(TUNE: “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day”, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
I got my belly skritched today!
I skritched myself the perfect way,
On tummy plump,
My leg went thump!
The perfect spot! That feels so good!
Nick butted in, “Hey, Sweetheart/Drone,
Would you two like to be alone?
That there’s the bitch
On which you skritch
The perfect spot that feels so good!”
I said to Nick, “Give me a sec!
This was a thing I had to check …
No hand but mine
Could ever find
The perfect spot that feels so good!”
Skritchies aren’t just for dogs, you know. I like mine under the chin, nyao. Everybody appreciates a good skritchie in the right place at the right time, right?
I realize I might be over thinking this… but is she just trying to get a good skritch, or is she finding out why giving dogs a good skritch makes people so happy?
I wonder if there is synesthesia or dismorphia due to having two sets of inputs, or whether the ‘main’ body’s senses are shut down where the remote (doll) body has similar senses.
I’m reminded of the VR helmets of SAO where all but autonomic functions are shut down when the user enters VR. There would be feedback to the body(heartrate, etc) if there was stress in the VR environment, but otherwise the user’s body was completely vulnerable.
Sweetheart has NEEDS
Don’t we all? A god skritch once in a while would do us all good.
Everybody needs a nice skritch, especially furry folks.
Oh, so true, nyao! So true!
tune: “Fum, Fum, Fum,” traditional Catalan carol, 16th-17th century
Merry Christmas everyone! And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, be merry anyway!
Skritches on the tummy make her
Thump, thump thump
Bubbles finds the right patch of fur
Thump, thump thump
For the doggy is so cute
That even wearing a human suit
She cannot resist a skritching
For that skritching she’s been itching
Thump, thump thump
… this is twelve times cuter than I expected. Damn. <3
(TUNE: “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day”, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
I got my belly skritched today!
I skritched myself the perfect way,
On tummy plump,
My leg went thump!
The perfect spot! That feels so good!
Nick butted in, “Hey, Sweetheart/Drone,
Would you two like to be alone?
That there’s the bitch
On which you skritch
The perfect spot that feels so good!”
I said to Nick, “Give me a sec!
This was a thing I had to check …
No hand but mine
Could ever find
The perfect spot that feels so good!”
I knew it. Sweetheart is a skritchy addict.
She’s a dog. Of course she’s a scritchy addict!
Skritchies aren’t just for dogs, you know. I like mine under the chin, nyao. Everybody appreciates a good skritchie in the right place at the right time, right?
I’m impressed that she’s controlling it that well that quickly.
Sweetheart you kinky girl…
Um, should we be watching this…?
There are
Sorry, problem with my phone.
As I was saying, there are priorities, and then there are priorities.
I realize I might be over thinking this… but is she just trying to get a good skritch, or is she finding out why giving dogs a good skritch makes people so happy?
Whoosa good doggy? Who’s a good doggy?
Hmmm… Sweethart!Violet is quite similar to Bubbles in terms of body language. Also, d’awwwwww.
I wonder if there is synesthesia or dismorphia due to having two sets of inputs, or whether the ‘main’ body’s senses are shut down where the remote (doll) body has similar senses.
I’m reminded of the VR helmets of SAO where all but autonomic functions are shut down when the user enters VR. There would be feedback to the body(heartrate, etc) if there was stress in the VR environment, but otherwise the user’s body was completely vulnerable.
Doggie masturbation. Well, there goes the “Family-Friendly” rating!
When you have an itch you just can’t reach without occupying another body.