She said that it would require brain surgery (towards the end of “My House Is Me”, when they are on a sort-of date together). I guess she never felt that there was a safe facility where she could operate on his brain.
It might also have been that the urgency was not considered high. As far as Nick and Virginia knew at the time, no one who knew the codes wanted to use them on Nick. Anasigma certainly seemed to have no interest in him.
And it was kinda out of the blue when Ira did use them — apparently prompted by Sweetheart’s comment that Nick had backups of the Skin Horse files.
A great many of us cannot resist the sleep monster for anywhere near that time even under the most trying circumstances.
I once fell asleep standing up in a tank commander’s hatch on an active tank gun range. The only thing that saved me was it wasn’t my turn on the firing line.
Only did it once, and it was just 75 hours. (Fabrication of an undergraduate thesis from whole cloth — assembler-code listings, inked technical drawings of the hardware, the works.) That was followed by a controlled shutdown (and 16 hours of sleep) rather than a crash, but I don’t think I could have gone for another 20+ hours… Of course, that was a long time ago; today, the thought makes me cringe, and the necessary coffee intake would make my brain explode!
“Because you’re alive to yell at me.”
“… like I’ll never not be under your control.”
Cheer up Nick, at least Ginny didn’t headbutt you in the junk on the way down-
There was a boy.
A very odd imprisoned boy.
They say he traveled in the air, in the air,
As a helicopter, he.
A little young, and foul of tongue,
And very dense, you see.
There was a girl.
A beautiful and brilliant girl.
An evil genius sweet and kind, sweet and kind,
Created his ennui.
With vision bold, and not so old,
And just as dense, was she.
And then, one day,
The girl and boy, they found a way.
To be together with a few cusswords,
Brains and nerds,
And thus it has to be.
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.”
“Awww!” is right, but it seems something important has been overlooked! I am sure Tip would notice right away due to his extensive knowledge in the field, but as he is not here to menion it, it seems up to me to bring this to everyone’s attention: That burnt-ish orange really is a good color on Nick!
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe Tip picked it out as part of some devious plan for a double-secret probationary, long-term makeover, seeing as Nick would refuse any styling help from Tip. If for no other reason, then not to hear him squeal, “Makeover!”
I had the idea that people have to borrow clothes from Tigerlily right now because she’s the only one with a wardrobe on board. Nick is lucky and gets some chill 70s earth tones. Also, he’s wearing bell bottoms but has them rolled up because of his tiny little legs.
And here I thought he got the shirt from Jonah and the pants from Nera (because Nick’s way skinnier than Jonah, and Nera’s taller, which would explain why Nick had to roll the pant legs up). I figured with Jonah’s paranoia (justifiable, but paranoia nonetheless), he and Nera have at least a couple changes of clothes with them at all times, and Jonah’s worn that colour before.
So, who else was refreshing at 12:00:02 PM?
Couldn’t make it back till now.
Awwwwwwww, so cute!
I am sure I speak for everyone when I say, “Dawww.”
The young one learns.
So, hypothetically, could she have removed them at an earlier stage? Why is she able to do so now but not before?
If I had to guess, I’d say she would’ve needed to dismantle the aircraft.
She said that it would require brain surgery (towards the end of “My House Is Me”, when they are on a sort-of date together). I guess she never felt that there was a safe facility where she could operate on his brain.
It might also have been that the urgency was not considered high. As far as Nick and Virginia knew at the time, no one who knew the codes wanted to use them on Nick. Anasigma certainly seemed to have no interest in him.
And it was kinda out of the blue when Ira did use them — apparently prompted by Sweetheart’s comment that Nick had backups of the Skin Horse files.
This is what true love looks like.
Yelling at someone until they fall asleep mid-rant and snore loudly at you through their own drool?
Yes, if not at first, then eventually.
When it’s real.
Wow. The hilarious part is, when I typed that? I expected one “Yes.”
Instead I got four.
Keep livin’ the dream, you lovebirds.
If you’re lucky, yes. Married life is wonderful that way.
I’m re reading through Narbonic and I just have to mention how cute he looks in that turtleneck
Dr. Lee looks kind of like Mel in that last panel
Love’s control, o young man, takes many unexpected forms. May you always have good luck and good times, and most of all good company.
I won’t ask for ‘good sense’ for you, because, after all, this is LOVE we’re talking about here.
Oh. Oh geeze, that’s a I’ve-been-awake-36-plus-hours-crash. Those suck.
(I’ve only done it twice.)
36 is nothing. I don’t crash like that until I’ve passed 96 hours. I’ve only needed to do that a few times.
A great many of us cannot resist the sleep monster for anywhere near that time even under the most trying circumstances.
I once fell asleep standing up in a tank commander’s hatch on an active tank gun range. The only thing that saved me was it wasn’t my turn on the firing line.
Man, you must be a god, awgiedawgie! I don’t think I’ve ever made it much past 24 hours. And that was when I was a lot younger.
Not a god, but thanks. I just kept the Mountain Dew people in business.
Aren’t you considered legally insane after 36 hours? We used to joke about it in college…
Only did it once, and it was just 75 hours. (Fabrication of an undergraduate thesis from whole cloth — assembler-code listings, inked technical drawings of the hardware, the works.) That was followed by a controlled shutdown (and 16 hours of sleep) rather than a crash, but I don’t think I could have gone for another 20+ hours… Of course, that was a long time ago; today, the thought makes me cringe, and the necessary coffee intake would make my brain explode!
Well, there it is. The most diabetes-inducing line of the whole comic.
He learns fast.
It’s been 10 years, so I’m not sure if ‘fast’ is the right word.
I think by accident I’ve just realised Nick’s current theme tune while not being in his Helicopter body:
Hmmm… no. Not with the line that says “take my brain, or what remains, and throw it all away.”
Although what with his remark the other day, “why couldn’t I be dead like a normal bastard”, I could be wrong.
“Because you’re alive to yell at me.”
“… like I’ll never not be under your control.”
Cheer up Nick, at least Ginny didn’t headbutt you in the junk on the way down-
That was my first thought, too.
And mine.
lub, twoo lub.
Ya know, the rescued virgin is supposed to st least TRY to be grateful to the hero.
Unless, of course, the hero directly and substantially contributed to the thing they needed to be rescued from happening in the first place…
And that’s what love is all about.
Maybe it’s just me, but while this is funny as hell it’s also so freaking touching it made me blink back tears.
You’re not the only one.
Holy mukluk, I can cuss now!
Not quite a confession, but at least he’s being honest with himself. Seems like a good first step.
Wait. What’s this in my eye?
A finger? o_O
An eye lash… has to be an eye lash.
There was a boy.
A very odd imprisoned boy.
They say he traveled in the air, in the air,
As a helicopter, he.
A little young, and foul of tongue,
And very dense, you see.
There was a girl.
A beautiful and brilliant girl.
An evil genius sweet and kind, sweet and kind,
Created his ennui.
With vision bold, and not so old,
And just as dense, was she.
And then, one day,
The girl and boy, they found a way.
To be together with a few cusswords,
Brains and nerds,
And thus it has to be.
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.”
—from “Nature Boy,” eden ahbez.
Thumbs up!
Nick and Virginia’s Cloned Romance, coming this fall to Hallmark Channel.
“Awww!” is right, but it seems something important has been overlooked! I am sure Tip would notice right away due to his extensive knowledge in the field, but as he is not here to menion it, it seems up to me to bring this to everyone’s attention: That burnt-ish orange really is a good color on Nick!
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe Tip picked it out as part of some devious plan for a double-secret probationary, long-term makeover, seeing as Nick would refuse any styling help from Tip. If for no other reason, then not to hear him squeal, “Makeover!”
I had the idea that people have to borrow clothes from Tigerlily right now because she’s the only one with a wardrobe on board. Nick is lucky and gets some chill 70s earth tones. Also, he’s wearing bell bottoms but has them rolled up because of his tiny little legs.
And here I thought he got the shirt from Jonah and the pants from Nera (because Nick’s way skinnier than Jonah, and Nera’s taller, which would explain why Nick had to roll the pant legs up). I figured with Jonah’s paranoia (justifiable, but paranoia nonetheless), he and Nera have at least a couple changes of clothes with them at all times, and Jonah’s worn that colour before.