I read this as a tribute to Dr. Daystrom’s M-5 from Star Trek‘s “The Ultimate Computer.” Is there a little V’ger in the mix as well? (Come to think of it, Star Trek recycled this plot through several iterations.)
By the way, Unity seems to have solved the problem, but Tip lost his hat. Doesn’t that make this a Bad Plan? For that matter, doesn’t having the client commit suicide make this a Bad Plan anyway?
It’s not her hat that she lost, so it may not fall under the Foglio Maxim. I agree with you on losing the client, though. At the very least, Sweetheart and Tip will consider that a failure.
The hat was not lost, it was given away. To a fallen comrade, in the end. There’s precedent.
I don’t think Gavotte’s going to be real thrilled with the suicide, though.
This makes three times a sad zombie has made me cry. Come to think of it, one of the others was Shaenon, too, with Dave’s mournful “brains?” out in the field.
As sad and dramatic as this is, I’m kind of expecting a plot twist yet. Maybe that GODOT is faking shutting down, or this was all part of it’s plan. Suffice to say, it was just too easy. Too much TV tropes, I guess.
awww, that’s sad
I guess the reason that he was doing this all was simply to try and get them to shut him down. An endless thought loop must be pure pain.
It’s basically advanced sleep deprivation.
I read this as a tribute to Dr. Daystrom’s M-5 from Star Trek‘s “The Ultimate Computer.” Is there a little V’ger in the mix as well? (Come to think of it, Star Trek recycled this plot through several iterations.)
By the way, Unity seems to have solved the problem, but Tip lost his hat. Doesn’t that make this a Bad Plan? For that matter, doesn’t having the client commit suicide make this a Bad Plan anyway?
It’s not her hat that she lost, so it may not fall under the Foglio Maxim. I agree with you on losing the client, though. At the very least, Sweetheart and Tip will consider that a failure.
The hat was not lost, it was given away. To a fallen comrade, in the end. There’s precedent.
I don’t think Gavotte’s going to be real thrilled with the suicide, though.
Right in my chestmeats.
That’s not a big head with tiny little arms at all!
Sad Unity is sad.
(TUNE: “Yesterday”, The Beatles)
Bye, GODOT …
We’re so sorry that you have to go …
But you didn’t have to die, you know,
You could have done some good, GODOT …
Don’t despair,
For your program we can soon repair!
But your mind has vanished into air,
There’s just your hardware standing there …
Phrase … for …
Did you see?
We’ll never know …
Now … you’ve …
Gone away,
We must say
Goodbye, GODOT!
Sad but true,
You shut down because your program’s through!
With respect, our hat is off to you,
Goodby, GODOT, farewell, adieu …
Depending on the type of memory/circuitry in use – shutdown does NOT automatically equal death.
May correspond to the human equivalent of a sleep cycle.
AND (I just recalled this) prolonged periods of sleep deprevation have negative effects on reason and emotion.
For some reason I’m tearing up.
UNITY must never learn she has this power over the audience!
It’s these damn ninjas slicing onions… you got them, too?
They can just restart him you know.
We can rebuild him… make him better than before… stronger… faster… (cue the music)
Maybe bring in a mad roboticist on work release from the Institute? Nothing could go wrong with that.
Please, not this music
I’m sure I must have said this before, but… I love your empathic profile picture.
This makes three times a sad zombie has made me cry. Come to think of it, one of the others was Shaenon, too, with Dave’s mournful “brains?” out in the field.
As sad and dramatic as this is, I’m kind of expecting a plot twist yet. Maybe that GODOT is faking shutting down, or this was all part of it’s plan. Suffice to say, it was just too easy. Too much TV tropes, I guess.
Right in the feels!
I was going to be really mad if the acronym wasn’t revealed, but this, this is some darn good plot, this is.
Naaw, sadhands.
Unity has certainly solved their cases before, but I think this is the first time she’s done so in an intellectual (and poignant) manner.