Ok. Is anyone waiting for Tip to show up as the new VP to Greene’s office and he explodes with ‘How the hell did Tip get up here?! As my new VP?’. ‘Buerocracy.’
Thank goodness! Back in the day I could print a greeting card on 8.5×11″ paper and fold it into quarters. With today’s technology we could print a 3D barcode including both the recipient’s address AND postage! Just drop it in snail mail!
Envelopes tear up, too. There was one particular kind of card—I don’t remember the brand, if I ever knew it—that would just sort of dissolve in the machines. The card would come out, the envelope would split front and back, and we would have one hell of a job trying to reunite the two, if we could.
Paper and envelopes measured in millimeters, rounded to the nearest centimeter. Or envelopes slightly larger so you can get the paper in and out easier.
There isn’t anything sexy about sorting the mail. Soul destroying, but not sexy.
(Y’know, I had a dream the other night where I was working on one of our machines with, of all people, Unity. She fed the mail into the machine, I swept it down when it came out. But she was no problem. It was the other people working, new hires who weren’t trained right and who (in the dream) I wound up screaming at. It’s gotta be done just so, and be kept in a certain order, or it’s a disaster.)
Hmm, Unity is on the roof holding some black geometric figure. Is she talking on a cellphone, or eating a triangle, or eating a cellphone?
It’s hard to be sure. She might be talking to a slice of pizza.
Binoculars: http://skin-horse.com/comic/possible-choices/
…the hands holding up the strip in the Couscous Holiday Strip Sale banner are curiously drawn…
Clearly, two people are sharing the strip between them, so we see the right hand of the left person, and the left hand of the right person.
or the holder’s hands are crossed.
The person holding the strip is facing us (trust me, I’ve checked by holding up an envelope in front of the mirror)
I can’t believe none of you saw the obvious… It’s Unity, and she sewed the hands on the wrong arms.
…these are exactly all of the scenarios I came up with while stuporifically staring at the banner at 1:40 this morning…
…and yes, I am ahead of my time…
I can see where that would be Tip’s “Happily Ever After”.
Would he become King of Lovetron or Prince Consort?
I’m sure Tigeriliy has a more elaborate title in mind that I’m not hip enough to speculate on.
I’m sure I don’t want to even think about it.
Something was once said about drinking fine malt liquors and being chained to a golden throne.
Ok. Is anyone waiting for Tip to show up as the new VP to Greene’s office and he explodes with ‘How the hell did Tip get up here?! As my new VP?’. ‘Buerocracy.’
Not me. I’m waiting for Mr. Green to get called into his boss’s office, only to discover that his boss is Tip.
What’s with widths? Doesn’t Sweetheart favor the standard sizes?
Of course, but she’s got to choose the standard sizes.
“I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation is in. We kept it grey.”
Sweetheart wants to use her power to change the standard sizes, probably.
Thank goodness! Back in the day I could print a greeting card on 8.5×11″ paper and fold it into quarters. With today’s technology we could print a 3D barcode including both the recipient’s address AND postage! Just drop it in snail mail!
Oh, wait. No envelope required. Hm.
Had some card stock that just wouldn’t go through my printer…had to go back and buy thinner stock.
Oh, also, regular paper tears up in the machines. I’ve pulled many a piece out of the DBCSs I used to work on, shredded beyond delivery.
Ah-HAH! So an envelope is necessary after all! 😉 Thanks, Robert!
Envelopes tear up, too. There was one particular kind of card—I don’t remember the brand, if I ever knew it—that would just sort of dissolve in the machines. The card would come out, the envelope would split front and back, and we would have one hell of a job trying to reunite the two, if we could.
Perhaps numerical vs. A sizing?
Paper and envelopes measured in millimeters, rounded to the nearest centimeter. Or envelopes slightly larger so you can get the paper in and out easier.
A life of sexy crime or a life of sexy envelope sorting. Truly it is a dilemma the likes of which we have never seen before.
Agreed, and I’ll add that no-one in history has used the phrase “sexy envelope sorting ” before.
Ah, I see that someone has never been to their Post Office on a Casual Friday that falls on Valentines Day
There isn’t anything sexy about sorting the mail. Soul destroying, but not sexy.
(Y’know, I had a dream the other night where I was working on one of our machines with, of all people, Unity. She fed the mail into the machine, I swept it down when it came out. But she was no problem. It was the other people working, new hires who weren’t trained right and who (in the dream) I wound up screaming at. It’s gotta be done just so, and be kept in a certain order, or it’s a disaster.)
Tip wants her to take his position, a bumpy most-likely transition. Sexy crimes put aside, is she all qualified? It’s still quite a fine proposition.
um… which president?
Zombie Abe Lincoln?