2017-04-17 by shaenon on April 17, 2017 at 12:01 am Chapter: Fun for Some Want the original art for this strip?
Baron, a serious gamer should always know that a question like that never ends well!
The sphinx is a unique touch, though. How did they not see that before letting the Baron shoot off his mouth?
Neverending Story reference? Nice.
That’s what I came here to say!
Same. Although it’s also reminiscent of the guardian sentries in the latest Zelda game.
I was going to suggest Dr. McNinja
I just hope it’s not the riddle of the sphincter.
When I swear, I try to swear cutesily too. (Cutesily is a hard word to write, BTW)
What goes on four legs, two legs, and a propeller?
Unity after getting hold of some machine parts.
Oil. You can put it on as many legs and on as many propellors as you like. ;-p
So who’s your new friend?
Who disturbs my slumber?
I did that on purpose. I didn’t have to miss.
Any day I can reference Princess Bride is a good day.
I believe you
The Southern Oracle?
The line “None can stand against my stout heart and bazillion guns!” really deserves to get referenced by a Borderlands game. This is spectacular.
How Buffy.