Previously it seemed to always use the same first letter and around the same number of syllables. Dunno what would hat-hangings could be though. Hellions? (he couldn’t say hell previously).
(I’m aware Tip is happily male, but a. slurs have splash damage and b. dude is gender non-conforming as fudge and so gets to hang with the trans kids if he wants anyway.)
I do kind of want to know what “hat-hangings” replaced.
Also, who programmed the censor. It seems somewhat context-sensitive.
Previously it seemed to always use the same first letter and around the same number of syllables. Dunno what would hat-hangings could be though. Hellions? (he couldn’t say hell previously).
Nick has a point– In the world of Skin Horse, the truth IS out there, we just don’t believe it because it sounds like bad fanfic.
“Truth is often stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be believable.” –Mark Twain.
Lol XD I love this comic!
Tip suddenly has a beard. I know it’s his hand and glove but it looks like a beard.
… Anasigma blocked him from swearing but let him sling transmisic slurs?
(I’m aware Tip is happily male, but a. slurs have splash damage and b. dude is gender non-conforming as fudge and so gets to hang with the trans kids if he wants anyway.)
Unfortunately, it only works if Nick thinks it’s a swear.