Seems that for A-Sig, this is less about testing the enemy’s strength and more a quick way to prune the deadwood. (Extirpation can’t be that cheap: besides brain care and feeding expenses, brilliant evil brain surgeons don’t just grow on trees [1], after all.)
And even then, he got the lifesaving advice by way of a teenager, rather than directly from the Anasigma training video. So maybe his best survival tactic is listening to other people, just not to the ones he supposedly works for?
Although on quite another note, the design of the carnivorous plants reminds me of the carnivorous plant in The Smurfs and the Howlibird / Les Schtroumpfs et le Cracoucass / De Smurfen en de Krakakrwa. A fun memory!
“If I could rate ’em on a scale from one to ten,
I’m lookin’ for a nine but eight could work right in.
A few more drinks and I might slip to five or even four.
But when tomorrow morning comes,
And I wake up with a number one,
I swear I’ll never do it anymore!”
Didn’t know I was performing a public service. I swear I looked up “Wilhem Scream” when I first heard the phrase, but I can’t remember whether they had a sound file of it at the time.
“To the wheat fields,” was what they were briefed. There lay safety, was their firm belief. You know, they had a “honch” that the fields led to “monch,” but misspelling was the leitmotif.
Hmmm…so not even cannon fodder, because with cannon fodder you’re still trying to use them for some purpose, just at great cost of lives. This seems to be simply wanting them dead, but at someone else’s hands.
Well good news… MAYBE you can just do the exact opposite of everything you were briefed on and have a better chance of survival?
Seems that for A-Sig, this is less about testing the enemy’s strength and more a quick way to prune the deadwood. (Extirpation can’t be that cheap: besides brain care and feeding expenses, brilliant evil brain surgeons don’t just grow on trees [1], after all.)
[1] With a possible exception for the Biomass.
I knew there was a reason that I tend to sleep during briefing sessions!
If your comrades have all been eaten by wheat, it oughta make desertion so much easier…
you mean dessertion
…or it could even be a dessertation, if you had to write the mission reports. (badum-ching!)
The second battle of Antietam has begun…
at least at Sharpsburg the corn itself did not attack.
Since they’ve gone into the wheat field, it’ll be out to the cornfield for them.
It was a good life.
Well, better than the hideous death at least!
Echo Bravo’s best survival tactic is not listening to what anyone else says
A viable strategy when going among mad people.
Which is the conclusion the person he’s not listening to also just reached.
E.B. needn’t worry. H.T. promised not to assimilate him.
Doesn’t mean he won’t be reduced to mulch, just not assimilated after.
Hm. Point taken.
Besides, can you trust the Biomass to keep their word?
… Except when it comes to shoe care.
And even then, he got the lifesaving advice by way of a teenager, rather than directly from the Anasigma training video. So maybe his best survival tactic is listening to other people, just not to the ones he supposedly works for?
Aha! A cereal killer…
I’m sorry but someone had to say it.
“In Soviet Biomass, Wheaties eat you!”
This alien corn is ruthless.
Although on quite another note, the design of the carnivorous plants reminds me of the carnivorous plant in The Smurfs and the Howlibird / Les Schtroumpfs et le Cracoucass / De Smurfen en de Krakakrwa. A fun memory!
“If I could rate ’em on a scale from one to ten,
I’m lookin’ for a nine but eight could work right in.
A few more drinks and I might slip to five or even four.
But when tomorrow morning comes,
And I wake up with a number one,
I swear I’ll never do it anymore!”
I went to bed at two with a ten, and woke up at ten with a two.
Wow, Theresa May wouldn’t have survived ten minutes out there.
(Really obscure UK politics joke, sorry.)
Not *that* obscure. I’m an American and I get it.
Got a smile from me, but I read BBC News, other European news sources, and NewsThump routinely.
I got the reference. And I’m not from the U.K, either.
Does anyone else hear “aieeee” as a Wilhelm scream or is it just me?
Y’all be the judge.
OMG they FINALLY put it up! The Wilhelm scream has been SUCH a PAIN to find online!
Didn’t know I was performing a public service. I swear I looked up “Wilhem Scream” when I first heard the phrase, but I can’t remember whether they had a sound file of it at the time.
“To the wheat fields,” was what they were briefed. There lay safety, was their firm belief. You know, they had a “honch” that the fields led to “monch,” but misspelling was the leitmotif.
I’m too moderately attractive and far below Medicare requirements!
Does this mean that the Biomass is related to He Who Walks Behind the Rows?
I have to voice my appreciation for the subtle nuances in Alfa’s expressions – especially panel 4, where her dismay is palpable.
Proving she’s not evil. I might’ve dropped the wheat field hint delivering the goon squad that arrested me to a horrible demise on purpose…
Hmmm…so not even cannon fodder, because with cannon fodder you’re still trying to use them for some purpose, just at great cost of lives. This seems to be simply wanting them dead, but at someone else’s hands.
Since they’re being eaten by a wheatfield, or at least something they thought was a wheatfield, you can argue that they’re fodder fodder.
I’d agree with that.