And the Goodyear Airdock, built to house the construction and then hangaring of the Akron and Macon, is still there – and on the National Registry of Historic Places.
I have to imagine the Airdock is some kind of mad science Mecca.
Actually, Shoreham, New York, is the Mecca of mad scientists due to Wardenclyffe. Akron is home to DEVO, which makes it a popular spot for weirdos of every stripe.
I kinda have the same question as Tip. As far as the manifesto goes, let’s just hope they don’t get Antonio Smith, Forensic Linguist, or any of his students involved. They’d be able to tell Tip wrote it, not Sweetheart.
With Tip beside me, and Unity
And help from Tigerlily
The Skin Horse team’s back, for sure,
To foil the accurséd Cure
Bubbles lent me the Vi-o-let drone
And as I face going in alone . . .
I’m dreaming of a white Rust Belt
Where I’ll spend snowy Christmas Eve
It’s the town of Akron
We’ll fake attack on
A ruse A-Sig will belie-eee-eeve
Before my snowy dreams just melt
I’ll sneak into the Institute
Undercover, I’ll be so cute
I’ll beguile them in my human suit
Sorry – Robert Nowall has it right, but false flag also means showing any flag other than your own – such as a neutral third party to get close. Rules of war require that the ruse be discarded upon commencing the attack.
Traditionally done with literal flags – the stereotypical pirate (or privateer) vessel for example would get in close under an allied or neutral flag, then run up their own flag as they attacked.
MODERN variants would include diddling the IFF, since flags are no longer used for identification. (IFF is a code response triggered by radar search. May or may not be on constant beacon.)
Q-ships involve disguising warships an non-combatant vessels. False Flag Q-ships are (as mentioned above) required to reflag upon commencing the attack.
Trojan horse specifically refers to pretending to be friendly to get inside their lines, or otherwise tricking them to achieve the same, such as knowing the password and getting in that way (thus the computer term for malware disguised as valid software).
Come to think of it, won’t Sweetheart need a new name, too? Can’t see her getting anywhere using a family-and-fireside name like “Sweetheart.” And I don’t remember noticing if she had one of those fancy best-in-breed names—which probably wouldn’t do for a mad scientist, either…
Tune “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day”, Wizzard
When Sweetheart pilots the drone,
Well, I be she’s going to moan,
That this plan’s the kind of thing that goes astray.
But she’ll cheer up just to know,
She’s heading to Ohio.
In a lab coat that’s free
Acquired by Unity,
She’s on her wa-a-a-ay.
Oh it looks like this is Christmas everyone,
Sweetheart visits Akron and TJ has doomsday fun.
Oh it looks like this is Christmas, everyone,
Let explosions ring out, this Christmas!
(TUNE: “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”, The Rolling Stones)
Now I get to … go to Akron!
Now we’re starting … our attack, son!
I’ll be bad …
(Just a tad …)
Look, I’m Mad!
It’s so rad!
I’m engaging …
In rampaging!!
Well, I’m ready now to infiltrate
The Mad Sci Institute …
This is gonna be so great!
Got a doomsday-type machine!
Got a coat that’s used, but clean!
Time to fly, oh!
To O-hi-o …
We will go!
I suspect the lab coat’s owner was destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed, and even in some which are essentially impossible. Either that or Unity ate him. Even odds.
Oddly, I only know of Akron from the author of Hardcore Zen. I’d be amused to see VIolet-heart meet up with old punk bands.
I only know of Akron as one of the two towns the US named a flying aircraft carrier after (the other being Macon).
Flying. Aircraft. Carrier. 1931–1933.
Goodyear’s blimp / zeppelin home base was in Akron.
And the Goodyear Airdock, built to house the construction and then hangaring of the Akron and Macon, is still there – and on the National Registry of Historic Places.
I have to imagine the Airdock is some kind of mad science Mecca.
Actually, Shoreham, New York, is the Mecca of mad scientists due to Wardenclyffe. Akron is home to DEVO, which makes it a popular spot for weirdos of every stripe.
Could have been worse,it could have been Wichita,Kansas: The buckle of the bible belt!
Unfortunately, Wichita already has a couple of rich mad men, of the social science kind.
I can dig it!
I kinda have the same question as Tip. As far as the manifesto goes, let’s just hope they don’t get Antonio Smith, Forensic Linguist, or any of his students involved. They’d be able to tell Tip wrote it, not Sweetheart.
Group effort could and likely would mangle it.
Mel stymied him by conversing in quotes during the attempt to silence him during the same event that Madblood received his Von Boom award.
Sticks out because she complained she had to study and it was hard.
At least it’s not Cleveland
Cleveland rocks!
tune: “White Christmas,” Irving Berlin, 1942
With Tip beside me, and Unity
And help from Tigerlily
The Skin Horse team’s back, for sure,
To foil the accurséd Cure
Bubbles lent me the Vi-o-let drone
And as I face going in alone . . .
I’m dreaming of a white Rust Belt
Where I’ll spend snowy Christmas Eve
It’s the town of Akron
We’ll fake attack on
A ruse A-Sig will belie-eee-eeve
Before my snowy dreams just melt
I’ll sneak into the Institute
Undercover, I’ll be so cute
I’ll beguile them in my human suit
Very lovely!
It’s a Canadian thing; difficult to explain…
I just want to say how much I appreciate that Skin Horse has finally caught up with today’s conspiracy trends and used the term “false flag attack”.
Today? It’s an old naval strategy, putting your enemy’s flag on the ship so you can get close before he realizes.
No, that would be a Trojan Horse.
A False Flag is when you attack your own ship while waving the enemy’s flag.
Remember the Maine?
Sorry – Robert Nowall has it right, but false flag also means showing any flag other than your own – such as a neutral third party to get close. Rules of war require that the ruse be discarded upon commencing the attack.
Traditionally done with literal flags – the stereotypical pirate (or privateer) vessel for example would get in close under an allied or neutral flag, then run up their own flag as they attacked.
MODERN variants would include diddling the IFF, since flags are no longer used for identification. (IFF is a code response triggered by radar search. May or may not be on constant beacon.)
Q-ships involve disguising warships an non-combatant vessels. False Flag Q-ships are (as mentioned above) required to reflag upon commencing the attack.
Trojan horse specifically refers to pretending to be friendly to get inside their lines, or otherwise tricking them to achieve the same, such as knowing the password and getting in that way (thus the computer term for malware disguised as valid software).
Come to think of it, won’t Sweetheart need a new name, too? Can’t see her getting anywhere using a family-and-fireside name like “Sweetheart.” And I don’t remember noticing if she had one of those fancy best-in-breed names—which probably wouldn’t do for a mad scientist, either…
Her full name is Captain’s Fancy Sweetheart, if that helps. “Captain’s Fancy” seems to be treated as her surname.
Captain’s Fancy Valentine Sweetheart.
No, that won’t work for the “mad scientist” cover story. Maybe the “mad” part—I’d be mad if somebody named me that.
(Hey! That explains a lot.)
I suppose, well, “Fancy Valentine” might work…
I dunno. Could just add a “Doctor” to it, blow some shit up, and then “Doctor Sweetheart” becomes “the dangerous Mad with an ironic name.”
Tune “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day”, Wizzard
When Sweetheart pilots the drone,
Well, I be she’s going to moan,
That this plan’s the kind of thing that goes astray.
But she’ll cheer up just to know,
She’s heading to Ohio.
In a lab coat that’s free
Acquired by Unity,
She’s on her wa-a-a-ay.
Oh it looks like this is Christmas everyone,
Sweetheart visits Akron and TJ has doomsday fun.
Oh it looks like this is Christmas, everyone,
Let explosions ring out, this Christmas!
Wow, three parody songs for one strip.
Her full pedigree name is Captain’s Fancy Sweetheart. So, no.
Meant to be a reply to Robert Nowall, but Trivena got there anyway.
(TUNE: “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”, The Rolling Stones)
Now I get to … go to Akron!
Now we’re starting … our attack, son!
I’ll be bad …
(Just a tad …)
Look, I’m Mad!
It’s so rad!
I’m engaging …
In rampaging!!
Well, I’m ready now to infiltrate
The Mad Sci Institute …
This is gonna be so great!
Got a doomsday-type machine!
Got a coat that’s used, but clean!
Time to fly, oh!
To O-hi-o …
We will go!
Akron rules!
(Cleveland drools!)
[repeat CHORUS]
“Val” is a plausible first name for a human woman – she could say it’s short for “Valentina” if anyone asks.
“Fancy” is a less plausible first name, but it exists.
Valentine Fancy, maybe?
Captain Val Fancy, mad master of the bureaucratic sciences!!
Not only did I give myself chills there, I just realized that is actually a fair description of her. This might get more interesting . . .
Well, we do have mad lawyers and mad notaries. What’s a mad bureaucrat in that mix?
To the tune of Python’s ‘Christmas in Heaven’
It’s Christmas in Akron
Trouble the mads shall bring
It’s Christmas in Akron
‘Zap,’ ‘Zap’ the lasers zing
It’s Christmas in Akron
Many folks will soon die
But we’ll well warned
False flag plan is a lie…
Further work and additions are welcome.
“Lab coat whose owner doesn’t exist anymore”
So is this a temporal paradox proof lab coat?
I suspect the lab coat’s owner was destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed, and even in some which are essentially impossible. Either that or Unity ate him. Even odds.