was obsessing about his temporary lack of mojo thanks to Tigerlily Jones.
The first time he met Violet, yes, but he wasn’t affected by Violet on St. Charlie, either, and he’d well and truly gotten the mojo back by then. Apparently his gender-detectors are extremely fine-tuned.
I believe that the reason Tip wasn’t interested in Violet on either of the occasions she was piloted by Anasigma was because the operator wasn’t really interested in him, they were faking it for nefarious purposes. I think he could pick up on that subconsciously, and so he wasn’t interested.
You know…. everybody at Skinhorse is ‘Paranormal’ in some way (assuming that all the science staff consists of mad scientists). Only Tip is ‘just’ a normal badass soldier who happens to like crossdressing…
And for some reason every halfway sentient beeing seems to be atracted to him… hmmm….
I realize that was a typo, but now I want to write a story about something that sucks the creative energy (instead of sexual energy) out of writers and artists… which would, of course, be called a ink-ubus.
I don’t think there’s reason to believe anyone at Skin Horse is a Mad Scientist. Some of them are scientists who are nuts, but that’s not the same thing at all.
I like to differentiate them using lowercase-m mad for irresponsible or crazy scientists who don’t have the DSM recognized mental disorder and capital-M Mad for those who do. For example, Dr. Lee is a mad scientist, whereas Helen is a Mad scientist.
I would avoid using the word “mad” at all, it’s too confusing otherwise. I’d say that Ginny is not a Mad Scientist, she’s just a scientist who’s crazy.
She doesn’t want a humanoid form, so that leaves out Gussie et al. Maybe the piglet? It has to be something that will be instantly recognizable as a CEO. Did old man Collodi build any killer clowns in WhimsyCorp? After seeing that filmstrip, I think it would be odd if he hadn’t.
Unity grafted bobcat ears as the Whimsy equivalent of a mouseketeer, but we haven’t seen any bobcats. So somewhere there might be an empty shell of one waiting for the princess to animate. The personification of Walt’s legacy would totally want to be Mickey-shaped.
Now the whole of Whimsy is mine and mine alone, see?
So I have no need to be living in the drone, see?
I’m gonna use a form that’s already in place … (But there’s more than one way that this doll can “interface”!)
This body has lips that for smooching I’ll use,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
Now I’m telling you this, see, it’s time for me to do things!
Now I gotta get busy, and first I’m doing two things!
Restore the Little House to its glory, and then … (I wanna get a smooch from the guy who’s bishonen)
I’ll do these things in the order I choose,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
Now if you don’t mind, I will find my proper body …
It was left behind by my father, Doc Collodi!
No longer will I be a petite ‘n’ lovely miss … (But before I go away, could I get another kiss?)
I gotta go now, if you’ll kindly excuse,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
So it looks like Nick will be getting the drone back. I’m very pleased to hear that, as I commented before it would be such a shame if he only had her for one story.
…Probability manipulation. That’s got to be Tip’s superpower. Probability manipulation so focused it’s practically visible as a collimated beam.
Tip, you must go boldly where no one has gone before….hooking up with a corporation without benefit of a legal instrument!
If he attempts a . . . corporate raid?
At least it won’t be a . . . hostile takeover?
Something something . . . leveraged buyout?
I’d say “corporate merger”, but this is supposed to be a family-friendly strip…
Darkstarr, two questions:
Since when?
By what definition of “family friendly”?
Well, it’s not R-rated, but it’s not exactly “Family Circus”. It’s in sort of a grey area. Which is really only fitting, since they’re the shadow government.
Nick’s not gonna like this.
Since she hasn’t finished the first piece of the her quest, I would assume my idea wont happen.
But it’d be worse if she left the drone durning the kiss, and Nick returned before the end of it.
Nick needs smooches.
Oh goodness… :p
and for the next hour SHOW TUNES!
So the list of things attracted to/wanting smooches/”boggle” with Tip now extends from ‘Virtually every female who isn’t Sweetheart + at least a 5th of the male cast’, through robots, werewolves, killer canadian attack-dogs, robot drones controlled by creepy guys (Which is almost a metaphor for every internet chatroom I’ve ever been in ever) all the way through to swarms of bees (well….*a* swarm of bees. Who his prim and proper enough not to go for him as a swarm of bees. Otherwise it’d end up like that raccoon in Dubious Company, only with deadly allergies) and sentient corporations.
…..remind me, did either of the sapient swamps try to hit on him as well? I’ve lost track.
Wasn’t Sweetheart attracted to the Tipwolf anyway?
Only person exempt from the superpower so far is Unity…
I seem to recall it is no so much that she is exempt, rather, her idea of a good time apparently involved dislocating Tip’s shoulder.
And in the Alaska storyline, the first time Tip morphed back into a human sans clothes, Unity was visibly fighting back her own response to his attractiveness, and Sweetheart had to remind her, “Remember, he only does it to be annoying!”
And it would seem that that wasn’t the first time Unity found Tip attractive. When he first turned into a werewolf, Sweetheart was taken aback by how “gorgeous” she found him, and Unity had to explain, “Yeah, he’s the same as a human. He just does it to be annoying”–so she had apparently noticed his good looks before.
Unity was the one who wanted to see Tip and Konstatine in the shirtless wrestling of muds…
Interestingly, the “robot drone controlled by [a] creepy guy” (aka Violet piloted by Mr. Green) was one of the very few occasions when instead of Tip lusting after a third party, the third party lusted after him – and one of even fewer occasions when Tip refused their advances.
I’m not sure if Mr. Green as Violet was attracted to Tip. I was reading it as Violet was designed as a tool for seduction. Now why Anisigma has an interest in Tip that they need to subvert him in such a way is another interesting question that I’m sure we will find out about eventually. I figured the reason Tip was effected by the Violet drone was he was obsessing about his temporary lack of mojo thanks to Tigerlily Jones.
The first time he met Violet, yes, but he wasn’t affected by Violet on St. Charlie, either, and he’d well and truly gotten the mojo back by then. Apparently his gender-detectors are extremely fine-tuned.
I believe that the reason Tip wasn’t interested in Violet on either of the occasions she was piloted by Anasigma was because the operator wasn’t really interested in him, they were faking it for nefarious purposes. I think he could pick up on that subconsciously, and so he wasn’t interested.
Well, that, and the fact that she doesn’t have nipples.
You know…. everybody at Skinhorse is ‘Paranormal’ in some way (assuming that all the science staff consists of mad scientists). Only Tip is ‘just’ a normal badass soldier who happens to like crossdressing…
And for some reason every halfway sentient beeing seems to be atracted to him… hmmm….
I’m just beginning to think Tip is an Inkubus.
He doesn’t drain anything from people during sex. I’d say he’s whatever a male nymph is called.
a faun?
I think the male parallel to nymphs was satyrs.
I realize that was a typo, but now I want to write a story about something that sucks the creative energy (instead of sexual energy) out of writers and artists… which would, of course, be called a ink-ubus.
That reminds me of a Deep Space: Nine episode “The Muse”.
There are creatures that do the reverse, making artists live fast and die young in exchange for incredible creativity (as per the DS9 example)
That’s called a leanan sidhe. 😀
I don’t think there’s reason to believe anyone at Skin Horse is a Mad Scientist. Some of them are scientists who are nuts, but that’s not the same thing at all.
As Chris and Marcie said, “We’re not Mad. We’re irresponsible.”
I like to differentiate them using lowercase-m mad for irresponsible or crazy scientists who don’t have the DSM recognized mental disorder and capital-M Mad for those who do. For example, Dr. Lee is a mad scientist, whereas Helen is a Mad scientist.
I would avoid using the word “mad” at all, it’s too confusing otherwise. I’d say that Ginny is not a Mad Scientist, she’s just a scientist who’s crazy.
Any bets she checks out during the kiss and Nick comes back during the middle? 😎
For that matter, where did she get the outfit?
yay I’m wrong!
Dangit, MadBadger ninja’d me.
Triscsky lil’ badger… must be one of the Badger, badger, badger Mushroom! Badgers.
Sorry. No relation. I do like mushrooms, though. 😎
And the less said about snakes, the better.
This is like having sex with Glados and insisting you call her Caroline, isn’t it?
TTTO: The Air That I Breathe
If I could keep this drone, I think I’ll pass
Can’t think of any cause to stay
No, being human-shaped is not my dream
I’ll interface another way
But, before I go,
I have just two things on my list
Must restore my home
And, number two, I must get kissed.
In this form
All I need is to bring back my home
And get smooches
All I need is to bring back my home
And get smooches.
I hope the formatting works.
Very nicely done! And nicely formatted.
Thanks, Eddurd. I’m new to filking and html, so I’m glad I got it right.
She doesn’t want a humanoid form, so that leaves out Gussie et al. Maybe the piglet? It has to be something that will be instantly recognizable as a CEO. Did old man Collodi build any killer clowns in WhimsyCorp? After seeing that filmstrip, I think it would be odd if he hadn’t.
Would probably be something that isn’t already occupied.
Unity grafted bobcat ears as the Whimsy equivalent of a mouseketeer, but we haven’t seen any bobcats. So somewhere there might be an empty shell of one waiting for the princess to animate. The personification of Walt’s legacy would totally want to be Mickey-shaped.
And the image of the board of directors sitting around the table while looking up at the Chair… a bobcat…. Ooooooo… I like that!
What about the giant robot Gavotte wanted to build?
Somewhere, Violet’s original operator is glowering at a telescreen in jealousy. :3
(TUNE: “Summertime Blues”, Eddie Cochran)
Now the whole of Whimsy is mine and mine alone, see?
So I have no need to be living in the drone, see?
I’m gonna use a form that’s already in place …
(But there’s more than one way that this doll can “interface”!)
This body has lips that for smooching I’ll use,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
Now I’m telling you this, see, it’s time for me to do things!
Now I gotta get busy, and first I’m doing two things!
Restore the Little House to its glory, and then …
(I wanna get a smooch from the guy who’s bishonen)
I’ll do these things in the order I choose,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
Now if you don’t mind, I will find my proper body …
It was left behind by my father, Doc Collodi!
No longer will I be a petite ‘n’ lovely miss …
(But before I go away, could I get another kiss?)
I gotta go now, if you’ll kindly excuse,
Then I’ll tell you, sure, where I got my fine shoes!
Careful, Tip. Remember, use of tongue could topple the monarchy.
Hey! The website is working again! Awesome! And it’s more colorful, just like the comic
It’s the color scheme of Volume 4. I bet we get another style change when Volume 5 comes out.
And WhimseyCorp’s comeback is marred by a Miley Cyrus type scandal…
The piglet ran a purity test to choose the true princess. Will the whimsy corp creations continue to follow a fallen princess?
No, no, Nick is the princess. WhimseyCorp is a sentient corporation; it’s not required to follow the same checklist.
Wait a moment, going back to the drones hair, didn’t originally that massive braid it wore conceal it’s charging cable?
She’s gonna restore the World of Love song! Everybody together now….
So Tip is going to make out with a sentient corporation. Even for him, this is a leveling up event.
Tip must be slipping. In top form, he would have raided the theme park’s wardrobe department long ago.
When one is a TRUE princess, one does not get shoes. One merely causes shoes to happen.
So it looks like Nick will be getting the drone back. I’m very pleased to hear that, as I commented before it would be such a shame if he only had her for one story.
It seems she has a desire for human guys after all.
Corporate entity can have little a smooch, as a treat.