@Simberto: She had a cameo during “Professor Madblood and the Lovelace Affair,” back in Narbonic. (She was Titus Misanthropie’s employer) The Director’s Cut told us her name (Imogene Frog), her origins (cast forward in time by a mad homemaking experiment, specifically a quantum souffle), and where she was designed (She was Jeff Wells’ character during the playtest for a Diceless Narbonic RPG).
But Tigerlily don’t you see, you’ve been the man all along! I meant to say that several story arcs back in relating to her enslaving robots, maybe I already did.
Not sure, most likely inadvertently: it’s been a while since I read that storyline. When they went through the coathanger teleportation device? More than one living thing using a teleporter at a time is usually bad news in Mad Science.
I’m guessing the two in straightjackets are the REALLy dangerous geniuses…. leave their hands free and one of them might get hold of like a twig or a bit of string, thereby dooming us all.
Her first canon appearance. I think the chibi version Shaenon did for the wallpaper had safety goggles on, too, but she was carrying a giant wrench so it had an explanation.
I’d still go with safety goggles. Bluff sunglasses tend to be darker and wraparounds tend to have frames.
My question is, are the robots she makes completely ineffectual for escaping, or is it just that they aren’t retro enough and Tigerlily Jones wouldn’t be caught dead escaping with an unhip robot?
Now Tigerlily Jones is in the slammer,
Normally to get out, she’d use a hammer,
To build a rad robot,
But that man locked up her thoughts,
The odds are she’ll be stuck here for a while
Darned oppressive man!
Darned oppressive man!
He’s giving her a jumpsuit, and taking away her bots
She can build bots small, big and in between,
But their levels of squarishness are just obscene,
Oh, before she makes her move,
She’ll have to get back her groove,
The odds are she’ll be stuck here for a while
(repeat chorus)
Rampaging the streets of D.C. one day,
Chillin in the Institute the next day,
With a Wheeldex weapon,
They will bust out of the pen,
The odds are she’ll be out there by tomorrow
Tigerlily wouldn’t be talking to Imogene if her escape plan didn’t require her for some reason. So I’m trying to imagine what kind of tech might come out of funk and 50’s combined. The mind boggles, and not in a good way.
I want to say that both Tip and Jones seemed to be having trouble with their mojo after their chained heat adventure together. Possibly due to the lack of sex, I’ve forgotten.
I do remember that Jones’ robots after that were total squaresville and Tip complained of mojo problems afterwards.
She may be Mad, but she’s not crazy enough to try to violate Rolodex’s trademarks.
According to Wikipedia, the Rolodex wasn’t marketed until 1958. So Imogene is probably just stuck in mid-50s office technology.
Pretty much – see here.
My grandma still has one of these
Ok, stupid question:
It appears you guys know Imogene from someplace else. Where would that be?
@Simberto: She had a cameo during “Professor Madblood and the Lovelace Affair,” back in Narbonic. (She was Titus Misanthropie’s employer) The Director’s Cut told us her name (Imogene Frog), her origins (cast forward in time by a mad homemaking experiment, specifically a quantum souffle), and where she was designed (She was Jeff Wells’ character during the playtest for a Diceless Narbonic RPG).
But Tigerlily don’t you see, you’ve been the man all along! I meant to say that several story arcs back in relating to her enslaving robots, maybe I already did.
That third panel made me think of Boxbot, of Gunnerkrigg Court, and then I laughed. http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=203
That would explain a lot about Boxbot (and maybe Robox, too).
They’re both products of her square design phase, but Robox emerges triumphant regardless?
Hah! I _thought_ Tip had messed with her Mojo somehow.
(Still wondering if Tip’s turn to bisexuality had anything to do with the interaction messing with _his_.)
that’s kinda sad really. how?? she didn’t even like him that much.
Not sure, most likely inadvertently: it’s been a while since I read that storyline. When they went through the coathanger teleportation device? More than one living thing using a teleporter at a time is usually bad news in Mad Science.
I don’t believe Tip had anything to do with it. The dual ‘man’ she blames must be the Unity/Dr. Lee meld.
Someone hasn’t been paying attention. Or maybe just forgot. It’s been nearly three years, after all.
(@Alphaghoul) And then Tigerlily was The Man.
Why is everyone EXCEPT these two in straight jackets?
Also, these two make a cute pair. “It’s so hard keeping tack of all the male oppressors!”
I’m guessing the two in straightjackets are the REALLy dangerous geniuses…. leave their hands free and one of them might get hold of like a twig or a bit of string, thereby dooming us all.
Considering what Tigerlily can do with coat hangers, that might not be exaggerated.
I hope by “messed with my head” she doesn’t mean a lobotomy or somesuch personality-altering brain surgery. That’d be too much to bear.
Robert, an earlier storyline said she was “Clockwork Orange’d”.
I guess it didn’t take right.
Yes it did. They programmed her to not build giant robots, and she hasn’t built a giant robot since.
By the way, are those safety glasses her regular wear? Hard to tell—isn’t this her first appearance in color?
Her first canon appearance. I think the chibi version Shaenon did for the wallpaper had safety goggles on, too, but she was carrying a giant wrench so it had an explanation.
I’d still go with safety goggles. Bluff sunglasses tend to be darker and wraparounds tend to have frames.
I think its her reaction to artificial lighting.
I tried to read that, but the term “blue ultraviolet light” made me stop.
Heh. Bebop. Weren’t they calling it modern jazz in the ’50s? Or is Imogene too cool for a clunky name like that?
My question is, are the robots she makes completely ineffectual for escaping, or is it just that they aren’t retro enough and Tigerlily Jones wouldn’t be caught dead escaping with an unhip robot?
Do you even have to ask?
To the tune of “Secret Agent Man”
Now Tigerlily Jones is in the slammer,
Normally to get out, she’d use a hammer,
To build a rad robot,
But that man locked up her thoughts,
The odds are she’ll be stuck here for a while
Darned oppressive man!
Darned oppressive man!
He’s giving her a jumpsuit, and taking away her bots
She can build bots small, big and in between,
But their levels of squarishness are just obscene,
Oh, before she makes her move,
She’ll have to get back her groove,
The odds are she’ll be stuck here for a while
(repeat chorus)
Rampaging the streets of D.C. one day,
Chillin in the Institute the next day,
With a Wheeldex weapon,
They will bust out of the pen,
The odds are she’ll be out there by tomorrow
(repeat chorus)
Tigerlily wouldn’t be talking to Imogene if her escape plan didn’t require her for some reason. So I’m trying to imagine what kind of tech might come out of funk and 50’s combined. The mind boggles, and not in a good way.
Says you…
I want to say that both Tip and Jones seemed to be having trouble with their mojo after their chained heat adventure together. Possibly due to the lack of sex, I’ve forgotten.
I do remember that Jones’ robots after that were total squaresville and Tip complained of mojo problems afterwards.
Does anyone else “hear” Imogene in Judy Jetson’s voice?
I certainly do now…