I shoot you! You shoot me!
These shots cure insanity!
That Helen B.
Devised this stuff …
Makes us sane,
And that’s mad enough!
Shooting left, shooting right,
‘Twixt ourselves, we always fight!
Through day and night
These shots are hurled …
If we stopped,
We could rule the world!
Doc Jones can move! She protects her groove!
But the Cure, her mad genius could remove!
Says Sweetheart, “It’s a use of which I approve!”
But the Institute will cure each Mad,
After stealing the tech they had!
To steal is bad!
Tigerlily seems
To be planning
Some counter-schemes!
I shoot you, you shoot me,
These shots cure insanity!
If we all go sane, then that is really bad!
Sci-en-tists should all be Mad!
(Now I’m picturing Tigerlily, Imogene, pre-cure Debbi, Virginia Lee, Madblood, Dave, and Helen joining hands and singing this … right before Helen’s mom strafes them with a flamethrower.)
Artie’s a character. The Cure is a plot point. Who else thinks that a series with a strong classic children’s literature motif would get plenty of use out of a FORENSIC LINGUIST?
Now the cure takes on frightening dimensions. It is not normalcy envisioned by normals, but normalcy through the eyes of a madperson. Who knows what side effects are actually just part of the “normal” it inflicts?
The WORST I can imagine is a sort of “Locked In” syndrome – The “Mad’ is fully aware and raving – but what comes out of the body is ‘normal’ speech and behavior.
Oh my god. That’s awful. I could have never come up with something that twisted.
I’m not gonna lie, I really hope that’s accurate. The Cure is already painted as kind of a bad thing. (Dave doesn’t take it. Helen doesn’t take it. Their daughter presumably doesn’t take it. The mad community uses it as a weapon. It’s being forcibly administered.) This would give that vague sense of unease about the cure a real sense of horror.
That’s usually the mental/visual that’s portrayed for mind control in movies and television.
If you’ve ever seen the Mel Gibson movie “What Women Want” (sorry its what popped to mind for an example) that ‘disconnect’ between spoken and thoughts – except w/ more panic as people are TRYING to voice the unspoken.
knowing the freaky things mads can do, what if it wipes the subjects personality and replaces it with a manufactured “normal” one approximated to be similar to their original one? i..may have been reading too many darkly cynical stories lately..
You presume that Dave and Helen’s daughter didn’t take it, but even if you are right (no evidence of this) she considered it strongly enough to travel back in time to evaluate things before making her choice. Hardly the kind of thing she would do if it is as you are portraying it. The Mark I cure that gives reality blindness is the one they use as a weapon, not the Mark II that Helen produced later.
I think the cure just causes the Mad to ignore all craziness, from inside or outside. Including the little fairies. Those are probably raving if the cure wears off.
it is possible she was working to reverse engineer it.. possibly even figure out Helen’s ‘improved’ version mentioned by her time travelling daughter to Dave.. the version which didn’t create reality blindness. one would presume the version that makes you reality blind would be used on the Mad Scientists that the shadow agencies want eliminated.. but the improved version might be useful if you want a useful mad scientist’s smarts and knowledge, but don’t want the madness-place parts.
(speaking of which.. how much time has passed between narbonic and skin horse? could Helen and Dave have their kid by now?)
Even if you don’t consider Helen’s ability to force-grow human bodies, Narbonic started in 2000 and ended 2006, so yes, there has been enough time for Gamma to be almost 9 (if Dave and Helen had started Gamma before the end of Narbonic).
um if that is the case doesn’t that sound like dr. lee.
she is sufficiently crazy but some how just short of mad. and she can do can do and create mad science with out the madness. that sounds like cure2.0 to me.
what if she was mad. but got cured and /now they have her creating mad science for them while suppling her with cure2.0
Anybody who’s responsible for (1) Unity, (2) Nick, and (3) Bubbles ought to be a charter member of the Mad Scientist Union. Not to forget miscellaneous work like the modified brain dispenser.
As long as they are not Buttermilk. I Believe that was the code phrase used to shut-down the drone body auto-destruct. Unity was told to block ears and Lee hung up on Nick.
By “efficiently” you mean “probably going to release it on the general population” sure. The Mads use it in targeted attacks against each other, not indiscriminately against the public.
Oh my gawd!
That actually makes sense!
That was Helens 2nd use after saving dave
And btw – it DID make the Dave clone reality blind.
Besides, if you’ve conquered the world, what’s the next challenge? Holding on to it, with all the boring administrative details?
(TUNE: “All I Know”, Art Garfunkel)
I shoot you! You shoot me!
These shots cure insanity!
That Helen B.
Devised this stuff …
Makes us sane,
And that’s mad enough!
Shooting left, shooting right,
‘Twixt ourselves, we always fight!
Through day and night
These shots are hurled …
If we stopped,
We could rule the world!
Doc Jones can move! She protects her groove!
But the Cure, her mad genius could remove!
Says Sweetheart, “It’s a use of which I approve!”
But the Institute will cure each Mad,
After stealing the tech they had!
To steal is bad!
Tigerlily seems
To be planning
Some counter-schemes!
Frighteningly the first two lines of your filk work just as well for the Barney and Friends theme song.
I shoot you, you shoot me,
These shots cure insanity!
If we all go sane, then that is really bad!
Sci-en-tists should all be Mad!
(Now I’m picturing Tigerlily, Imogene, pre-cure Debbi, Virginia Lee, Madblood, Dave, and Helen joining hands and singing this … right before Helen’s mom strafes them with a flamethrower.)
With that sort of line singing/dancing – adaptations of portions of Rocky Horror would probably be appropriate.
I know that tune under another name…
This old man, he shot one
With a madness-curing gun
With a mwa-ha mwahaha
Turn your dog to stone
This old man will rule alone.
arrrgh! With my luck, and earworm prone nature, that’s going to be stuck in my head all day.
At least Eddurd’s lyrics are more fun.
The gummint shoulda left a perfectly viable situation well enough alone.
Artie’s a character. The Cure is a plot point. Who else thinks that a series with a strong classic children’s literature motif would get plenty of use out of a FORENSIC LINGUIST?
Now the cure takes on frightening dimensions. It is not normalcy envisioned by normals, but normalcy through the eyes of a madperson. Who knows what side effects are actually just part of the “normal” it inflicts?
The WORST I can imagine is a sort of “Locked In” syndrome – The “Mad’ is fully aware and raving – but what comes out of the body is ‘normal’ speech and behavior.
Oh my god. That’s awful. I could have never come up with something that twisted.
I’m not gonna lie, I really hope that’s accurate. The Cure is already painted as kind of a bad thing. (Dave doesn’t take it. Helen doesn’t take it. Their daughter presumably doesn’t take it. The mad community uses it as a weapon. It’s being forcibly administered.) This would give that vague sense of unease about the cure a real sense of horror.
That’s usually the mental/visual that’s portrayed for mind control in movies and television.
If you’ve ever seen the Mel Gibson movie “What Women Want” (sorry its what popped to mind for an example) that ‘disconnect’ between spoken and thoughts – except w/ more panic as people are TRYING to voice the unspoken.
knowing the freaky things mads can do, what if it wipes the subjects personality and replaces it with a manufactured “normal” one approximated to be similar to their original one? i..may have been reading too many darkly cynical stories lately..
You presume that Dave and Helen’s daughter didn’t take it, but even if you are right (no evidence of this) she considered it strongly enough to travel back in time to evaluate things before making her choice. Hardly the kind of thing she would do if it is as you are portraying it. The Mark I cure that gives reality blindness is the one they use as a weapon, not the Mark II that Helen produced later.
I think the cure just causes the Mad to ignore all craziness, from inside or outside. Including the little fairies. Those are probably raving if the cure wears off.
Thought Dr. Lee was working on The Cure.
it is possible she was working to reverse engineer it.. possibly even figure out Helen’s ‘improved’ version mentioned by her time travelling daughter to Dave.. the version which didn’t create reality blindness. one would presume the version that makes you reality blind would be used on the Mad Scientists that the shadow agencies want eliminated.. but the improved version might be useful if you want a useful mad scientist’s smarts and knowledge, but don’t want the madness-place parts.
(speaking of which.. how much time has passed between narbonic and skin horse? could Helen and Dave have their kid by now?)
Even if you don’t consider Helen’s ability to force-grow human bodies, Narbonic started in 2000 and ended 2006, so yes, there has been enough time for Gamma to be almost 9 (if Dave and Helen had started Gamma before the end of Narbonic).
um if that is the case doesn’t that sound like dr. lee.
she is sufficiently crazy but some how just short of mad. and she can do can do and create mad science with out the madness. that sounds like cure2.0 to me.
what if she was mad. but got cured and /now they have her creating mad science for them while suppling her with cure2.0
Anybody who’s responsible for (1) Unity, (2) Nick, and (3) Bubbles ought to be a charter member of the Mad Scientist Union. Not to forget miscellaneous work like the modified brain dispenser.
Unless I’m misremembering, Gamma also never said when Helen developed the improved cure. It could be two days past the end of Narbonic.
Well, her special talent [1] is reverse-engineering mad tech, so presumably she was working to make the Cure mass-producible by normals.
[1] If she were a pony, what would her cutie mark be? 🙂
Dr. Lee’s cutie mark would clearly be a waffle, because she thinks a lot about breakfast and she is unable to think decisively.
As long as they are not Buttermilk. I Believe that was the code phrase used to shut-down the drone body auto-destruct. Unity was told to block ears and Lee hung up on Nick.
Mark, what is time to time-machine builders?
It costs an entire universe of energy to use the equipment, but who is counting?
So Tigerlily doesn’t have a proble with the use of the Cure, but that Anasigma is using it efficiently?
Bombing with chemical weapons is not an exact thing.
By “efficiently” you mean “probably going to release it on the general population” sure. The Mads use it in targeted attacks against each other, not indiscriminately against the public.
Extremely relevant:
You’re right, especially that last strip. I wonder if Beta ever developed that rifle thingy.
Wasn’t TJ’s last line paraphrased by Helen at one point?