In a thousand years, Lovetron was destroyed, and and all its people massacred. A thousand years ago, Lovetron will be saved, and what can’t be avoided will be.
I’m still wondering what happened to Hitty – given she’s of similar size to Moustachio’s body and she’s survived all that’s happened so far, it would be a shame to decommission her. Perhaps she could be offered a job in Building Security, chasing away intruders?
Meanwhile, with Dr. Lee and the drone on site, I wonder if Bubbles be re-uploaded into the drone or if someone else will get a chance to drive (it/her) (Nick, Sweetheart and Bubbles cover most of the non-humanoid members of the team, while Moustachio may have problems adapting [never mind the Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time plot which would drive such an eventuality], while it would be an interesting challenge to create an interface for The Boss. Then there’s the humanoid members – UNITY using the drone would be a disaster waiting to happen, while Tip would probably take to the drone like a duck to water… while demanding a substantial increase in his clothing allowance and a few days off to choose them [justification: researching if the drone has any erogenous zones – after all, if his amazing powers of seduction work via the drone…])
Anyone else would probably have trouble coordinating their primary body and their cybernetic one enough to do stuff like this. But U.N.I.T.Y. is great at bodies.
I could be mistaken, but based on my recollection of respective drawings, I get the impression that Hitty’s body may be somewhat larger than Moustachio’s. However, I will concur that I am also on tenterhooks awaiting news on Hitty’s fate.
You’ve got nothing to say that won’t jerk my chain
Since you let your assignment run on down the drain.
You went and let us down,
That wasn’t where it’s at.
Before you open that door, oh
You bad dog brat.
Well, you went into the Institute and didn’t find squat.
Do I need to tell you once again that wasn’t the plot?
You had to let us down [let us down]
Not where it’s at [gonna let us down not where it’s at].
Before you open that door, oh
You bad dog brat.
Everybody’s seen
You failed to learn about the Cure.
You missed the scene.
You talked a good game, you came back in shame.
So don’t listen to me, you didn’t follow the plan.
I can’t help being angry now you’re in with the Man.
You went and let us down [let us down]
That wasn’t where it’s at [gonna let us down not where it’s at].
Before you open the door, oh
You bad dog brat.
…and the hardest part of this was coming up with something to match “You Can’t Do That.”
Well, maybe this whole experience is just a VR simulation to get something out of Ms. Jones. She could still be confined there. (Mess with people’s notions of reality, will you?)
Another of my stray thoughts about past plot points. Y’know, we first met the drone when it was Violet Bee…and, I’d guess it was Anasigma property…but Mr. Green apparently let Sweetheart and Nick take the drone away with them when they headed back from the Institute. Why?
Yeah, but if Robert’s right about this whole chapter being a simulation perceived by Tigerlily… and she gets into the drone and gets put in another virtual reality… and… um… hold on, I think I need to flowchart this
And the magic word is (will be) “Lovetron”.
In a thousand years, Lovetron was destroyed, and and all its people massacred. A thousand years ago, Lovetron will be saved, and what can’t be avoided will be.
I’m still wondering what happened to Hitty – given she’s of similar size to Moustachio’s body and she’s survived all that’s happened so far, it would be a shame to decommission her. Perhaps she could be offered a job in Building Security, chasing away intruders?
Meanwhile, with Dr. Lee and the drone on site, I wonder if Bubbles be re-uploaded into the drone or if someone else will get a chance to drive (it/her) (Nick, Sweetheart and Bubbles cover most of the non-humanoid members of the team, while Moustachio may have problems adapting [never mind the Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time plot which would drive such an eventuality], while it would be an interesting challenge to create an interface for The Boss. Then there’s the humanoid members – UNITY using the drone would be a disaster waiting to happen, while Tip would probably take to the drone like a duck to water… while demanding a substantial increase in his clothing allowance and a few days off to choose them [justification: researching if the drone has any erogenous zones – after all, if his amazing powers of seduction work via the drone…])
argh. Now I’m imagining Hitty using the drone.
If Unity ran the drone, she’d probably spend all her time having massive makeouts with herself. That seems like . . . a brilliant idea.
Anyone else would probably have trouble coordinating their primary body and their cybernetic one enough to do stuff like this. But U.N.I.T.Y. is great at bodies.
(double entendre fully intended)
I could be mistaken, but based on my recollection of respective drawings, I get the impression that Hitty’s body may be somewhat larger than Moustachio’s. However, I will concur that I am also on tenterhooks awaiting news on Hitty’s fate.
Looks like she’s taking her toolbox and going home (or wherever the closest equivalent to Lovetron is on this sad unfunky Earth).
Great outfit. Is that cleavage retro?
From “You Can’t Do That,” The Beatles.
You’ve got nothing to say that won’t jerk my chain
Since you let your assignment run on down the drain.
You went and let us down,
That wasn’t where it’s at.
Before you open that door, oh
You bad dog brat.
Well, you went into the Institute and didn’t find squat.
Do I need to tell you once again that wasn’t the plot?
You had to let us down [let us down]
Not where it’s at [gonna let us down not where it’s at].
Before you open that door, oh
You bad dog brat.
Everybody’s seen
You failed to learn about the Cure.
You missed the scene.
You talked a good game, you came back in shame.
So don’t listen to me, you didn’t follow the plan.
I can’t help being angry now you’re in with the Man.
You went and let us down [let us down]
That wasn’t where it’s at [gonna let us down not where it’s at].
Before you open the door, oh
You bad dog brat.
…and the hardest part of this was coming up with something to match “You Can’t Do That.”
You foolish prat
Your plan fell flat
Bad dog, no pat
You dirty rat
You failed, now scat!
And rhymes like that
I should add that the hardest part is coming up with wonderful filks day after day, which you do, brilliantly.
Sez Kay, the brat
I wonder what her reaction will be when she realized that she was unintentionally supplying ‘The Man’ with her tech?
Well, maybe this whole experience is just a VR simulation to get something out of Ms. Jones. She could still be confined there. (Mess with people’s notions of reality, will you?)
Oy, you’re making my head hurt… or are you
Will somebody just ask Artie about the Cure already?
And what about Imogene?
Another of my stray thoughts about past plot points. Y’know, we first met the drone when it was Violet Bee…and, I’d guess it was Anasigma property…but Mr. Green apparently let Sweetheart and Nick take the drone away with them when they headed back from the Institute. Why?
Maybe to get Tigerlily to inhabit the drone?
Because Skin Horse works for him now?
1. Tigerlily, surprisingly, makes some good points.
2. What will Hittie think when she sees a re-unified Mustachio? Their designs are remarkably similar. It could go either way.
She seems to be the type that throws herself into her career… need any piles driven? Her dream job, I’ll bet!
Tigerlily should run the drone if she wants things done right.
Yeah, but if Robert’s right about this whole chapter being a simulation perceived by Tigerlily… and she gets into the drone and gets put in another virtual reality… and… um… hold on, I think I need to flowchart this
I totally love Tigerlily’s dress.
Also, i need to start calling people “snack cake”. 🙂
Has Tigerlily been working out or has Shaenon started drawing her human characters with more pronounced deltoids?