As long as we’re on a My Fair Lady kick …
(TUNE: “On The Street Where You Live”, Lerner & Loewe)
I have worked for years, here at Annex One,
But I never saw my boss when she’s been having fun!
Seems she stayed out late
Just to procreate!
She goes through Supersedure to live …
She got loosened up, did a mating dance,
Then some lucky drone got in her metaphoric pants!
Had some “nudge-wink-wink” …
Now it’s hard to think!
She goes through Supersedure to live!
I thought … Gavotte was a cold one …
But she shows … that I was so wrong!
The new … queen, same as the old one!
(I bet Pete Townshend could compose a groovy song!)
Hear her chatter on, with the slang of rhyme …
Hard to understand because she had a bang sublime!
Now she’ll run amuck,
From some awesome … fun …
She goes through Supersedure to live!
Well, that does hold for “droog” slang among others. But then there are phrases like “go the way of the dodo” — much longer than “die out,” but just as clear and more colorful.
Ok, I’m waiting for another current or former beekeeper to chime in with the …details… of what this, ahem, frequently involves on the part of the “lucky” drone.
And once again, like Cole Porter, glad to be a mammal.
In areas with severe winters, all drones are driven out of the hive in the autumn. A colony begins to rear drones in spring and drone population reaches its peak coinciding with the swarm season in late spring and early summer. The life expectancy of a drone is about 90 days
Should a drone succeed in mating he soon dies because the penis and associated abdominal tissues are ripped from the drone’s body after sexual intercourse.
I so like Wikipedia.
Now I’m wondering what kind of bee Gavotte is made of.
In ordinary honeybees, from what I read, supercedure is a rather sedate process, and queen “selection” is pretty much just a matter of the first new queen to hatch killing the others before they do, or fighting to the death if they hatch before she finds them. OK, maybe “sedate” is the wrong word….
Swarms are part of a different process (hive split) and the departing swarm does not return. Neither supercedure nor swarming normally involves major die-offs, though a split would certainly affect a sentient being based on the entire original hive.
So who- or whatever made Gavotte sentient made major changes to the behavior of her constituent bees.
Regarding the wordy slang, there’s another factor, which is that for most folks, talking is fun, and for many, chattering half-nonsense is funny…. (Of course, that impulse untethered is the disturbing babble of Wernicke’s Syndrome….)
Also, most ‘slang’ is not supposed to be understood by ‘outsiders’ (how do you know if you are an outsider? if you understand it, you are not an outsider)
Hey, at least she used the full form. If I understand correctly, most instances of rhyming slang can be (and often are) shortened to not include the part that actually rhymes.
Annnnnd that would be the worst-case scenario. Imagine Nanny Ogg, only really good at Borrowing.
Nanny Ogg isn’t stupid at all
Thank you broken eye, that was what I was going to say.
Ah, but I retain a certain suspicion that Gavotte is deliberately exaggerating her current condition as part of her long-term plans.
I would accept, however, Nanny Ogg Really Drunk.
But what if she does The Song?
We assign one person to stay behind to record the lyrics for posterity while the rest of us head for the nearest exits.
Not it.
“What’s the point of slang that makes things harder to say?”
To make what you’re saying sound much, much funnier, Wilkin.
preach it, sister!
There’s a song about this.
A lot of porns ends up this way.
I thought she was drunk XD I know bees can get drunk.
The point is to make things harder for outsiders to understand. And you can take that to the steam-powered clank.
It occurs to me that Mustachio is a fellow Brit, or at least European. Us Colonials wouldn’t understand… which is the point.
To ensure that only hip people understand it Tip. You want to be hip, right?
I must watch too many shows from the BBC,I actually understood the slang!
I do like the way Unity put it!
Sorry, Ron, that adverb “too” doesn’t seem to belong in that clause. ^_^
tune: “The Rain in Spain,” My Fair Lady, Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Lowe, 1956
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb
(Cuz she got some)
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb
What turned a swarm into a twit?
Doing it! Doing it!
What made Gavotte a mere half-wit?
She banged, then split!
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb
(Her brains are numb)
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb
In supersedure, when they’re mating . . .
Swarms begin dissipating
And sound just like a Cockney bum
(You come and then become quite dumb)
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb
(Like she drank rum)
A bit ‘o bendy made her really dumb!
So I suppose you could say Gavotte… *dramatically dons sunglasses* … isn’t all there
And of course, once she’s finished swarming, she’ll be “the new boss, same as the old boss”.
As long as we’re on a My Fair Lady kick …
(TUNE: “On The Street Where You Live”, Lerner & Loewe)
I have worked for years, here at Annex One,
But I never saw my boss when she’s been having fun!
Seems she stayed out late
Just to procreate!
She goes through Supersedure to live …
She got loosened up, did a mating dance,
Then some lucky drone got in her metaphoric pants!
Had some “nudge-wink-wink” …
Now it’s hard to think!
She goes through Supersedure to live!
I thought … Gavotte was a cold one …
But she shows … that I was so wrong!
The new … queen, same as the old one!
(I bet Pete Townshend could compose a groovy song!)
Hear her chatter on, with the slang of rhyme …
Hard to understand because she had a bang sublime!
Now she’ll run amuck,
From some awesome … fun …
She goes through Supersedure to live!
Silly Tip, the point is to make it harder. You don’t want outsiders to know what you’re saying, do you?
That’s the same technique Shakespeare used – lotsa words to allow the actors to spout and strut around.
Well, that does hold for “droog” slang among others. But then there are phrases like “go the way of the dodo” — much longer than “die out,” but just as clear and more colorful.
Since the half of Burgess’ slang that wasn’t Russian was Cockney rhyming slang, I’d say the answer still fits.
Thank you for frequently giving me new vocabulary. “Supersedure,” for example.
“Silly Tip, the point is to make it harder. You don’t want outsiders to know what you’re saying, do you?”
Ah, Monsieur Dreyfuss gets it in one!
Ok, I’m waiting for another current or former beekeeper to chime in with the …details… of what this, ahem, frequently involves on the part of the “lucky” drone.
And once again, like Cole Porter, glad to be a mammal.
In areas with severe winters, all drones are driven out of the hive in the autumn. A colony begins to rear drones in spring and drone population reaches its peak coinciding with the swarm season in late spring and early summer. The life expectancy of a drone is about 90 days
Should a drone succeed in mating he soon dies because the penis and associated abdominal tissues are ripped from the drone’s body after sexual intercourse.
I so like Wikipedia.
Over a dozen drones, right? Promiscuous AND bloodthirsty, those queens.
I second the Cole Porter quote.
Now I’m wondering what kind of bee Gavotte is made of.
In ordinary honeybees, from what I read, supercedure is a rather sedate process, and queen “selection” is pretty much just a matter of the first new queen to hatch killing the others before they do, or fighting to the death if they hatch before she finds them. OK, maybe “sedate” is the wrong word….
Swarms are part of a different process (hive split) and the departing swarm does not return. Neither supercedure nor swarming normally involves major die-offs, though a split would certainly affect a sentient being based on the entire original hive.
So who- or whatever made Gavotte sentient made major changes to the behavior of her constituent bees.
Regarding the wordy slang, there’s another factor, which is that for most folks, talking is fun, and for many, chattering half-nonsense is funny…. (Of course, that impulse untethered is the disturbing babble of Wernicke’s Syndrome….)
Also, most ‘slang’ is not supposed to be understood by ‘outsiders’ (how do you know if you are an outsider? if you understand it, you are not an outsider)
Oh great… the numpties posting their poetry in the comments section are multiplying. ¬_¬
That guy who used to post Fresh Prince and then Star Trek slash-fics on the old Achewood Assetbar was far more entertaining.
You can scroll past it, y’know. Song lyrics are generally visibly recognizable in print shape.
Hey, at least she used the full form. If I understand correctly, most instances of rhyming slang can be (and often are) shortened to not include the part that actually rhymes.
The point of slang that makes it more difficult is satisfaction as you and your friends understand and strangers do not.
Good grief, Unity! Her awakening has really progressed a long way, hasn’t it?