Well, I don’t know that H.T. really ever counted as a friend, and I don’t think that Biomass H.T. is something the Skin Horse team can work with, unless it agrees to some kind of treaty that involves the Biomass not literally eating everything on the face of the planet.
Even knowing the current status of HT/the Biomass, I still immediately thought “Why would you run from veggie tigers? It’s the carnivorous ones you want to watch out for.”
Thanks. Your twist on the wording brought to mind an old Hagar the Horrible where he met the large “gentleman” called “Jack the Giant Killer”, who was indeed both a giant and a killer.
Actually, Randall Munroe. (Curse you, academia, for instilling a fear of being accused of plagiarism!) I normally only cite my sources if either the ideas are not well known or someone accuses me of originality.
Sweetheart gets called over by Unity. There’s an attack on near their community. Echo Bravo is running, but the veggies are cunning. For their friends, it’s a good opportunity.
For a moment I thought it might be the other sort of technical. The sort that has a machine gun mounted on top. (Actually, in that sense, since IIRC we know the Annex One office building has big guns on it, I suppose it is technically a technical. As long as you consider it a sort of really big, top-heavy jeep…)
I agree. Valiant is surprisingly good at surviving, and he seems intent on sticking with his beloved ones, at least for now. I would be more surprised if he wasn’t still with them.
And a technical win is the best sort, right Sweetheart?
In this business, you took all kind of win you can get.
Even technical one.
The fact that he is running from such tigers rather than caught by them counts as proof that he’s a keeper!
Since the veggie tigers are also running in their direction, that means H. T. is coming back to them, too. Two wins for friendship!
Well, I don’t know that H.T. really ever counted as a friend, and I don’t think that Biomass H.T. is something the Skin Horse team can work with, unless it agrees to some kind of treaty that involves the Biomass not literally eating everything on the face of the planet.
I wanna know how Sweetheart is holding those binoculars.
She’s not; Unity’s holding them for her
A pretty good trick considering how hard it is to align binocs to a target just using your own hands.
Unity never uses her own hands. She probably doesn’t remember whose they were in the first place.
I wish there was the capability of producing a laughing emoji.
Even knowing the current status of HT/the Biomass, I still immediately thought “Why would you run from veggie tigers? It’s the carnivorous ones you want to watch out for.”
Cue “wah-wah-wah” sound effects from off-screen.
Thanks. Your twist on the wording brought to mind an old Hagar the Horrible where he met the large “gentleman” called “Jack the Giant Killer”, who was indeed both a giant and a killer.
I’m more scared of hippos than of tigers. They kill a lot more humans per year than tigers, for one thing.
And they don’t even provide you the dignity of being EATEN. Hippos just rip you apart, trample you, and leave you to rot.
Allegedly. We don’t know the actual numbers. Releasing them would be a hippo violation.
I doff my hat to you for that pun, sighthoundman.
Actually, Randall Munroe. (Curse you, academia, for instilling a fear of being accused of plagiarism!) I normally only cite my sources if either the ideas are not well known or someone accuses me of originality.
Ow. Ow. Ow.
A classic example of the glass half-full, glass half-empty dichotomy in some relationships.
I really fear that the ultimate plan is the Mr. Green wanted to offload two unkillable Gilligan’s to Skin Horse.
Sounds likely.
Unkillable Gilligans would be a great band name.
Sweetheart gets called over by Unity. There’s an attack on near their community. Echo Bravo is running, but the veggies are cunning. For their friends, it’s a good opportunity.
For a moment I thought it might be the other sort of technical. The sort that has a machine gun mounted on top. (Actually, in that sense, since IIRC we know the Annex One office building has big guns on it, I suppose it is technically a technical. As long as you consider it a sort of really big, top-heavy jeep…)
I hope that Valiant didn’t get left behind.
Valiant is there if you zoom in. On Alfa Alfa’s shoulder
I thought he was hanging onto her hair, but it’s hard to see clearly.
I think that’s him on her hair too
I agree. Valiant is surprisingly good at surviving, and he seems intent on sticking with his beloved ones, at least for now. I would be more surprised if he wasn’t still with them.