I would read a Slipshine where Tip and Tigerlily licked Rocky’s crawfish bisque off a mixed group of phys-ed majors in New Orleans. And each other. Oh heck, just toss the whole cast in there.
It would be such a shame if Tigerlily has a permanent loss of mojo. I’m thinking it would be fun watching her try different ways to get it back, though.
I don’t know which is more painful, reading comments on really dumb sites or on brilliant sites like SH. Now both you guys get 5 minutes in the punalty box! Go!
At least DECENT puns – as this forum is generally known for – does require intelligence on all sides.
This Hive of Puns and Villiany rarely degenerates to the name callings of Godwin’s Law for example. As a collective we are far more likely to break into show tunes. and bits of esoteric trivia – such as (the above discussions on) the variants of Russian and the etymology of the natives of the geographical region of the Caucasus Mountains.
Is this the place: Rocky and Carlo’s Restaurant and Bar at 613 West Saint Bernard Highway? “Big portions of down-home Creole-Italian fare like mac ‘n’ cheese in a retro 1950s-styled space.” “I had only RED GRAVY to drink.” “I had heard for many years the legend of the Great Macaroni and Cheese at Rocky’s. But it was only when my home was flooded and I could no longer create the creamy, sweet concoction for myself at home that I decided to visit this mecca of formaggio.” I still can’t tell if they have macaroni and cheese and mac’n’cheese as separate dishes.
They either think too much alike or not alike enough. I’m not sure which.
Do you think Tigerlily will turn him or will Tip recruit her?
If we are lucky? Yes.
They’ll wind up converting each other and acting as each other’s handler. Gavotte will have a field day using both of them in her plots.
Converting each other? You mean Tip’s finally going to go Mad?
He also neglected the other noodle implements I’m pretty sure were involved.
His implement is no noodle.
touched by his noodly appendage, perhaps?
I would read a Slipshine where Tip and Tigerlily licked Rocky’s crawfish bisque off a mixed group of phys-ed majors in New Orleans. And each other. Oh heck, just toss the whole cast in there.
Maybe Tigerlily didn’t use a big enough group?
Check out the storyline at the back of Volume Two. Unfortunately this mostly happens off-camera.
The *whole* cast? Good god, no. Remember, that would include Sweetheart, Gavotte, and Moustachio (even if we wrongbody Nick back into humaniform).
….You mean you WOULDN’T lick lobster bisque off of Moustachio’s hot, metal curvature? Man, I think someone needs to re-evaluate their priorities!
No, but I would happily lick Hershey’s chocolate sauce off of Dr. Lee, Mell, and a couple of Nick’s gaming group girls, nyao…
Come to think of it, I’ve never had lobster bisque, but wouldn’t his brass plating make it taste funny, nyao?
Maybe she *was* subjected to The Cure.
It would be such a shame if Tigerlily has a permanent loss of mojo. I’m thinking it would be fun watching her try different ways to get it back, though.
“order a white russian and drink it from the far side of the glass”?
Tigerlily has already had a white Russian. Konstantin never stood a chance.
Thought he was from Great Russia. Did I miss a reference?
“White” as in “caucasian”. He is having the wild sexings with urban babe of hotness, no?
Beat me to it. 😉
And that’s “Caucasian” as in “from the Caucasus Mountains”.
“White Russia” is called Belarus right now…means the same thing.
I wouldn’t mind a white Russian, nyao–Natasha Romanoff is really hot! I bet she’d be really sexy served under glass!
Naw, I don’t think she’s into The Cure. She strikes me as more of a Rick James/James Brown type of girl, nyao.
Maybe she just needs a little Barry White?
Oh, heh, I love Tip giving advice to Tigerlilly on how to get her Mojo up to speed. 🙂
Just a couple of sexy people giving each other sexy advice.
talk about missing the obvious… Tigerlily, you just have to screw Tip. Duh.
risque bisque!
It is SO sad that doesn’t really rhyme. Though if it did Tigerlily would be far more likely to get up to risque bisquenss.
I don’t know which is more painful, reading comments on really dumb sites or on brilliant sites like SH. Now both you guys get 5 minutes in the punalty box! Go!
At least DECENT puns – as this forum is generally known for – does require intelligence on all sides.
This Hive of Puns and Villiany rarely degenerates to the name callings of Godwin’s Law for example. As a collective we are far more likely to break into show tunes. and bits of esoteric trivia – such as (the above discussions on) the variants of Russian and the etymology of the natives of the geographical region of the Caucasus Mountains.
Anyone else wondering when Tip’s going to freak out because he lost that cute little hat?
Personally, I think Tigerlilly forfeited any chance of recovering her mojo when she got out-funked by an elderly white noterer
I thought it was established that actually being from the ’70s trumped Tigerlily’s retro ’70s.
But it’s never been established how old Tigerlily is. She could be from the ’70s too.
Uh, yes it has. She grew up in the 80s.
Is this the place: Rocky and Carlo’s Restaurant and Bar at 613 West Saint Bernard Highway? “Big portions of down-home Creole-Italian fare like mac ‘n’ cheese in a retro 1950s-styled space.” “I had only RED GRAVY to drink.” “I had heard for many years the legend of the Great Macaroni and Cheese at Rocky’s. But it was only when my home was flooded and I could no longer create the creamy, sweet concoction for myself at home that I decided to visit this mecca of formaggio.” I still can’t tell if they have macaroni and cheese and mac’n’cheese as separate dishes.