Unless, of course, during the apocalypse, the United States annexed all the Canadian provinces, thus defaulting all the natural born citizenry in the process to US citizenship. In which case the only other rule in the way would be that you have to be 35 years or older. In which case it would depend if Sweetheart age is counted in dog years or human years effectively.
I had to review Mell’s presidency in Narbonic to figure out if this strip fits. In “Dave Davenport is unstuck in time,” future Mell is Vice President, and plotting to kill the President, but the world is already a wasteland. In “Battle for the lost diamond mines of Brazil,” future Mell is President, the world is still a wasteland, and Mell plans to blow up what’s left, to save Artie. Apocalyptically, this fits, but if Mell went from Veep to Prez, even by assassination, I don’t think Rebecca would call her the “Acting President.”
I’m with you, but also because that doesn’t really sound like Mell, even in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I can see her hunting people for sport, sure, but not for “cause” like that.
IIRC: That happens at an unspecified time in the future. There would also be a number of other split points, allowing this to be a similar one but not the same.
ALSO: If every decision results in a universe split then there would have been a split in which she decided not to destroy it.
Since this is an ‘evil’ parallel universe, why not President Unity, President Tigerlily, or Mr. Green as chief executive? Shaenon and Jeff can go in odd directions sometimes.
I think “extreme martial law”, like “execution-style killings” is just a desperate attempt to persuade this Agent Fancy that things in New York aren’t too good.
Adrian – I hope you’ve also read Narbonic’s archives to get some of the references, such as the (re?)introduction of Titus and Imogene (I DO hope they re-appear at some point).
We’ve already seen her reaction to breaking even a minor rule (leave fire door open, end the world). This isn’t really out of character for her. She just needs someone to tell her she’s being a bad dog….though she already knew that.
boy does she know her
That’s right, Sweetheart! Innocents don’t *do* parking fraud!
I think we can make an educated guess as to the identity of the ‘Acting President’.
Yes. Yes we can.
Are we guessing a certain character’s mother?
So here’s the question. President Kelly….or President Fancy?
Sweetheart can’t be Acting President: she’s a naturalized citizen. And I think that breaking that particular rule would be a real problem for her.
Unless, of course, during the apocalypse, the United States annexed all the Canadian provinces, thus defaulting all the natural born citizenry in the process to US citizenship. In which case the only other rule in the way would be that you have to be 35 years or older. In which case it would depend if Sweetheart age is counted in dog years or human years effectively.
That’s why she’s not the official President.
Imma guess President Fancy anyway. #comic!
I had to review Mell’s presidency in Narbonic to figure out if this strip fits. In “Dave Davenport is unstuck in time,” future Mell is Vice President, and plotting to kill the President, but the world is already a wasteland. In “Battle for the lost diamond mines of Brazil,” future Mell is President, the world is still a wasteland, and Mell plans to blow up what’s left, to save Artie. Apocalyptically, this fits, but if Mell went from Veep to Prez, even by assassination, I don’t think Rebecca would call her the “Acting President.”
Clearly, I need to get out more.
I’m with you, but also because that doesn’t really sound like Mell, even in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I can see her hunting people for sport, sure, but not for “cause” like that.
Mell’s evil undergoes a transition from chaotic to lawful during the run of Narbonic—or should that be ‘legal evil’?
@Steph: I know that; but this is Lawful Stupid, not Lawful Evil, and whatever else Mell has been, she’s never been stupid.
Clearly this is in between Mell’s Klingon Promotion and the confirmation of same.
I thought that universe was destroyed to fuel the time machine that sent the stuff to the Dave Conspiracy.
IIRC: That happens at an unspecified time in the future. There would also be a number of other split points, allowing this to be a similar one but not the same.
ALSO: If every decision results in a universe split then there would have been a split in which she decided not to destroy it.
This is Mell we’re talking about. In which universe exactly would she not want to press the button that blows up the universe?
Mell already has been destroying universes – the Dave invented Time Machine obtains its energy needs from destroying adjacent universes.
As relayed by the time traveling offspring (in potential because of causality) of Helen and Dave.
BTW – by using said machine for research on multiple occasions, Artie is also destroyer of universes.
On that note – I wonder is the Time Travelling Artie of the Narbonic arc is from the current timeline…..
In any event, it’s also the universe where Dave smoked and didn’t refill the swimming pool. Using it for predictions is dubious.
Dave never smoked. Someone had to say it.
President Gavotte.
Since this is an ‘evil’ parallel universe, why not President Unity, President Tigerlily, or Mr. Green as chief executive? Shaenon and Jeff can go in odd directions sometimes.
President Narbon.
In New York City? In a paraphrase of a routine by David Brenner, this is a place where, if you jaywalk, the cop comes over and shakes your hand.
Not just martial law…extreme martial law. Was this thought up while playing ultimate frisbee?
No, during the nineties.
… You’re supposed to spell it XTreme.
Wormhole X-treme?
I think “extreme martial law”, like “execution-style killings” is just a desperate attempt to persuade this Agent Fancy that things in New York aren’t too good.
Kay could have told her that it was doomed.
Yay! Finally finished reading the archive.
Now you get to re-read the Archive (many times) to find out what you missed the first time. :/
I’m waiting for the authors’ notes version of Skin-Horse.
Adrian – I hope you’ve also read Narbonic’s archives to get some of the references, such as the (re?)introduction of Titus and Imogene (I DO hope they re-appear at some point).
Welcome to the present day, Adrian!
I must andmit I am starting to dislike Sweetheart. Though her unreasonable affinity for rules is a good parallel to some dog’s insistance on rutine.
We’ve already seen her reaction to breaking even a minor rule (leave fire door open, end the world). This isn’t really out of character for her. She just needs someone to tell her she’s being a bad dog….though she already knew that.
Sweetheart is O.K. as long as you keep her on a short leash!
Also I do wonder how/what Gavotte is doing in this universe?
Starting to? I fear you have not been paying attention.