Brush up on your html-fu, and you too can drink de Jägerbräu and maybe join uz in de catacombs of! …or you might goes crazy or die, but demz the breaks, sweethart!
OK if a Sasquatch vanishes in thin air right in front of me maybe my reputation is not my biggest immediate concern. Of course you never really know how you will respond to these things until they happen.
…Just roll with the high, Daddy-O.
that exsplanes a few things
So was Kay always a dragon and never knew it.
And Matthew proves absolutely correct. What is it with everyone guessing this arcs twists?
Some people can guess de plot twistz by travel thru de sneaky gate,
Brush up on your html-fu, and you too can drink de Jägerbräu and maybe join uz in de catacombs of! …or you might goes crazy or die, but demz the breaks, sweethart!
Jonathan Fisher
So the million dollar question:
Was he really a sasquash all along, or is this another example of radiation giving nationalities? :p
What do I win?
OK if a Sasquatch vanishes in thin air right in front of me maybe my reputation is not my biggest immediate concern. Of course you never really know how you will respond to these things until they happen.
Ah, but you haven’t staked your reputation on finding a sasquatch.
Well, as far as I know.
This make Dr Haller the Schliemann of cryptozoology. He had found what he was looking for, but didn’t even notice in his eagerness.
@Matthew: Well played sir!
She slipped chewable springs into the Champale.
Yup. Drugs. Definitely.
Please, drugs are too rational an explanation for what’s going on.
Big Feet exist. Is it really so inconceivable that Bigfoot is real too?
I’ve been to a shoe store so Yes, big feet do exist..
Something seasonal:
I’m talking to a brown sasquatch,
Just like the ones I want to hunt.
Looks like Chewie,
From that movie,
But talks more than just a grunt.
‘m talking to a brown sasquatch,
Who warns me not to seek him, then,
He disappears beyond all mortal ken,
Or it’s just the halucinogen.
Aw, I knew it was too good to last.
Pity. Your Mr. Berk has become a defactotum sasquatch.
Yes, they really shouldn’t give the public access to that page. I suppose it’s more polite than a dictionary attack on the filename story.
Wherever will he get a sycophant like that again?
Big Feet are Magic! The Dresden Files was RIGHT! The Dresden Files is right about EVERYTHING!
Knowing some of Jeff’s old proclivities, I almost kind of wondered if this wasn’t a nod to the magic yetis in Jack Chalker’s “Well World” series.
Or the Diskwirorld ones
So was the Dane just a bad trip?
Berk and Hair… Shaenon, are you ever ashamed of yourself? (GRIN)
For real, was Jeff on drugs when he wrote this? Because that would make them all be on drugs too.
“Stephan, right now, I’m so high you’re hallucinating.” — Willie Nelson in the form of a miniature Nativity figurine