Snarky metaphor in panel 2, HHGTG reference in panel 3 (although strictly speaking this should be on a filing cabinet 🙂 and return of the silverfish in panel 4 – wonderful!
darkstarling: The famine caused by the loss of humans from the ecosystem will do that to a civilisation. We were introduced to the silverfish when they were reported to have eaten Tip’s lip liner, remember.
I am relieved at Jeffrey Channing’s comment below. If neither of them remembered that Chris and Marcie created the silverfish, how would they know to obey/kill him?
Wait, wait. He was _unaware_ that the basement was full of weird sentient creepy crawlies? I had the impression that the irradiation department was responsible for quite a few of them…
Of course, because they are a secret government department, the only people who have clearance to see their adverts are those that already work for them. This does tend to make recruitment rather difficult.
Strangely appropriate that the silverfish would return today. I just returned twenty minutes ago from my first-ever visit to the opera (La Traviata, so it was even Italian). Before the show, I mentioned to the friend I was with that my entire previous exposure to opera had been through the silverfish in the “Borrowers” storyline. And now here’s one to greet me this very evening!
Silverfish in color!
You’re being silly now. Silverfish are an ancient order. They predate the invention of color, as you can plainly see. (Hush, pedants.)
Momma mia! Here we go again. . . .
Beware of the leopard
How very hitchhiker of you.
Snarky metaphor in panel 2, HHGTG reference in panel 3 (although strictly speaking this should be on a filing cabinet 🙂 and return of the silverfish in panel 4 – wonderful!
I thought it was on the door of the disused lavoratory that the filing cabinet was in?
In any case, I’m fairly sure this is a different BOTL sign to the one here:
Oh no! I should have realized the Crystal Coalition would have descended into anarchy and chaos…
darkstarling: The famine caused by the loss of humans from the ecosystem will do that to a civilisation. We were introduced to the silverfish when they were reported to have eaten Tip’s lip liner, remember.
I am relieved at Jeffrey Channing’s comment below. If neither of them remembered that Chris and Marcie created the silverfish, how would they know to obey/kill him?
I meant Jeffrey Wells, of course. No idea what I was thinking of.
Wait, wait. He was _unaware_ that the basement was full of weird sentient creepy crawlies? I had the impression that the irradiation department was responsible for quite a few of them…
As even the most cursory study into mad science would make clear, “responsible for” and “aware of” are two very different things.
While this is undeniably true, (Chris)x Captain Beyond already knows about the basement-dwellers.
Spoiler alert: Chris recognizes him immediately tomorrow. I blame the dim light.
I guess with certain elements of the Skin Horse-Verse, like Lovecraftian horrors, knowing in advance doesn’t help your SAN points.
Oh hey, these guys.
Are they going to sing?
THESE GUYS! I’m exited to see them again.
Yay silverfish!
What’s that poster on the wall say? “Black Ops Wants You?” (Would that the labels on the packing crates and cartons could be as easily read…)
Well the alphabet agencies do have to recruit somehow, so why not?
Of course, because they are a secret government department, the only people who have clearance to see their adverts are those that already work for them. This does tend to make recruitment rather difficult.
Thought it might’ve been “biohazard” or just “hazard,” but it doesn’t look like a “z”…
“Beware of the Leopard”. It’s a reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Strangely appropriate that the silverfish would return today. I just returned twenty minutes ago from my first-ever visit to the opera (La Traviata, so it was even Italian). Before the show, I mentioned to the friend I was with that my entire previous exposure to opera had been through the silverfish in the “Borrowers” storyline. And now here’s one to greet me this very evening!
Oh yay! The silverfish!