Poor Tip. If grit and machismo could force one’s way to Lovetron, what would be the point in going? He’ll need to find some lovelorn soul to sweep away onto the flying saucer of their dreams. Some destinations can only be reached off panel.
“Stay calm and hope for the best” is what Wilkin decides to attest. But a free-falling trouncing sets his body to bouncing. So much for his Lovetron love nest.
i hope earth at least gets to keep mad science…. if it turns out that all mad scientists originated from (or from someone from) lovetron, and earth will be completely normal after this, i’d be really sad
I think it’s fairly well established that mad scientists just sort of happen, so there probably will be some more along eventually. And I bet Dave and Helen Narbon are still out there somewhere.
Well, oops.
I think that might rate up there with “Head fully inserted into Lion’s enclosed mouth.”
I really hope he doesn’t get left behind. After everything that’s happened that’d be a real disappointment.
Same. Skin Horse is making me sad now
One wonders whether his left and his behind have made it through this.
I did not expect Tip to fail…
When we see him next, will he be battered, broken and look like Moe on “The Simpsons”?
Taking calls for a Mr. Jazz, first name Hugh
Hugh Jass, not Hugh Jazz
At least this proves the saucer’s inertialess drive field does NOT extend beyond the hull.
That’s a REAL tough Tip!
Werewolf blood does the body good
Okay…. *that* was actually unexpected.
Was kinda concerned about his ability to breathe and not freeze out there in the void. Shooping him off with a tilt is a kindness, really.
you really should’ve been holding on with both hands, Tip, you’re not superman
…or the Whimsy Princess equivalent I guess
Eh, Tip is so self-interested and self-absorbed that he doesn’t really deserve the funk that is Lovetron.
And yet he survived the opossums Lovetron-alignment machine. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one.
There is still the possibility that Lovetron is a scam. But, how will Tip help uncovered that without…
Poor Tip. If grit and machismo could force one’s way to Lovetron, what would be the point in going? He’ll need to find some lovelorn soul to sweep away onto the flying saucer of their dreams. Some destinations can only be reached off panel.
Ah well, Tip may not have managed to ride the flying saucer home, but I’m sure he’ll discover he’s had the power to go there all along…
With his mojo.
The flying saucer is probably Ira’s, anyway.
There’s no place like Lovetron, There’s no place like Lovetron, . . .
Maybe he’s at the old Gale place and can borrow a pair of darling sparkly slippers
I love that idea, Shadowmehr!
Dollars to doughnuts his shoes are gone when he gets back up
Well, Dorothy didn’t manage to get on the balloon out of Oz, either. She ended up having to use the magic shoes to wish herself home.
Pavane, that arrogant little hive, is really starting to piss me off…
“Stay calm and hope for the best” is what Wilkin decides to attest. But a free-falling trouncing sets his body to bouncing. So much for his Lovetron love nest.
Hmmmm, the slippers.
Sorry, Indy, you’re not riding this sub all the way to the island.
Maybe by now Tip could be one of the Risen Undead, and can get on board. They never said how *long* you have to be dead…
i hope earth at least gets to keep mad science…. if it turns out that all mad scientists originated from (or from someone from) lovetron, and earth will be completely normal after this, i’d be really sad
I think it’s fairly well established that mad scientists just sort of happen, so there probably will be some more along eventually. And I bet Dave and Helen Narbon are still out there somewhere.
Well they are. Remember that insane crow that Artie shipped off to live with “my creator?”
This is where being part werewolf and part Unity will come in handy. They both heal remarkably quickly from stuff that would kill normal human beings.