You take the most sane mad scientist. Stuff them in a room from the rest of society and then just simply double check the items and release the good stuff. The rest just get tossed in the garbage or sold to smaller companies (both inventions and inventers)
See the story
Of The Young and Restless!
There’s no telling what those crazy folks will do!
They’re all Pretty Little Liars,
Like my mother,
And All My Children, too!
Watch the story
Of Revenge relentless!
See them go as they pursue The Guiding Light … As The World Turns,
They keep on going
Right to The Edge Of Night!
But my guide here by my side is so insistent!
He is focused on his work, and he is sure
That the Institute would soon be non-existent
If Mad Genius had and pure and simple cure!
No Madness cure,
He’ll reassure!
But it’s sure pure manure that there’s no Cure!
“And another thing- I was looking for Hot Goblin Brotherhood book 22 in the library and I can’t seem to find ANY of the series…. are they all out, or what?”
The last few strips make it clear that the “facility” isn’t actually about “curing” them, so much as warehousing them and co-opting their powers. Remember how we originally met Tigerlily Jones, and everyone concerned treated that as routine business.
“Brave Little Toasters”. Moustachio had broken down, Tigerlily Jones was brought in to repair him through the new Institute work-release program. (I would link to the relevant strip, but I think most of the first three weeks or so of that storyline are relevant, so…)
Oh hey… it’s gotta be getting harder to find 50’s clothing these days… perhaps after Tigerlily gets her groove back, she should make a costumer robot, like in that Other Mad-Science Strip? But of course her robot would be… a little different. 🙂
He hasn’t heard of the Cure? That’s strange, I didn’t think that it was a secret. Mad Scientists have been loading it into cannons and shooting it at each other for a while, haven’t they? Not that he is even slightly trustworthy of course.
Captain Fancy’s Valentine Sweetheart! You are performing an undercover operation! Be more subtle.
I’m sure U.N.I.T.Y. would have been more subtle.
I’m sure UNITY has a favorite weapon named “subtle”
well, if “gentle persuasion” is her flamethrower, I’d assume “subtle” would be a railgun of some sort.
Don’t be silly; the railgun is named “Reason.”
I doubt UNITY is responsible enough to use Reason. She’d probably forget to water the heat exchanger
No no, this is actually very good Mad Scientist acting.
Either that’s a Government facility or they are working for Disney/Paramount.
I don’t get it.
You take the most sane mad scientist. Stuff them in a room from the rest of society and then just simply double check the items and release the good stuff. The rest just get tossed in the garbage or sold to smaller companies (both inventions and inventers)
“Good Stuff”?
least crappy
Okay, so behavior wise she actually fits in well.
(TUNE: Theme from “The Brady Bunch”)
See the story
Of The Young and Restless!
There’s no telling what those crazy folks will do!
They’re all Pretty Little Liars,
Like my mother,
And All My Children, too!
Watch the story
Of Revenge relentless!
See them go as they pursue The Guiding Light …
As The World Turns,
They keep on going
Right to The Edge Of Night!
But my guide here by my side is so insistent!
He is focused on his work, and he is sure
That the Institute would soon be non-existent
If Mad Genius had and pure and simple cure!
No Madness cure,
He’ll reassure!
But it’s sure pure manure that there’s no Cure!
Maybe “no TV” *is* the Cure…
What’s the trope name for, “There’s no brainwashing facility here, so you can just relax — that’s it, just relax and breathe deeply”?
“Blatant Lies”
Along with a little “Mind Control”, I think.
“And another thing- I was looking for Hot Goblin Brotherhood book 22 in the library and I can’t seem to find ANY of the series…. are they all out, or what?”
The last few strips make it clear that the “facility” isn’t actually about “curing” them, so much as warehousing them and co-opting their powers. Remember how we originally met Tigerlily Jones, and everyone concerned treated that as routine business.
Which chapter was that?
“Brave Little Toasters”. Moustachio had broken down, Tigerlily Jones was brought in to repair him through the new Institute work-release program. (I would link to the relevant strip, but I think most of the first three weeks or so of that storyline are relevant, so…)
Oh hey… it’s gotta be getting harder to find 50’s clothing these days… perhaps after Tigerlily gets her groove back, she should make a costumer robot, like in that Other Mad-Science Strip? But of course her robot would be… a little different. 🙂
He hasn’t heard of the Cure? That’s strange, I didn’t think that it was a secret. Mad Scientists have been loading it into cannons and shooting it at each other for a while, haven’t they? Not that he is even slightly trustworthy of course.