So, how will the time travel come in? There’s the matter of the dragon getting back in time to smash her car, and, as woozy points out, the fact that Ir seemingly knew about it.
Perhaps the Dane’s doomsday device somehow creates a wormhole?
I know what you’re thinking: did I fire 5 toads or 6? In all the excitement, I lost track myself. But what you have to ask yourself, punk, is “Am I feeling squamous?”
My guess is that it is radiation. You know, from the irradiator. If video games have taught me anything, it’s that radiation is always green. And glowing.
I gotta say, a gun equally efficient for taking dragons and the smaller geckos as trophies (instead of, say, indiscernible smears of organic matter) is a fine bit of mad science.
And,…a moment of genre-savviness comes an instant too late to be of any real use! ^_^
Dragon time.
Ira mentioned dragons.
All I have is a mammal gun and I can’t use that!
So, how will the time travel come in? There’s the matter of the dragon getting back in time to smash her car, and, as woozy points out, the fact that Ir seemingly knew about it.
Perhaps the Dane’s doomsday device somehow creates a wormhole?
My guess is on the spring powered teleporter
Actually, you’re going to get eaten by the beast. Dramatic irony is just going to point and laugh.
Actually, this wouldn’t happen to be what Manifesta turned into, by any chance?
She turned into a Dragon? Imagine that.
Then we’re not going to find out what happened to Manifesta right away?
It’s Friday today. I wouldn’t count on finding out what happened to Manifesta this month.
I’d say that we get enough information for a cliffhanger tomorrow.
edge of roof – hanger
Does a reptile gun shoot reptiles as projectiles, or is it simply more effective against reptiles?
I know what you’re thinking: did I fire 5 toads or 6? In all the excitement, I lost track myself. But what you have to ask yourself, punk, is “Am I feeling squamous?”
Internet cookie for your reference. Made my day.
Toads are amphibians.
If you haven’t read Narbonic, you should go find the gerbil inseminator.
But… toads are neither reptiles nor squamous!
Is that drool or shredded clothes in its mouth? If clothes then who was wearing green.
My guess is that it is radiation. You know, from the irradiator. If video games have taught me anything, it’s that radiation is always green. And glowing.
Radioactive drool?
Godzilla had radioactive breath, so why not a dragon with radioactive drool. It’d linger in the wounds and cause more damage that way.
We’re gonna have to come up with a nickname for dragon!Manifesta. Dragofesta?
I gotta say, a gun equally efficient for taking dragons and the smaller geckos as trophies (instead of, say, indiscernible smears of organic matter) is a fine bit of mad science.
Where’s Marcie? Reptile Gun Guy was carrying her.
No, she’s with the Dane and wozzizname from the train city. (Take one guess as to who is doing the carrying. )
What if the reptile gun doesn’t work? Does it have a—
(Stage hook appears and yanks Kevvie offstage)
I’ll see myself out…