I love that the Gump was (non)existentially suicidal.
But my favorite character from that second book has to be Jellia Jamb– the smartass. (Scarecrow/Pumpkin translator.) She’s probably the most intelligent and actually competent character for the least amount of recognition throughout the series. Note, she’s in practically every book with essential support yet she *never* remembered or noticed by the readers.
I have a pet theory that she and Jinjur are actually sisters and Jellia prepped the palace for the revolution.
The Woozy was also pretty cool, but the Gump was cooler. I’ll stand by that one. It’s not easy to have chill when you’re made out of couches, you know.
Honestly, I’ve always been confused by the notion that everyone, if they met themselves from the future or an alternate universe or something, would allegedly want nothing more than to schtupp them, whether they were gender-swapped or not. Doesn’t seem realistic. There’s no logic behind it. Doesn’t seem like the sort of thing that nearly anyone I know of, real or fictional, would ever conceivably do. Totally out of character for just about everyone.
But Tip on the other hand… Tip would absolutely do it.
Yes and no, it would be something alongside “very risky cloning”, because if the genetic parts given by both of you’s are the same faulty ones, you’ll end up with a degenerate “copy”. Very unfair for the kid, but if you grow them up for the parts, they could be useful.
To go back to the “would goink myself or not” thread: I’m pretty sure I’d want to kill them, knowing full well the feeling is reciprocated, because I’m insufferable. Either that, or I’m going to finally see why people tolerate my presence.
People tend to be attracted to people who look like themselves. It’s why when siblings who were separated at birth meet without realising, they often end up goinking each other.
GDwarf: It sounds unlikely to me, as she responded to someone who sounds a lot like Sweetheart. I’d expect a mad scientist to make a talking ferret a little bit squeakier, if nothing else.
I suppose it would fit the form if Sweetheart’s equivalent is a talking cat who isn’t exactly running around after everyone, though.
Um, was it implied in this storyline that universes get destroyed if selfs encounter themselves? I’ve read that motif in other sci-fi scenarios but I’ve never understood why that would be.
This and one boat two dox, all seemed to be based on the idea that in a *single* universe one can’t meet oneself, so therefore in a duplicate universe one can’t either because well … there are these magic soul id tags and ….
I mean, really, why the heck not? So many of these stories simply assume it’s obvious.
Hey, Tip, what’cha doin’ with that girl in the rocks?
Hey, Tip, I said, what’cha doin’ with that girl in the rocks?
Alright. I’m over here, I found a new lady.
You know, we’re only swappin’ essential oils right now.
Yeah, I’m over here, I found a new lady.
You know, we’re only swappin’ essential oils right now.
Huh! And ain’t that just cool?
Well, she’s wearing fairly masculine clothing, but there are no signs of overwhelming sexyness so far…or would the anti-Tip be a natural turn-off? That’s the trouble with anti-selves, along just how many axes are they your opposite? https://11andahalfyearsofbooks.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/comic2.jpg
I suppose it’s just barely possible that the two are NOT both Tip, but are both wearing carnation, posy, and white amber essential oils. Wouldn’t be as fun, but it’d be consistent for Tip at least.
I realize that this is Tip, so there is precedent, but Lady!Tip (okay, for brevity’s sake, I’ll call her Ozma) is a completely different person. She might have some sort of anti-mojo, or simply be asexual (as proof she is completely opposite of our tip). Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, ladies and gentlemen.
There are multiple ways for the mirror universe(s) to flip you
You could go stupid/genius, lawful/chaotic, male/female strong/weak pious/atheistic (or just swap religions, but YMMV there) or yes, good/evil
And this is far from a comprehensive list, and you can have multiple types at once
well that’s interesting
His “Other Earth” counterpart?
Was Tip “hitting” on himself?
I think we’re going to need to rewrite tv tropes. Again.
Ozma! *manly noises of joy*
Ozma == best character except maybe the Sawhorse. Or the Gump. The Gump was cool. Maybe Tik-Tok…argh, can’t choose, too many.
Um, the woozy was kind cool I always thought…
Jack Pumpkinhead! Gump!
I love that the Gump was (non)existentially suicidal.
But my favorite character from that second book has to be Jellia Jamb– the smartass. (Scarecrow/Pumpkin translator.) She’s probably the most intelligent and actually competent character for the least amount of recognition throughout the series. Note, she’s in practically every book with essential support yet she *never* remembered or noticed by the readers.
I have a pet theory that she and Jinjur are actually sisters and Jellia prepped the palace for the revolution.
The Woozy was also pretty cool, but the Gump was cooler. I’ll stand by that one. It’s not easy to have chill when you’re made out of couches, you know.
The same old Tip, only different!
Best Line Ever!
I suppose that means this world has survived… *donns imaginary sunglasses* … Ozmageddon
So…. she’s some kind of alternate Tip?
What does that do to the odds that they’re gonna goink?
Also, filename story link in my name should be working again.
Honestly, I’ve always been confused by the notion that everyone, if they met themselves from the future or an alternate universe or something, would allegedly want nothing more than to schtupp them, whether they were gender-swapped or not. Doesn’t seem realistic. There’s no logic behind it. Doesn’t seem like the sort of thing that nearly anyone I know of, real or fictional, would ever conceivably do. Totally out of character for just about everyone.
But Tip on the other hand… Tip would absolutely do it.
I totally would too, if you’re fishing for counterexamples….
Then you’d better hope neither of you gets pregnant. That’s be worse than incest.
Yes and no, it would be something alongside “very risky cloning”, because if the genetic parts given by both of you’s are the same faulty ones, you’ll end up with a degenerate “copy”. Very unfair for the kid, but if you grow them up for the parts, they could be useful.
To go back to the “would goink myself or not” thread: I’m pretty sure I’d want to kill them, knowing full well the feeling is reciprocated, because I’m insufferable. Either that, or I’m going to finally see why people tolerate my presence.
Worked for Lister. Of course we later learned that Lister’s genetic code was a temporal incestous nightmare anyway, what with him being his own dad…
Well duh. Fortunately, modern medicine has that covered.
@Daibhid C
I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?
Gotta admit, I would too. I would know *exactly* which itches needed scratching, so to speak.
There’s also anybody loyal to xkcd.
Given how popular masturbation is, surely it only makes sense that people would want to goink themselves?
People tend to be attracted to people who look like themselves. It’s why when siblings who were separated at birth meet without realising, they often end up goinking each other.
Isn’t it already canonical from A Wrinkle in Times that he HAS done it?
As far as the anti-goinking idea, check out “Redshirts” by Scalzi. Funny book.
As for the other team members…one can only speculate.
We don’t talk about them.
Of them, isn’t UNITY the only one who really has a way too under normal circumstances?
Both versions of Tip responded to Sweethearts yell, so there got to be another talking, genetically altered dog running around…
Unless in this universe Sweetheart is a ferret, or platypus, or tapir, or… 😛
GDwarf: It sounds unlikely to me, as she responded to someone who sounds a lot like Sweetheart. I’d expect a mad scientist to make a talking ferret a little bit squeakier, if nothing else.
I suppose it would fit the form if Sweetheart’s equivalent is a talking cat who isn’t exactly running around after everyone, though.
Well, if this woman *is* Tip’s counterpart…I guess the universes didn’t get destroyed by the encounter.
Um, was it implied in this storyline that universes get destroyed if selfs encounter themselves? I’ve read that motif in other sci-fi scenarios but I’ve never understood why that would be.
One boat can’t go in two dox
you create a feedback loop with your other self, until something doesn’t quite click. Then the universe explodes
That’s the simple version anyway
Was that what the two of them were doing behind those rocks? Creating a feedback loop?
This and one boat two dox, all seemed to be based on the idea that in a *single* universe one can’t meet oneself, so therefore in a duplicate universe one can’t either because well … there are these magic soul id tags and ….
I mean, really, why the heck not? So many of these stories simply assume it’s obvious.
From “Hey Joe,” the Jimi Hendrix one.
Hey, Tip, what’cha doin’ with that girl in the rocks?
Hey, Tip, I said, what’cha doin’ with that girl in the rocks?
Alright. I’m over here, I found a new lady.
You know, we’re only swappin’ essential oils right now.
Yeah, I’m over here, I found a new lady.
You know, we’re only swappin’ essential oils right now.
Huh! And ain’t that just cool?
It’s an alternatip!
Well, she’s wearing fairly masculine clothing, but there are no signs of overwhelming sexyness so far…or would the anti-Tip be a natural turn-off? That’s the trouble with anti-selves, along just how many axes are they your opposite? https://11andahalfyearsofbooks.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/comic2.jpg
Maybe an advantage. Women can get away with wearing men’s clothing…men who wear women’s clothing are weirdos.
Actually Tip is a pretty big weirdo even if you subtract that cross-dressing thing…
That’s probably the least weird thing about him, actually.
I suppose it’s just barely possible that the two are NOT both Tip, but are both wearing carnation, posy, and white amber essential oils. Wouldn’t be as fun, but it’d be consistent for Tip at least.
Both could legitimately be named Tip without necessarily being counterparts.
I should have figured it was a Tip-counterpart from the general lack of reaction and concern to the other person in the conversation’s remarks.
I know! We’re just too used to everyone being accustomed to the madness.
You know, maybe she’s just a namesake….
Nah, that’s a different comic.
Pst.. That’s the joke
I realize that this is Tip, so there is precedent, but Lady!Tip (okay, for brevity’s sake, I’ll call her Ozma) is a completely different person. She might have some sort of anti-mojo, or simply be asexual (as proof she is completely opposite of our tip). Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, ladies and gentlemen.
But Ozma if Ozma is asexual, that would imply that’s Tip’s primary morality is sexual by the usual mirror universe rules.
There are multiple ways for the mirror universe(s) to flip you
You could go stupid/genius, lawful/chaotic, male/female strong/weak pious/atheistic (or just swap religions, but YMMV there) or yes, good/evil
And this is far from a comprehensive list, and you can have multiple types at once