It’s loaded into the back of Nick. When they get a thousand feet over the car rental place, Unity’s gonna push it out and yell -‘Key’s are in the glovebox!’
… He looks more aeroplane than helicopter. I’m really not sure what to make of that design.
At first when he showed up in that form, I figured he must be like those dual-copter aircraft from the Fallout games… but it turns out the rotors are tiny and affixed to the backs of the wings… so they can’t really aid in lift at all… What gives?
It’s a V-22 Osprey. Lands like a helicopter, but the nacelles rotate to it can fly like a airplane. Pretty awesome really. I actually work for the company that makes the engines for it.
Hang on. They showed up in a car. What’s going to happen to it now?
Dude, they’re the GOVERNMENT. What do they care?
It’s loaded into the back of Nick. When they get a thousand feet over the car rental place, Unity’s gonna push it out and yell -‘Key’s are in the glovebox!’
… He looks more aeroplane than helicopter. I’m really not sure what to make of that design.
At first when he showed up in that form, I figured he must be like those dual-copter aircraft from the Fallout games… but it turns out the rotors are tiny and affixed to the backs of the wings… so they can’t really aid in lift at all… What gives?
It’s a V-22 Osprey. Lands like a helicopter, but the nacelles rotate to it can fly like a airplane. Pretty awesome really. I actually work for the company that makes the engines for it.
He looks roughly like a V-22, but the proportions are wrong. The rotors look far smaller than they should be.
He is a V-22. You can credit any disproportion to Shaenon’s admitted inability to draw convincing guns.
Tiltrotor – he’s a V-22 Osprey.
Based on a comment from for pages ago: Skin Horse will believe it missing and it will sit there for ten years before being found.