Some times we forget that Unity is a violent cannibal with a fondness for collecting body parts and a history of gleeful murder. This may come _naturally_ to her.
I can’t help but think which would be worse… Her being stuck like that or the cure making her “normal” in a sense. Let’s face it UNITY is very abnormal.
Who knows what effect the Cure would have on Unity? We have no data on how it might affect non-humans. She isn’t even biological, so the Cure could have about as much chance of working on Bubbles.
Forget coming naturally to her due to violent cannibalism: that particular phrase comes naturally to her because she’s a (mildly) infectious nanite entity fully capable of possession.
Tigerlily’s plans are made …
She wants to storm the barricade!
It seems her plans are not well-laid,
Her allies disagree!
Now Tip suggests a diff’rent route …
“We’ll infiltrate the Institute!”
A volunteer they must recruit,
And Unity says “ME!”
”I’ll know your skin from both sides now,
Inside and out!” (You might say, “Ow!”)
She’s good at fake insanity …
So Sweetheart votes for U-ni-ty!
The Skin Horse team she will convince!
Her creepy voice just makes us wince!
She’s had a lot of practice since
They fought the Chaosdome!
She makes a face that will appall!
Her mouth gets wide, her eyes get small!
I bet she won’t stand out at all,
She’ll make herself at home!
We’ll know that place from both sides now!
Inside and out! And soon, somehow,
Just like a war zone it will be …
We’ll rescue them from U-ni-ty!
Good god, Ed! Did you go to a special school for this? Did they do some kind of clockwork orange thing? Do you literally think in filk songs about everything you see? There’s just no way a regular human can be this good!
If the Cure works on zombies, then it’s dangerous for Unity to go. If it doesn’t work on zombies, then either she needs some pretty good make-up, or they’ll just refuse to take her on. Though maybe mind control would fail because Unity is just too awesome or unique.
If the team plans to save Unity using their secret support, then at least the Cure isn’t sexy. History tells us that when agencies send moles to investigate sexy brainwashing, the conspiracy always wins unless the mole is even sexier (the Barbarella exception, which would not apply because Unity shows no sign of being an actual or untapped sex god).
I don’t think the cure is likely to work on Unity, since she is technically a mind altering drug herself that seems able to suspend all normal brain patterns in a host as she sees fit. I doubt the cure is anywhere near tough enough to survive sharing a body with the Unity Sludge.
I agree with Daniel. I highly doubt the Cure would win against Unity’s nanites. However, before you write her off as a sex god, remember that Remy has a crush on her, and it appears Bubbles is looking forward to their long-postponed coffee date. Sweetheart also seems quite attached to Unity, although it’s unclear if her feelings are primarily platonic, or otherwise.
Honestly, of the group here, I think Tip is probably the best choice, though drafting Dr. Lee for this would work too. Not that Unity isn’t convincing above, I just suspect they might have a file on her already.
Kinda hoping they don’t send Dr Lee, since I wouldn’t be at all surprised if her getting exposed to The Cure seriously hampered her “Mad Science reverse-engineer” skills. To reverse-engineer Mad Scientist’s creations, she’s got to be able to understand how they work – which makes her at least a normal able to think her way into a MS’s skull.
That’s if she’s not in fact a Mad Scientist herself, whose normal-tech MO is explained by her either being in denial, or having been brainwashed into thinking she’s a normal.
Either way, enhanced reality filters making her either not notice mad tech or mentally censor it into something already-rational would rather get in the way of her job…
You don’t get tech that can be reproduced by normals just by being “in denial”. Remember, Anasigma doesn’t employ Dr. Lee because she can use Mad science, they employ her because she can reverse-engineer it.That’s a very unique skill, whether she is in fact Mad or not.
If Unity would be sent, that would just result in the Institute becoming a smoking crater when the actual mad scientists there decide to ask her to hold their otherwise harmless things that they made of the minimal materials they’re allowed to have.
In hindsight, that sentence was far too long.
I don’t think any of the five of them would be able to pass for a normal mad genius. Four of them are the products of mad science. Bubbles is a drone / water cooler. Sweetheart is a dog. Nick wouldn’t fit through the door. Unity would kill everybody before they could get answers.
That leaves Tip…and from the little we saw of the Institute, it would seem there’s some kind of rigid separation of the sexes at the least—and, despite his best efforts at cross dressing, Tip is still a guy, and, apparently, not inclined to change that.
I think they need another recruit—Dr. Lee comes to mind.
(Also, nobody’s brought Moustachio or Mme. Gavotte into the mix yet, though. Or even the staff of the Department of Irridation.)
Actually, Bubbles would fit right in. A mad scientist transplanting themselves into a robot faultily, leaving them incapable of using anything other than a specific set of five words is probably relatively normal
Y’all are speculating about drafting in Dr Lee for this raid…. given her work history, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually working on the Cure’s military applications right now.
She developed the Anasigma version. Artie tried to persuade her not to, but either she didn’t listen to him or had already done it by the time he warned her.
Now we know what a demon-possessed version of Little Orphan Annie would look and sound like. I do want to know how she projected the black prickly aura, though.
I have to agree with GammarayCanon, though, that Bubbles is the only other one that makes sense. Also, she may be the only one that The Cure wouldn’t affect.
All things considered – I’d love to have something that unlocked the mad genius part instead of suppressing it.
Co-workers and family think I’m a bit off (but tolerable) already – so a feegle crawstep into mad genius wouldn’t be much of a stretch.
Except for either a) Lacking the Genius part or b) having it but not knowing what it is or how to express it.. There IS a possible option C – I’m an Idiot Savant who hasn’t found the Savant part….
1) Okay, my spine just got chills so bad that I have icicles on my back.
2) They can get U.N.I.T.Y. in, but can they get her out? And even if they can, can she get to the cure? U.N.I.T.Y. can “play” mad, but can she pretend to be a genius? Even if she tanks up on brains, it will digest eventually and return her to standard.
I wonder if the brains were candied, pickled or smoked – made a bit indigestable- they could function as “time release capsules”. Giving Unity smarts for a longer time at a bit lower level.
“Safe,” is just another word for, “Boring.”
(And I’m disappointed in my past self for using, “Wasn’t,” in a subjunctive clause. It should be, “Weren’t.”)
OK, now that’s creepy.
Which may be what U.N.I.T.Y. was going for. ^_^
UNITY did that a little to well.
And Gawd help me,it was kinda cute!
Some times we forget that Unity is a violent cannibal with a fondness for collecting body parts and a history of gleeful murder. This may come _naturally_ to her.
I can’t help but think which would be worse… Her being stuck like that or the cure making her “normal” in a sense. Let’s face it UNITY is very abnormal.
Who knows what effect the Cure would have on Unity? We have no data on how it might affect non-humans. She isn’t even biological, so the Cure could have about as much chance of working on Bubbles.
Forget coming naturally to her due to violent cannibalism: that particular phrase comes naturally to her because she’s a (mildly) infectious nanite entity fully capable of possession.
Okay, that’s the “mad” part. Now fire up Dr. Lee’s brain machine and you can get the “genius” part.
There is nothing that can possibly go wrong with this plan. I’m excited to be a part of it.
This must be one of those sentences where everything means exactly the opposite of what it says it does. I’ve heard of those.
Thanks for my phone’s new background picture!
I’ve got a feeling that Tip is gonna draft Dr. Lee for this party.
Why not? Dr. Lee doesn’t have to pretend to convince anyone she’s a mad genius.
She’d resent that.
Well, she can’t construct a death ray on the fly out of old cans, paper clips, and flashlight batteries. But then, neither can Unity.
Probably not for the infiltration mission. Unity is probably immune to the Cure. Dr Lee, on the other hand…
(TUNE: “Both Sides Now”, Joni Mitchell)
Tigerlily’s plans are made …
She wants to storm the barricade!
It seems her plans are not well-laid,
Her allies disagree!
Now Tip suggests a diff’rent route …
“We’ll infiltrate the Institute!”
A volunteer they must recruit,
And Unity says “ME!”
”I’ll know your skin from both sides now,
Inside and out!” (You might say, “Ow!”)
She’s good at fake insanity …
So Sweetheart votes for U-ni-ty!
The Skin Horse team she will convince!
Her creepy voice just makes us wince!
She’s had a lot of practice since
They fought the Chaosdome!
She makes a face that will appall!
Her mouth gets wide, her eyes get small!
I bet she won’t stand out at all,
She’ll make herself at home!
We’ll know that place from both sides now!
Inside and out! And soon, somehow,
Just like a war zone it will be …
We’ll rescue them from U-ni-ty!
Good god, Ed! Did you go to a special school for this? Did they do some kind of clockwork orange thing? Do you literally think in filk songs about everything you see? There’s just no way a regular human can be this good!
My mother was frightened by a street musician when she was pregnant with me.
Which reminds me of this:
If the Cure works on zombies, then it’s dangerous for Unity to go. If it doesn’t work on zombies, then either she needs some pretty good make-up, or they’ll just refuse to take her on. Though maybe mind control would fail because Unity is just too awesome or unique.
If the team plans to save Unity using their secret support, then at least the Cure isn’t sexy. History tells us that when agencies send moles to investigate sexy brainwashing, the conspiracy always wins unless the mole is even sexier (the Barbarella exception, which would not apply because Unity shows no sign of being an actual or untapped sex god).
I don’t think the cure is likely to work on Unity, since she is technically a mind altering drug herself that seems able to suspend all normal brain patterns in a host as she sees fit. I doubt the cure is anywhere near tough enough to survive sharing a body with the Unity Sludge.
I agree with Daniel. I highly doubt the Cure would win against Unity’s nanites. However, before you write her off as a sex god, remember that Remy has a crush on her, and it appears Bubbles is looking forward to their long-postponed coffee date. Sweetheart also seems quite attached to Unity, although it’s unclear if her feelings are primarily platonic, or otherwise.
Honestly, of the group here, I think Tip is probably the best choice, though drafting Dr. Lee for this would work too. Not that Unity isn’t convincing above, I just suspect they might have a file on her already.
Well, they have files on everybody…
Kinda hoping they don’t send Dr Lee, since I wouldn’t be at all surprised if her getting exposed to The Cure seriously hampered her “Mad Science reverse-engineer” skills. To reverse-engineer Mad Scientist’s creations, she’s got to be able to understand how they work – which makes her at least a normal able to think her way into a MS’s skull.
That’s if she’s not in fact a Mad Scientist herself, whose normal-tech MO is explained by her either being in denial, or having been brainwashed into thinking she’s a normal.
Either way, enhanced reality filters making her either not notice mad tech or mentally censor it into something already-rational would rather get in the way of her job…
You don’t get tech that can be reproduced by normals just by being “in denial”. Remember, Anasigma doesn’t employ Dr. Lee because she can use Mad science, they employ her because she can reverse-engineer it.That’s a very unique skill, whether she is in fact Mad or not.
I’m thinking Dr. Lee can’t go because she’s already attached to the institute in some manner.
Yeah… Not sure that line is 100% an act on Unity’s part….
On the one hand, Unity’s a great choice because she’d be immune to the cure.
On the other tentacle, she’s not exactly good at staying on task unsupervised, is she?
Feed her some brains like they said above, it’ll be fine. Really.
(It will not)
Move over Nellie Bly!
If Unity would be sent, that would just result in the Institute becoming a smoking crater when the actual mad scientists there decide to ask her to hold their otherwise harmless things that they made of the minimal materials they’re allowed to have.
In hindsight, that sentence was far too long.
I don’t think any of the five of them would be able to pass for a normal mad genius. Four of them are the products of mad science. Bubbles is a drone / water cooler. Sweetheart is a dog. Nick wouldn’t fit through the door. Unity would kill everybody before they could get answers.
That leaves Tip…and from the little we saw of the Institute, it would seem there’s some kind of rigid separation of the sexes at the least—and, despite his best efforts at cross dressing, Tip is still a guy, and, apparently, not inclined to change that.
I think they need another recruit—Dr. Lee comes to mind.
(Also, nobody’s brought Moustachio or Mme. Gavotte into the mix yet, though. Or even the staff of the Department of Irridation.)
Actually, Bubbles would fit right in. A mad scientist transplanting themselves into a robot faultily, leaving them incapable of using anything other than a specific set of five words is probably relatively normal
I think Unity could also probably pull it off after eating enough brains – radical self-surgery seems like something a mad scientist would also be into. Also, see Franken Fran.
Y’all are speculating about drafting in Dr Lee for this raid…. given her work history, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually working on the Cure’s military applications right now.
That’s nearly my idea, too. Maybe Ginny is just working on mass producing the Cure.
She developed the Anasigma version. Artie tried to persuade her not to, but either she didn’t listen to him or had already done it by the time he warned her.
Now we know what a demon-possessed version of Little Orphan Annie would look and sound like. I do want to know how she projected the black prickly aura, though.
I have to agree with GammarayCanon, though, that Bubbles is the only other one that makes sense. Also, she may be the only one that The Cure wouldn’t affect.
What I have to wonder is how she spoke in parentheses, or in all lower case.
All things considered – I’d love to have something that unlocked the mad genius part instead of suppressing it.
Co-workers and family think I’m a bit off (but tolerable) already – so a feegle crawstep into mad genius wouldn’t be much of a stretch.
Except for either a) Lacking the Genius part or b) having it but not knowing what it is or how to express it.. There IS a possible option C – I’m an Idiot Savant who hasn’t found the Savant part….
We have hope for you. This group can’t be the only ones that feel like that.
1) Okay, my spine just got chills so bad that I have icicles on my back.
2) They can get U.N.I.T.Y. in, but can they get her out? And even if they can, can she get to the cure? U.N.I.T.Y. can “play” mad, but can she pretend to be a genius? Even if she tanks up on brains, it will digest eventually and return her to standard.
I wonder if the brains were candied, pickled or smoked – made a bit indigestable- they could function as “time release capsules”. Giving Unity smarts for a longer time at a bit lower level.
That’s actually an awesome idea, and I wonder why no one in the comic has thought of it.
It’s the part she was born to play!
… to a given value of “born”
If panel three wasn’t attractive to me, my dating history would probably be significantly different.
Safer, at least, I suppose.
“Safe,” is just another word for, “Boring.”
(And I’m disappointed in my past self for using, “Wasn’t,” in a subjunctive clause. It should be, “Weren’t.”)
At least you realized your mistake. Most people these days have no idea that the subjunctive mood exists, or what to do with it.
You know what terrifies me the most in panel three?
The uncapitalised “I”…
I have nightmares about that sorta thing.
Really? For me it’s the fact that she stopped having sclera.
From the future, I am now reminded of a certain self-aware ai doctor.
“GORDON. Every time you go to sleep I can feel my body TORN apart… ATOM by ATOM… It’s agonizing Gordon… “