Nick would’ve make a great probe, too bad he’s giant sized. But I predict (for what it’s worth) that Bubbles will walk through the cyanide-filled room and save them. How??
I wanna go back to my tiny gray desk in the brand new Skin Horse office.
I wanna be with all the roaches and silverfish that we used to chase long ago.
With the guys from Irridation working down the freakin’ hall,
I can hope the dose of radiation
Doesn’t give me nothing more than a pleasant afterglow…
I just hope it won’t be long till the Gate is working right on this side.
And I’ll boss the Men in Black with extra verve and glee, I hope to see.
I’m just a little Canadian in a great and anxious fog,
I wanna go back and just be top dog.
I wanna go back to my tiny gray desk in the brand new Skin Horse office.
Where the superpowered menaces and irritants will go walking by…
They just left a reality where Skin Horse was failing and Anasigma was all powerful. Here, it looks like Anasigma is failing. Perhaps Skin Horse is… No, too crazy to contemplate.
The question they should be asking, why did someone break the gate in the first place? Simple disuse would just cause the mechanism to shut down, not crack in half.
Lets hope that there’s enough of an Ikea left for Sergio to find parts? U.N.I.T.Y. is probably very good at scavenging parts (admittedly biological, but she could probably expand if given motivation).
Sergio, didn’t you ever watch Stargate? Always make sure the way back is clear before you leave.
I can think of at least twice they got there and the gate was busted.
and maybe two more the gate was about to be destroyed.
been a while since I watched after all….
The black hole, the museum, the broken DHD and the original Stargate explorer, and 2010 come to mind, though 2010 is only marginally related.
But like Alan said, that’s why they use probes. Live and learn!
Also the time the gate froze up because of the heat.
Black hole, the UN (rosetta stone in castle on a cliff – channeled lighning to dial out), were the two I was thinking of.
That’s why they started sending probe bots through first.
Yeah, but Bubbles didn’t come with them this time.
Nick would’ve make a great probe, too bad he’s giant sized. But I predict (for what it’s worth) that Bubbles will walk through the cyanide-filled room and save them. How??
Oh yeah, that’s right. By “service.”
called it!
I think you and Rex both called it.
If Sergio fixes it with parts from Ikea, you win double internets!
Ah, but is there an ikea in this universe?
Ikea is a universal constant.
Doesn’t this imply that Sergio _could_ have escaped into a reality where he never joined Anasigma?
Yes but he’d still be in the Anasigma facility. A bad enough place to be if you do work there, a much worse one if you don’t.
Let’s just hope they have Radio Shack and Ikea in this universe…
“My Little Grass Shack.” Lotsa versions.
I wanna go back to my tiny gray desk in the brand new Skin Horse office.
I wanna be with all the roaches and silverfish that we used to chase long ago.
With the guys from Irridation working down the freakin’ hall,
I can hope the dose of radiation
Doesn’t give me nothing more than a pleasant afterglow…
I just hope it won’t be long till the Gate is working right on this side.
And I’ll boss the Men in Black with extra verve and glee, I hope to see.
I’m just a little Canadian in a great and anxious fog,
I wanna go back and just be top dog.
I wanna go back to my tiny gray desk in the brand new Skin Horse office.
Where the superpowered menaces and irritants will go walking by…
Better than biting a hamstring
Well done, sir.
They just left a reality where Skin Horse was failing and Anasigma was all powerful. Here, it looks like Anasigma is failing. Perhaps Skin Horse is… No, too crazy to contemplate.
Looks like the Possibility might be endless…
Welcome to Anasigma Omega?
So if it becomes widely known that Anasigma has a doorway to other dimensions, is the resulting political fallout going to be called Gategate?
This has trap written all over it.
Probably in letters visible from a decent zoom distance in google earth.
Sweetheart, no! You’re an administrator now, biting Mendoza in the hamstring should be delegated to Unity.
Hmmm. Wonder what GODOT’s up to these days? He’s one (of several explanations) of why things might not match up properly.
The question they should be asking, why did someone break the gate in the first place? Simple disuse would just cause the mechanism to shut down, not crack in half.
Lets hope that there’s enough of an Ikea left for Sergio to find parts? U.N.I.T.Y. is probably very good at scavenging parts (admittedly biological, but she could probably expand if given motivation).