Maybe he’s just not into that sort of thing because it reflexively reminds him of humanity’s proclivity for classism, inequity, power imbalance, patriarchal double standards against women, sexual harassment, etc, etc…
Artie seems like the kind of person who sees all of humanity’s flaws very clearly, and gets bummed out by them. (Or maybe that’s just me and I’m projecting a bit…)
Actually, wait, no – I’m probably not just projecting.
“It’s cute because Sergio is doing it” tells us that he would normally not find ribbons cute at all, but because it’s coming from Sergio (who presumably isn’t someone who would just blindly follow cultural stereotypes about effeminacy, gender coding, etc), Artie is able to look past those associations and just enjoy the ribbons as an act of self expression with no real connection to other things except perhaps irony.
Pshaw, nothing to apologise for, nothing awkwardly done.
If anything, I’m overthinking wildly, as I am wont to do. As Unity put it when deciding not to destroy Virginia, my brain is “chugging away at full blast, worrying and obsessing all the dang time”.
I know you don’t like to mix Skin Horse and Narbonic more than strictly needed, so it’s not a required read. But I’d pay to see a small strip, even a simple picture, of Mell reacting to these two…
You can consider it for a stretch goal for the next Kickstarter. I know I am not alone in this…
It’s even more important for those of us who first met Sergio in Li’l Mell, who have this embedded in our memory. (Not to say that Mell and Artie don’t make – Narbonic spoilers ahoy – a cute pair of friends, too.)
Dumb is dumb and smart is smart,
And the right one has been chose.
So come on ‘cause brains are broken,
With goofs and geeks and Sergio’s bows.
Beings and things and Sergio’s bows.
Don’t have no fun in Annex One,
Go to where the current flows.
Let’s simmer down and go around,
Where there’s a chance for heaven-just-knows,
And sweet romance with Sergio’s bows.
I’d like bare essentials,
Or skirts for maids from Tip.
But we’ll make out, greater, straighter,
On this rescue mission trip.
My eyes revolt to see these dolts,
And this both sucks and blows.
Let’s clear out while they keep a-goin’
Those freaks and fakers and hitting new lows,
And we’ll be far from Sergio’s bows.
Gimme middle-west mission, decision, decision.
So we propose a bringing to close.
And we presume that love is a-bloom,
And Artie’s his with Sergio’s bows.
Sergio’s bows, Sergio’s bows…
—from “Buttons and Bows,” Jay Livingston / Ray Evans, sung by, well, Bob Hope and Jane Russell sung it in “The Paleface,” but the big hit was Dinah Shore.
Now Artie, why wouldn’t you want to see Sergio in a maid outfit?
And I love Dr. Lee’s expression in the last panel.
Maybe he’s just not into that sort of thing because it reflexively reminds him of humanity’s proclivity for classism, inequity, power imbalance, patriarchal double standards against women, sexual harassment, etc, etc…
Artie seems like the kind of person who sees all of humanity’s flaws very clearly, and gets bummed out by them. (Or maybe that’s just me and I’m projecting a bit…)
Actually, wait, no – I’m probably not just projecting.
“It’s cute because Sergio is doing it” tells us that he would normally not find ribbons cute at all, but because it’s coming from Sergio (who presumably isn’t someone who would just blindly follow cultural stereotypes about effeminacy, gender coding, etc), Artie is able to look past those associations and just enjoy the ribbons as an act of self expression with no real connection to other things except perhaps irony.
Well said, D. Walker! I apologise for my clumsy attempt at humor.
Pshaw, nothing to apologise for, nothing awkwardly done.
If anything, I’m overthinking wildly, as I am wont to do. As Unity put it when deciding not to destroy Virginia, my brain is “chugging away at full blast, worrying and obsessing all the dang time”.
Someone mentioned Kickstarter sketches yesterday. Perhaps those sketches might be of Artie in the maid outfit? [tents fingers]
Tip’s maid outfit would fit Artie like socks on a rooster—to coin a phrase.
You’ve obviously never seen a rooster wearing socks. Mmmmmmm.
Thought those things were for lambs.
Should we pay NOT to see such sketches?
I see robots, I see rats. Annex One has habitats.
With a big bug cobra hug, give Sweetheart a bone
This old bot comes stomping home.
oh come on, we don’t get to see the mushy stuff of them finally getting together? after all this time and all that build up?
I know you don’t like to mix Skin Horse and Narbonic more than strictly needed, so it’s not a required read. But I’d pay to see a small strip, even a simple picture, of Mell reacting to these two…
You can consider it for a stretch goal for the next Kickstarter. I know I am not alone in this…
It’s even more important for those of us who first met Sergio in Li’l Mell, who have this embedded in our memory. (Not to say that Mell and Artie don’t make – Narbonic spoilers ahoy – a cute pair of friends, too.)
Nick is, however briefly, the most emotionally stable and mature personality in the room.
It sends chills down your spine, doesn’t it?
Dumb is dumb and smart is smart,
And the right one has been chose.
So come on ‘cause brains are broken,
With goofs and geeks and Sergio’s bows.
Beings and things and Sergio’s bows.
Don’t have no fun in Annex One,
Go to where the current flows.
Let’s simmer down and go around,
Where there’s a chance for heaven-just-knows,
And sweet romance with Sergio’s bows.
I’d like bare essentials,
Or skirts for maids from Tip.
But we’ll make out, greater, straighter,
On this rescue mission trip.
My eyes revolt to see these dolts,
And this both sucks and blows.
Let’s clear out while they keep a-goin’
Those freaks and fakers and hitting new lows,
And we’ll be far from Sergio’s bows.
Gimme middle-west mission, decision, decision.
So we propose a bringing to close.
And we presume that love is a-bloom,
And Artie’s his with Sergio’s bows.
Sergio’s bows, Sergio’s bows…
—from “Buttons and Bows,” Jay Livingston / Ray Evans, sung by, well, Bob Hope and Jane Russell sung it in “The Paleface,” but the big hit was Dinah Shore.
Come on Nick, just because they’re currently letting the little brain do the work doesn’t mean you can’t leave them alone to do the big brain work.
You know the saying: “Dumb people make mistakes. Geniuses screw things up royally.”
I’ve always heard it “Dumb people make mistakes, but it takes a genius to really screw things up.”
I don’t think either brain is doing anything at the moment.
So Sergio doesn’t do dreadlocks?
Is Narbonic down for y’alls too?